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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
8 hr. ago

  • The internet really is not a good representation of the US when it comes to day to day life for 'normal' people.

    Other than office gossip, the effects of our shitty leadership hasn't effected the lives of everyone. Its more of a storm off in the distance that casts a big shadow as it randomly electrocutes people here and there. But still far away that you can't see it happen, but you can hear it happen.

  • Hi! My partner is a middle school band teacher. I have been trying to find anything that is music related for her so I can help her classroom workflow.

    Any recommendations? Because I honestly can't find anything good. I will check out Sheetable soon.

  • Yeah, as a past tax accountant, I wouldn't count on it.

    Because not only would you need to be updating tax regulation every year (which is completely unpredictable with new laws and interpretations) you would also need to update it for every country and state/providence.

    No one should do that for free.

  • Elon Musk will go down in history as THE EXAMPLE of greed and generational wealth will do to you.

    He is the wealthiest man in history, but is still never satisfied. He will never be happy. And you can't convince me he is happy right now. His actions are not the same as a happy man, but one that is insecure. Literally every decision, action, and even conversation reeks of it.

  • My partner and I have played 4 hours so far. It is definitely a good game, feels smooth platforming wise. Also isn't 'easy' (casual gamer standards) since it has a lot of different types of gameplay that they throw at you and makes you think on your feet. For instance, my partner (who is a gamer, but only for certain genres) had trouble with flying/driving in some sections.

    So far a 5/5 game. I did come across some bugs, but nothing annoying or game breaking. Just funny 'hiccups' like sticking to objects that can be fixed by just button mashing or something.

  • Been trying to decide on what to allow on my computer/home server.

    But on my phone I allow texts, emails (don't get many of them), discord (dms and certain chats), phone, and that is probably it. So just communication applications.

  • ifixit is such a wonderful company. I downloaded all their repair manuals so I should be able to repair 'anything'. And it does seem to be everything.

    I love that they are still adding more resources for the general public. An actual ethical company imo. But please let me know if there is some controversy I am not aware of.

  • Probably should get a dedicated ERP system, mainly to just have official support.

    But anybody in finance (like me) knows that everybody from low level accounting assistants, to CBOs use excel daily, even if they have an ERP system. For instance, the one I am using is complete shit with outrageous inexcusable 'features' (can't even describe them because they sound made up). So we all just export data to excel so we can format the reports/data into an actual useful format.

  • No, they really just don't want to learn. I promise people would rather be okay with their current situation (even if its shitty) as long as they don't have to learn. Because a lot of people decided that once they were done with high school/college, that there was no need to learn anymore. And now its hard for them to learn

    If they do choose to learn, its because they want to. But if they don't want to learn, they simply wont. It really is simple.