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AOC defeats moderate challenger in Democratic primary
  • You could argue that AIPAC is partly responsible for the mess we're in, as well as other PACs. So, I don't think that they will stop. Hell, one could hold that stance while voting for questionable politicians on their side. You just gotta make sure that the threat of being primaried remain.

  • Locked
    Trump threatens to cut US aid to Ukraine quickly if reelected
  • This is yet another reason to vote for Joe Biden.

    On a side note, to the Ukrainians, you might notice we do not mention the war or talk about it (including myself), but I am here to let you know that it warms my heart that you guys are fighting and I will contribute to keep the aid going. It might not be obvious, but we Americans still support you.

  • US has 'every expectation' Israel will accept ceasefire proposal
  • They're still here. Hell, one of them praises Lebanon is fighting a good fight, and I pointed out Hezbollah isn't exactly what you should support. In addition, get this, I'm not even anywhere near being pro-Israel, but rather anti-ME(Middle East) as a whole as they have culture of grudges and war crimes and hyper-religiousity.

  • US has 'every expectation' Israel will accept ceasefire proposal
  • I said this before, but I think third party intervention is needed in case of I/P. 2ss won't work, and 1ss won't work. So, that leaves third party intervention as the only viable option. I'd personally would carve a little of Israel's territory, a little of Palestine's territory. Then evacuate Israelis and Palestinians. Then place a strong military and have a justice system which involves extrajudicial arrests and investigations. Then negotiations can start.

  • Netanyahu and Putin are both waiting for Trump
  • The expulsion of Jewish people in the past?

    Morocco 1948: 265,000 Morocco 2007: 2,000

    Algeria 1948: 140,000 Algeria 2007: est. 50

    Tunisia 1948: 105,000 Tunisia 2007: 1,700

    Libya 1948: 38,000 Libya 2007: 0

    Egypt 1948: 75,000 Egypt 2007: 20

    Lebanon 1948: 24,000 Lebanon 2007: 100

    Syria 1948: 30,000 Syria 2007: 100

    Iraq 1948: 150,000 Iraq 2007: 10

    Could go on, but there is definitely expulsion of Jewish people in the past. Which is pretty strong evidence Middle East hates Jewish people.

    What about the expulsion of Palestinian people over the last several decades to this very day?

    Two wrongs don't make a correct.

    There isn’t a case for it.

    Guess you miss good case. I'm actually on the side that yes, they did committed major war crimes.

    Lebanon are fighting the good fight right now.

    First of all, Hezbollah isn't even supported there. Second of all, Hezbollah isn't exactly what you should be endorsing.

    How do you war crimes?

    Stupid question. But, we see things like children under strapped vest with a bomb under it. We see rapes being used as a tools. That's the modus operandi of the Middle East of the whole.

    As for any terrorism. If you come and wipe out my whole family for no reason, then I’m going to come and try to murder you too.

    That's pretty much how the Middle East operates. Even without Jewish people, they're still going to come at each other throats.

    So, with that being said, no, Middle East don't care about Israels' war crimes. They're proud of those things. They simply hate Israel because of well, they're Jewish.

    Why are you defending Middle East? I should have to ask that question.

  • Netanyahu and Putin are both waiting for Trump
  • It's the easiest explanation. The expulsion of jewish people in the past. The observation that Islamic states endorse war crimes. Which means yes, the surrounding nations do hate "the joos" irrespective of whether Israel committed war crimes (which a good case can be made with hostages shooting and WCK bombings, etc.).

  • Ultimate Ride Games ( UR / URCD / URDC ) Reptorian
    Bad news. Looks like the retrieval of lost mods won't happen. Screw YouTube.

    I am here to announce that retrieval of long lost mods will not happen because of complications from YouTube side of things. Automatically hiding comments for approval issues.

    I hate YouTube. Really.

    If it is to happen, he needs to come here or CoasterCrazy or ParkCrafters.

    Rant over.

    Still have about 99% of mods any way. So...

    Ultimate Ride Games ( UR / URCD / URDC ) Reptorian
    Really big news! There is a possibility of lost modules for Ultimate Ride games to be retrieved again!

    Now, a former member of ModsToTheMax has said that he might have archives of ModsToTheMax modules for Ultimate Ride. That's big news because he has hosted files outside of ModsToTheMax, but Wayback Machine never actually managed to store them, and there's a possibility that he may have it right now.

    So, wish me best of luck, and hopefully, the case for lost mods is closed by then. Even if I retrieve it, there might be a few cases that won't be closed, but chances are, they can be revamped, so while they may end up lost forever, the feel can be replicated at least.

    So, here is what I think might be recoverable with the assumption that he has them:

    1. Dark Ride Environment
    2. Aztec Theme
    3. Terminator Environment
    4. Alice's Horror.
    5. Cage

    And what might be not:

    1. Lonely Goatherd.

    And I'm not confident on Terminator or Alice's Horror or Cage. I have no confidence on Lonely Goatherd theme at all, so I wouldn't be surprised if the case for this won't be closed.

    Ultimate Ride Games ( UR / URCD / URDC ) Reptorian
    Alice’s Horror Theme Module for Ultimate Ride games is now partly found

    After searching via CoasterCrazy and using Wayback machine, I found a texture or even multiple textures that can be used to recreate partial part of Alice's Horror Theme. It's really not much, but there's some things in there. Mostly a nothing-burger, but it's only partly found.

    It appears there's some backgrounds and screenshot too. Possibly from the theme itself.

    That being said, with the partial finding, and a old game of Alice's Nightmare, it looks like it can be replaced with more modern version. From what I see, that's the better direction to go to.

    You can find screenshots here -

    A California House race is AIPAC’s first big target. Nobody is quite sure why. A California House race is AIPAC’s first big target. Nobody is quite sure why. | Semafor

    A primary whose candidates hold relatively similar views on Israel has become a strange proxy fight.

    A California House race is AIPAC’s first big target. Nobody is quite sure why. | Semafor

    IRVINE, Ca. — Progressive Democrats are bracing for tens of millions of dollars in campaign ads from pro-Israel groups to rain down on them in this year’s primaries. They’re a little surprised about where it started — a stretch of Orange County where neither Democratic candidate is calling for a Gaza ceasefire.

    In California’s 47th congressional district, which Rep. Katie Porter is leaving to run for the U.S. Senate, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s campaign PAC has gone all-in to beat state Sen. Dave Min in Tuesday’s primary. As of Thursday, according to the United Democracy PAC’s FEC filings, it’s spent $4.6 million to pummel Min, the vast majority of its ads and mailers focusing on his May 2023 arrest for driving under the influence.


    ModsToTheMax Modules for Ultimate Ride games

    Any one remembers this website? It was full of mods exclusively for Ultimate Ride games. I am currently working on fixing modules associated with mods that are found by Princess_G. However, I came here to ask for help on searching completely lost mods as all my attempts over the course of months remains fruitless, and they are needed to at least complete this work.

    Lost mods:

    • Dark Ride Environment (The most interesting thing to find. No video/pictures exist on what this is)
    • Lonely Goatherd (No info exists on what this could be. Could be a ride, environment, theme, coaster. There's absolutely zero info on this. From a google search, it seems feasible to have it as a theme with a mountain modeled as a environment).
    • Aztec Theme (Only partly found, not as a theme itself. Mostly recoverable because of X'ian, and Backdrop 2 Theme, but it would not be the same.)
    • Terminator Environment (No video/pictures exist on what this is. However, a new Terminator Environment could replace this one.)
    • Cage Environment (No video/pictures exist on what this is, but it's likely made by Layton and therefore, might be simple to recreate)
    • Alice's Horror Theme (Can technically be remade. No information other than a picture via Internet Archive. Most information are lost.)

    You can find the mods within . The one in Princess_G archive needs a lot of fixes. Regardless, that is almost all of the mods that existed in the defunct website ModsToTheMax. So, it is nearly down to just the ones I listed. There could be more that I don't know of.

    Ultimate Ride Games ( UR / URCD / URDC ) Reptorian
    Should I keep the top 2 environments for MTTM restoration project.

    These are exclusive environments that were planned for release for ModsToTheMax, but ModsToTheMax has closed down. The bottom 2 has different colors depending on day.

    Ultimate Ride Games ( UR / URCD / URDC ) Reptorian
    Searching for DarkRideEnv.exe. If you have it, let me know.

    I decided to go with Bard AI to see how well it performs, and to my surprise, there were more information about the deeply lost mod. Here's the information about the most-sought after lost mod for Ultimate Ride games.

    Bard AI: ``` Yes, I have a few close results:

    On May 13, 2009, a user named "Ultimate Ride Fan" uploaded a file called "DarkRideEnv.exe" to the website The file is described as a "standalone executable" for the game Ultimate Ride 2. However, the file is no longer available on the website. On July 12, 2010, a user named "darkrideenv" uploaded a file called "Ultimate Ride 2 Darkride" to the website The file is described as a "zip archive of the DarkRideEnv directory for Ultimate Ride 2". This file is still available on the website. On August 4, 2011, a user named "Ultimate Ride Fan" uploaded a file called "Ultimate Ride 2 Darkride Env" to the website The file is described as a "zip archive of the DarkRideEnv source code for Ultimate Ride 2". This file is still available on the website.

    It is possible that the .exe file you are looking for is the same as the .exe file that was uploaded by "Ultimate Ride Fan" on May 13, 2009. However, it is also possible that the file is different.

    I recommend that you try downloading the .zip file called "Ultimate Ride 2 Darkride" and renaming it to .exe. This may give you the file you are looking for. If this does not work, you may want to try downloading the .zip file called "Ultimate Ride 2 Darkride Env" and extracting the source code. You may be able to compile the source code to create the .exe file you are looking for.

    I hope this information is helpful. ```

    Ultimate Ride Games ( UR / URCD / URDC ) Reptorian
    Apology, I have fixed link to MTTM Modules. Updated lost mods information.

    Just as title said. I just noticed this today, and repaired it with the correct formatting. You should be able to get to MTTM Modules.

    In addition, I have decided to update information on lost modules. Feel free to update with new information, and if there are information, let me know. If you have them, feel free to upload them here.

    Other news, I am still trying to repair the Neon themes with better icons. That's one of the few main roadblockers. It's over 50% done. Other roadblocks aren't that hard to repair in comparison, but they'll take a while too.

    Ultimate Ride Games ( UR / URCD / URDC ) Reptorian
    Progress on ModsToTheMax restoration (All of the icons for modules tracks and environments has been modified to fit the original games.). Themes are still underway restoration.

    This demonstrates that there has been a lot of work on restoring Mods To The Max modules. Those aren't yet available as there isn't enough man power to restore everything.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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