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My preteen nephew hates America at a college level and I am so proud of him
  • Yeah I wasn't nearly this cool at his age, I just remember feeling ambivalent about it and wondering why I was expected to care when no one seemed to give a shit when way more people had died in an earthquake in India earlier that year.

  • ‘I will prevent World War 3’, Trump says | AJ #shorts
  • I remember a guy I grew up with telling the group chat in 2016 WW3 was on the table if Trump didn't win.

  • If Star Trek transporters were real, would you step into one?
  • Bruh there's demons that will eat you in the transporter buffer no shot.

  • Rotten tooth.
  • Take ibuprofin regularly, benzocaine can be a life saver but you have to apply it regularly, there's also Oraljel mouth wash.

  • Sup
  • Only MooDengist gets to bite, and it's fucking adorable.

  • Sup
  • Large adult penguin son

  • main
    Deadlock first impressions: its good, folks, play it.
  • I had one guy grumbling over mic and immediately muted voice chat and no one really seems to type out messages. I agree your average MOBA player is probably going to be the most angry and petty Gamer you've ever met in your life.

  • Deadlock first impressions: its good, folks, play it.
  • I haven't read any guides and seem to be doing OK. Game is still fresh enough people are still figuring things out so the average skill level isn't super intimidating yet. I do still get dumpstered by sweaty dudes who have seemingly dumped hundreds of hours into it but that's not an every game situation.

  • Deadlock first impressions: its good, folks, play it.
  • The learning curve isn't that steep, the only thing I haven't gotten a firm grasp on yet is the available items, I ate shit the first couple matches before getting the hang of the ebb and flow.

  • Gaza Bombed by Passive Voice, Media Claims — The Shovel Gaza Bombed by Passive Voice, Media Claims — The Shovel

    “Houses have been bombed and lives have been lost”

    Gaza Bombed by Passive Voice, Media Claims — The Shovel

    Gaza has been struck by renewed airstrikes from the passive voice, media outlets are reporting. It comes just days after Lebanon suffered hundreds of new casualties at the hands of the grammatical device.

    “Thousands of civilians in Gaza have been killed” one newspaper reported, while another noted that “Houses have been bombed and lives have been lost”. Others described how Palestinians had been “found dead”, “shot at”, “cleared” and “displaced”. Another newspaper reported that “Violent protests leave dozens dead”.

    John Briggadon from the Subeditors Society, said the passive voice is one of the most violent entities the world has ever seen. “It is ruthless. It is responsible for countless deaths, bombings, airstrikes, starvations, displacements and casualties. It has killed millions of people. Or, should I say, millions of people have been killed by it”.

    Media outlets denied overusing the passive voice. “We don’t publish the headlines; the headlines are published,” one media group clarified.

  • You pronounce it Gee-off because it makes them sad or agitated.

  • title
  • Geoff is the maw variant.

  • title
    RFK has coomer brain

  • anyone got invites for deadlock?
  • DM me with your Steam friend code

  • anyone got invites for deadlock?
  • There's no limit as far as I'm aware.

  • Latest libertarian moment
  • Genuinely would not surprise me to see him smearing on some clown makeup.

  • How to Make Your Clothes Fit Like They Fit Skater Boys by Transitioning How to Make Your Clothes Fit Like They Fit Skater Boys by Transitioning

    One of the pitfalls of dressing masculinely as a woman is that unfortunately, clothes often do not fall on the feminine shape the same way they fall on, say, a 6'1 skater boy. You may find yourself at wits end, wondering why your baggy jeans do not fit the way a skater boy’s jeans fit, why your shir

    How to Make Your Clothes Fit Like They Fit Skater Boys by Transitioning
    Mirena Unveils New Intrauterine Owl To Scare Sperm Away From Eggs Mirena Unveils New Intrauterine Owl To Scare Sperm Away From Eggs

    WHIPPANY, NJ—Calling the contraceptive device a novel breakthrough in hormone-free birth control, the IUD brand Mirena unveiled a new intrauterine owl Thursday that perches near a patient’s eggs to scare away sperm. “This FDA-approved intrauterine owl can successfully frighten away sperm for up to e...

    Mirena Unveils New Intrauterine Owl To Scare Sperm Away From Eggs

    Another case of cat loving leftists bringing down the number of pure, white babies being born.

    A story in two parts

    This is what happens when you disrespect the Swiftie nation.

    A Woman Ate Dark Web Bought Tapeworm Eggs To Lose Weight. This Is What Happened To Her Brain.

    I personally know the harm worms wriggling around your body can do.

    Jack Karlson, known for 'succulent Chinese meal' viral meme, dies aged 82 Jack Karlson, known for 'succulent Chinese meal' viral meme, dies aged 82

    Jack Karlson, the man who spurred an iconic Australian meme after his infamous arrest outside a Brisbane restaurant, has died after a prostate cancer diagnosis.

    Jack Karlson, known for 'succulent Chinese meal' viral meme, dies aged 82
    I want you and all leftists in the western world to be fucking good at gardening

    Seriously, I am tired of the stereotypes of leftists in the west looking like they all grow soy beans, as the fash call it ie weak as fuck. And almost to a large degree, it’s true.

    I see chuds everywhere when I go to the community garden, and their plants are fucking huge ngl. They take care of their tomatoes. I don't care if you're growing potatoes, cucumbers, squash, artichokes, you have to have those fruits and leaves fucking huge and shooting to the sky and looking good. You want to help the cause? Help yourself. Do it for vanity, do it for others, do it for the greater good, I don’t care. Fucking weed and fertilize the best you can and get those veggies the biggest they can be.

    It’s hard, but so is literally everything. Just know this is going to take 3-4 years of consistency. If you’re starting out, don’t worry about a garden layout, and just plant good shit. Your biggest goal at this point is consistency, watering 5 days a week. Do that over 3-4 years, and progressive growth every single day whether that be lettuce or whatever.

    I want you fuckers to be fucking vain jesus fuck. Fuck your organics, use Miracle Grow for all I care, but have a green thumb while doing it. Slowly start doing more functional things such as eggplant or mushrooms w/e to truly maximise your gardening potential.
