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Promised Land
  • The OP? What's that based on? All their posts are just critical of Israel

    That said, given how lemmy works, there's no real recourse anyway. This is a good, funny post, so I'll upvote it. Since upvote points aren't tracked there's nothing we can really do to tell bad actors apart from people that actually contribute to communities/discussions. If it mattered, I'd maybe downvote but it doesn't since every post they make ends up being treated individually by the community (unless you track usernames or something and I personally don't pay for that feature)

    You'd have to comment on all their posts if you wanted it to stick, and then if it's not obvious like here, you'd have to provide reasoning each time. I don't get it but most people really didn't like points being added up for some reason

  • Sorry to be a bother...
  • It's worth realizing some people do not want to be cheered up. My understanding is the misery, for lack of a better word, is more comforting to many as it reminds them of when they were young (or they emulate what they saw around them as children)

  • Amazon says workers must be in the office. The UK government disagrees. Who is right?
  • I just learned that Rockefeller significantly improved his image by giving away the money he stole from his workers.

    Maybe Amazon can just to donate half of the money they don't pay in taxes to win back most people's support - hell, maybe even less than that!

  • What's inside the QR code menu at this cafe?
  • That seems kinda fucked up. Why would you do something like that?

    I mean, I at least get fucking with people for money. Doing it for fun, not so much

    Also, anyone know what they meant with this line?

    I still loved my life so I didn't want to use the Google custom search API.

  • Students walk out demanding 'future free from gun violence' after Georgia shooting
  • Gun manufacturers (and their stakeholders) seeing education rates plummeting and kids refusing to go to school because of gun violence: "Well this is just great business!"

    Anyone noticing we'll be begging for violent authoritarian cops to patrol the streets if we end up with a bunch of uneducated young folks with zero opportunities? We'll be begging to be accepted into a gated community

    Idk, that's my personal fear, I guess. Someone please tell me I've missed something

    Edit: I'll add, go kids! We can't just accept it either

  • Threw a wrestling watch party, made special food, and was very disappointed in the outcome.
  • Some people simply don't know how to be good friends. You really shouldn't take it personal

    I've just had to learn my closest friends simply aren't capable of providing emotional connection like I'd like. I'm working on becoming a better friend to them, meeting them where they are , trying to figure out how to provide for and validate my own emotional needs, so I can eventually work up the courage, or whatever it is I need, to meet friends that are more emotionally mature enough to have the real connections I'm looking for

    I once delayed a party where I had tons of family over because my friends hadn't arrived. They didn't get there until like 10 or something, after I'd already told them to just fuck off. The thing is, they are my friends and they legit care about me in their own (weird to me) ways. I've just come to realize they've got legit issues, as I do (part of why we're drawn to being friends), that they're working on to varying degrees, and I simply can't expect more from them than they're capable of giving

    Good luck finding a chill healthy tribe of folks that shares similar values to your own!

  • Kamala Harris Refused to Meet With Uncommitted About Gaza — and Uncommitted Refused to Endorse Her
  • And here I thought they just wanted Israel to stop their genocide of Palestinians

    Shit, I bet if they'd negotiated in good faith people would've been happy for them to just stop butchering the children. I'd personally be happy if they spares one child live for every one they choose to murder - but I'm just a bit more reasonable than most, I guess

  • Krillin
  • Haha. Nah, I wasn't being serious. I was making a reference to the "-typical" in the term neurotypical and thought it was funniee to point it out - like a wink wink nudge nudge thing

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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