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Prusa slicer 2.8 UI changes
  • Honestly I'd just stick to orca slicer

  • "Privacy-Preserving" Attribution: Mozilla Disappoints Us Yet Again
  • Let's not forget when they shipped a full page ad for a Disney movie into a browser update

  • "Privacy-Preserving" Attribution: Mozilla Disappoints Us Yet Again
  • And these days, privacy is basically the only appeal of Firefox. It's slower than chrome or webkit based browsers, hangs out with Safari in terms of standards support, and can't hold a candle to either other browser when it comes to battery life. Why mozilla seems determined to throw that all away is beyond me

  • Tesla recalls most Cybertrucks in US over windshield wiper, exterior trim issues
  • Almost like using a single giant wiper is a bad idea

    Bbbbbbbut it looks cool!

  • Apple refuses to call Apple Intelligence 'AI'
  • Google has been doing on device stuff since at least the pixel 3

  • Elon Musk drops lawsuit after OpenAI published his emails | CNN Business
  • Can we just have both entities annihilate each other? Please? They're both shit

  • Samsung is sunsetting Tizen and fully ending support for the smartwatch OS
  • It's not a now thing. It's already here. My thermostat, sprinkler controller, and rice cooker all run Android

  • When you "Support Reddit" by buying gold, you're supporting people like this
  • And if that public company has stock in the toilet it's worth fuck all to unload

  • Google won’t comment on a potentially massive leak of its search algorithm documentation
  • Federated directories. We're going back to Yahoo like it's 1995

  • CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information
  • Replace the CEO with an AI. They're both good at lying and telling people what they want to hear, until they get caught

  • Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter
  • overwatch style

    You mean team fortress style

  • Android 14 for TV adds picture-in-picture mode and reduces power consumption
  • Can't wait for them to never roll it out

  • Rabbit R1 AI box revealed to just be an Android app
  • Alexa and Google home came out nearly a decade ago

  • Rabbit R1 AI box revealed to just be an Android app
  • I quite like kagis universal summarizer, for example. It let's me know if a long ass YouTube video is worth watching

  • How we built the new Find My Device network with user security and privacy in mind
  • Kagi generated key points:

    • The new Find My Device network on Android was designed with a strong focus on user security and privacy.
    • The network uses a crowdsourced approach to locate lost or misplaced devices and belongings, even when they are offline.
    • The location data reported by participating Android devices is end-to-end encrypted, ensuring Google cannot access or use the location information.
    • The network has "aggregation by default" as a safety feature, requiring multiple nearby devices to detect a Bluetooth tag before reporting its location to the owner.
    • The network also has protections to avoid contributing location reports when near the user's home address.
    • Rate limiting and throttling are used to prevent malicious real-time tracking, while still allowing the network to be useful for finding lost items.
    • The network is compliant with industry standards for unwanted tracking, triggering alerts on both Android and iOS devices.
    • Users have full control over which of their devices participate in the network and how.
    • The network design has undergone internal security testing and is part of Android's vulnerability rewards program.
    • Prioritizing user safety and privacy is an ongoing commitment as the team continues to improve the Find My Device protections.
  • Modern Git Commands and Features You Should Be Using
  • Recently I had to do an update to the underlying environment a codebase ran on. This was a somewhat involved upgrade and took a longer period of time than most of our work usually does. I did it in a separate worktree, so I didn't have to constantly rejuggle the installed dependencies in the project, and could work on two features relatively concurrently

    It also provides some utility for comparing the two versions. Nothing you couldn't do other ways, but still useful

  • Redis is no longer OSS
  • And in elixir/erlang we're spoiled with loads of options, from ETS to mnesia

  • /r/theoryofreddit post asking why reddit seems dead
  • On the subreddits I moderated, I used a big regexp to preemptively filter their comments

    Letting one through was a rare event

  • I made a Djot (markdown alternative) parser for Elixir GitHub - paradox460/djot: A fast Djot parser for Elixir

    A fast Djot parser for Elixir. Contribute to paradox460/djot development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - paradox460/djot: A fast Djot parser for Elixir

    cross-posted from: >Djot is a markdown alternative, created by John MacFarlane, creator of Pandoc and spec author of CommonMark. It aims to fix many of the little issues Markdown has, and does a pretty good job of it, imo. > >

    I made a Djot (markdown alternative) parser for Elixir GitHub - paradox460/djot: A fast Djot parser for Elixir

    A fast Djot parser for Elixir. Contribute to paradox460/djot development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - paradox460/djot: A fast Djot parser for Elixir

    Djot is a markdown alternative, created by John MacFarlane, creator of Pandoc and spec author of CommonMark. It aims to fix many of the little issues Markdown has, and does a pretty good job of it, imo.

    CSS is fun again CSS is fun again

    CSS has been undergoing a quiet renaissance lately. Lots of big features which previously required an external tool to use, are now native parts of the language, and its growing more and more all the time. If you haven't used CSS in a long time, for whatever reason, now is the time to take a look ag...

    Why I (generally) don't use indented syntax templates anymore Why I (generally) don't use indented syntax templates anymore

    Sass, Pug, Haml, Slim, Stylus, and their friends all aim to make writing various bits of your frontend easier. And they mostly deliver on this primary promise. But they are all victims to the vagaries of open software development, and seem to have mostly fallen by the wayside. I loved using these th...

    Tailwind CSS, and the death of web craftsmanship Tailwind, and the death of web craftsmanship

    There's a worrying trend in modern web development, where developers are throwing away decades of carefully wrought systems for a bit of perceived convenience. Tools such as Tailwind CSS seem to be spreading like wildfire, with very few people ever willing to acknowledge the regression they bring to...

    JPEG XL: How It Started, How It’s Going Rise of JPEG XL: Apple's Support and Image Compression Insights

    Significance of Apple's support for JPEG XL and what this means for the widespread adoption of this next-generation image compression format.

    Rise of JPEG XL: Apple's Support and Image Compression Insights
    Elixir Docs are Built Different Elixir Docs are Built Different

    These are not your normal docs, Elixir docs are actually useful!

    Elixir Docs are Built Different
    [Twitter] Jose Valim - "I hereby officially announce the Elixir type system effort is transitioning from research into development"

    Post content for those without an account:

    > I hereby officially announce the Elixir type system effort is transitioning from research into development: > > A huge thank you to Fresha and Starfish for sponsoring this new stage. They are also hiring: > > - > -

    Some Elixir testing Tricks Some Elixir Testing Tricks

    Testing in Elixir is pretty great. ExUnit, combined with the functional nature of Elixir, makes it very easy to test almost everything in your codebase. However, it is very easy for boilerplate to creep into your tests. Common setup patterns, similar assertions, and more can quickly make your test s...

    ExUnit is wonderful, and the functional paradigms that underpin Elixir let us write extremely complex tests in a fraction of the code that would be needed in OOP testing frameworks like RSpec.

    But it's not all wine and roses. Tests can quickly accrue tons of boilerplate and repetition.

    Using some Elixir features, you can cut down on these, and make tests even nicer to write.

    Fast post userscript for Lemmy GitHub - paradox460/Lemmy-Fast-Post-Userscript: Allows command/control + return to submit posts on lemmy instances

    Allows command/control + return to submit posts on lemmy instances - GitHub - paradox460/Lemmy-Fast-Post-Userscript: Allows command/control + return to submit posts on lemmy instances

    GitHub - paradox460/Lemmy-Fast-Post-Userscript: Allows command/control + return to submit posts on lemmy instances

    cross-posted from:

    > I got tired of hitting ⌘Enter and not having my post automatically go through, so I wrote a little userscript that enables exactly that.

    Fast post userscript for Lemmy GitHub - paradox460/Lemmy-Fast-Post-Userscript: Allows command/control + return to submit posts on lemmy instances

    Allows command/control + return to submit posts on lemmy instances - GitHub - paradox460/Lemmy-Fast-Post-Userscript: Allows command/control + return to submit posts on lemmy instances

    GitHub - paradox460/Lemmy-Fast-Post-Userscript: Allows command/control + return to submit posts on lemmy instances

    I got tired of hitting ⌘Enter and not having my post automatically go through, so I wrote a little userscript that enables exactly that.

    Spez talks to NY Times Reddit’s Chief Says He Wants It to ‘Grow Up.’ Will Its Community Let It?

    As the social media site matures, its users and moderators have made their displeasure about corporate changes known, putting the company into a bind.

    Reddit’s Chief Says He Wants It to ‘Grow Up.’ Will Its Community Let It?

    cross-posted from:

    > The link is unlocked, no paywall to read >

    Paradox Paradox
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