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"Inside Out 2" surpasses "Dune: Part Two" as the highest-grossing film of 2024
  • Wow, was it that good? I thought the reviews were that it was alright, but not as good as the first one. Or was I mistaken? Or was I right, but they just found a good spot where no other real good movies were out?

  • UK Retailer GAME To End All In-Store Video Game Sales
  • I still buy physical whenever I can. I'd hate to have my entire collection beholden to one account, although I know people do that with the PS Store, or Game Pass, or Steam. I don't trust corporations, I guess. I really hope they don't make disc-less consoles the standard.

  • Where to find a Lemmy mobile app and other tips
  • Hey! I also use Sync and looked around my settings and couldn't find it, so let me know if you figured it out. If not, you can also ask on the Sync community on Lemmy if you haven't. Looks like there's two, with the first being more popular, but you can ask on either or both.



  • All 64 of the countries where it’s illegal to be LGBTQ+ – and yes, it’s all colonialism’s fault
  • Well, there's a difference between settler colonialism (which replaces the indigenous population) and the sort of imperialist and classic colonialism in a lot of parts of this map, where people move in and resources are extracted, but you're left with a traumatized population instead of a genocided one, like in North and South America as well as Australia, so we'd expect the results to probably be different.

    Not that I think religion helps these matters, as the US which is slowly turning Christo-fascist and reversing LGBTQ rights, probably not coincidentally, shows. I just don't agree with the Islamophobia part. Christianity looks pretty draconian on these issues too in some parts of Africa.

  • All 64 of the countries where it’s illegal to be LGBTQ+ – and yes, it’s all colonialism’s fault
  • Idk about the others, but for Afghanistan, it's probably because it was taken over by religious fundamentalists trained, supported, and armed by Pakistan, Iran, and the US in order to fight off Soviet Union influence, along with some other countries (China, UK, probably some others). They basically invaded because they were called in by the local government afraid of these terrorist groups, who also called problems in the Soviet Union (similar to the US invading after 9/11). (Interestingly enough, the Pakistan influence can also be said to be a result of colonialism since it's existence is basically a result of English colonialism in India and the Middle-East.) After this, Afghanistan was basically a civil war zone between religious fundamentalist warlords fighting each other, the most extreme being the Taliban, but the other US allied ones weren't great, either, and were all still fundamentalist Muslim.

    The official anti-LGBT laws were vague when the Republic (the Soviet friendly government) was in charge, all of the terrible attitudes were probably still there but under religious rules and unofficial, and being invaded by the USSR for years never helps those kinds of things, either. It was more intense when the US friendly war lords were in charge and made Sharia more official, making LGBTQ laws worse as a sort of collateral. It then got even worse when the Taliban officially took over, now it's even more explicit and the punishment even worse (death). I haven't read the article yet so not sure if it talks about any of these things, or if I got anything super off, but I've just been listening and reading stuff about this lately and felt I could contribute lol.

  • Pity, really.
  • Is torrent galaxy still down? That was my go to and sounds like I have to find another. I am a little worried if they keep bringing down the big ones like that, that we'll be left with less choices and it'll be more difficult.

  • MerrySkeptic Explains the Differences Between Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts

    >Well they already tried suing them when they began accepting girls and changed their name the first time to Scouts BSA, but that didn't work. But truthfully the two organizations have different missions and methods.

    >Historically, a lot of girls who joined GSUSA thinking it was going to be Boy Scouts for girls were disappointed and would leave. GSUSA is more about empowering girls through community engagement and exploring careers. Yes there can also be camping, hiking, etc but these are more or less optional components, up to each troop to integrate. Rank advancement is based on age and grade level, while awards are based on merit.

    >Boy Scouts is much more focused on outdoor skills and citizenship. These are integrated into the program in that advancement in rank is based solely on merit and demonstrating proficiency with these skills. You can spend six years in Boy Scouts and never make it past Tenderfoot.

    >So for girls who want more emphasis on the outdoors built into their program, Scouting America would be the better option. For those that want more flexibility and are less outdoorsy, GSUSA is still an option. Both are good programs. I have kids in both. There are some things I like better about GSUSA and some I like more in Boy Scouts. I think Boy Scouts is a more challenging program overall, but GSUSA's Gold Award is way more challenging to achieve than an Eagle project. I definitely prefer GSUSA not having a religious requirement.

    >Both programs will continue to adapt and change. Both have been experiencing declines in membership for decades anyway, so there's bigger problems that they're facing.

    What Do People Think of Daggerheart So Far?

    I've been invited to join a game of Daggerheart. I like the critical role people, but otherwise know nothing about the game. I haven't read much about it or anything yet. And I haven't seen a thread about it on Lemmy yet, so I'm wondering what the different opinions on it so far are.

    People enjoying it? Not liking it? Mixed reviews, making it a sort of niche game? Any good or bad comparisons with other fantasy ttrpg's?

    Green Roofs Can Save Cities Money Modeling shows green roofs can cool cities and save energy - Lemmy.World

    Modeling shows green roofs can cool cities and save energy::Extensive greenery coverage on building rooftops could significantly reduce temperatures at the city scale and decrease energy costs, according to a new study.

    Modeling shows green roofs can cool cities and save energy - Lemmy.World

    It's a cross-post from Hope I'm doing it right.

    Android App that Implements Scaled Sort ?

    One of the more interesting updates I saw mentioned in release notes for Lemmy v0.19 was scaled sort. So that posts from smaller communities can get bumped up more in the feed.

    I currently use Sync, and it's great, but doesn't seem to have implemented this yet. Is there another mobile app for Android that does?


    A Guide to Placing Rsources on Fictional Worlds

    I saw an interesting post on Reddit related to worldbuilding and I thought I'd reproduce it here for the fediverse. It's from /r/Userfaulty and it's about where natural resources would appear normally in the world. It might not be completely accurate but it's a great start and inspiration.


    A Guide to Placing Resources on Fictional Worlds


    I recently watched a great video on youtube by Artifexian where he showed how to place Fuels and Metal Ores on a fictional world. But I was left in a lurch. What about stones? What about valuable gems? What else should I at least make a note of that could be of strategic importance? Well...I did the digging and below is my abstract, I haven't taken geology classes in 20 years, guide to placing resources on your fantasy world maps. If you find something below that I grossly misjudged then let me know and I will try to fix it but keep in mind that these don't need to be accurate to the real world. They are just suggestions to help the worldbuilder that just wants help in placing it in a somewhat believable area. I tried to be as accurate as I could. The below locations will contain the highest quality of the materials or will be the easiest to find for your early hunter gatherer societies. edit Added more wood types for bows and arrows. Included areas for Iron. Added Clay and Tar.   Fuels

    Coal remains of ancient tropical and subtropical swamps that then become compacted over lots of time remains become Peat then when buried further becomes Lignite Lignite buried further becomes more concentrated and becomes Bituminous Coal Then becomes Anthracite

    Place Coal in areas that were low-lying tropical and subtropical swamps Higher quality coal in foothills of mountain belts that formed in those regions do not place Coal in interior of mountain chains

    Graphite will form in interior of mountain chains instead of coal

    Place Peat reserves in modern day low-lying wetlands

      Oil & Gas derived from remains of ancient plankton remains fell to bottom of ocean buried and compacted to form Shale Shale then becomes Oil Shale Oil Shale at greater depths becomes Oil and Natural Gas Oil will try to escape through the water table to the surface forming Gas/Oil Seep

    Place Oil in locations that were once shallow tropical seas and lakes also normally forms along tectonic plates

      Metal Ores

    Deposits of Copper forms around volcanic plate boundaries Copper, Copper-Gold, Copper-Molybdenum, or Molybdenum will also form near Volcanic Hotspots These will contain minor amounts of Lead, Zinc, Silver

    Place a couple Tin-Tungsten deposits here too

    Gold Place near the Copper deposits but still close to volcanic active plate boundaries

    Place Gold with minor amounts of Silver and Copper Farther out place Gold with minor amounts of Silver, Lead, and Zinc Farther out place Gold with Minor amounts of Silver and Mercury Farther out place Iron-Copper-Gold deposits, will become sources of Uranium

    Place Nickel-Copper and PGE-Chromium (Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, Ruthenium, Osmium, Iridium) in the middle of stable plates

    Place Iron around old mountain chains (this can be lone sections of hills or mountain bands that are not near active volcanic boundaries). Also can be placed around swamps and marshlands. Iron can be found almost everywhere but these locations will contain highest quality or be the easiest to find for early hunter gather societies.

    Place Lead-Zinc-Silver in sedimentary basins along outskirts of coasts (fairly uncommon)

    Place Aluminium in rain forests or very wet regions

    Place some secondary deposits of all ores downstream from mountain deposits or inland a ways from the main source


    Ancient Chalk beds formed on the floor of ancient seas.

    The Chalk later solidifies into Limestone. Can be placed where hills meet grasslands in non wet areas.

    Flint (also called Chert) forms as lumps between layers and in cavities left in the sea floor in these Chalk beds.

    Marble is formed from Limestone that has been subjected to intense heat and pressure. Marble will be placed near mountain ranges.

    Jade is placed not too far inland along ancient or current convergent plate boundaries that occur or occurred along a coastline. They will be located on the steeper parts of drainage basins where erosion reveals the uplifted mineral. Was also used as stone age tools.

    Obsidian is formed when water flows over volcanic lava to cool it rapidly. Placed near volcanic plate boundaries that no longer have large amounts of water. Water breaks down obsidian over time.

    Granite is formed when molten rock is slowly cooled. It forms the bottom layer of all land continents. Placed along two land type convergent boundaries on the uplifted side where it is raised to the surface, making quarrying easy.

    Sandstone is formed when sand is deposited in large quantities and under goes large amounts of pressure, heat, and drainage causing the sand and other minerals to "cement" together. Placed near ancient drainage basins that deposited sand from deserts or beaches, or alternatively where hills or mountains meet a dry desert.

    Clay can be placed on hillsides, on lake and sea bottoms or on shores, and near volcanic hot spots that heat a water source.


    Agate place near ancient volcanic flows that met active drainage basins.

    Amber occurs in ancient pine type forests then carried by rivers and tides to deltas in coastal regions, where they were buried over time.

    Amethyst can be placed where ancient lava would flow near an iron deposit.

    Aquamarine normally found in the interiors of tectonic plates and located near Granite and contains a Tin - Tungsten deposit in the same water shed.

    Carnelian normally located near ancient volcanic plate boundaries with iron deposits and then are washed down to river beds in current times

    Citrine is formed by heat treating purple Amethyst or can be found where Amethyst has been naturally heat treated

    Coral is normally found between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn (the equator to the lower and upper temperate zones) but can be farther out where warm currents flow out of tropics.

    Diamonds will go in the middle of stable tectonic plates (near Nickel-Copper and PGE-Chromium, make them rare)

    Emeralds almost the same as an Aquamarine but when a PGE-Chromium deposit is in the same water shed.

    Garnets can be found in Granite but is also found where two tectonic plates converge.

    Jade is placed not too far inland along ancient or current convergent plate boundaries that occur or occurred along a coastline. They will be located on the steeper parts of drainage basins where erosion reveals the uplifted mineral.

    Jasper is formed when ancient volcanic flows possibly met with ancient sea beds that then get reburied, are relifted, and then are washed down to river beds in current times.

    Jet is similar to coal but is formed differently. Coal is from ancient wooded swamps, Jet is from wood material being washed into a body of water, becomes waterlogged, sinks and is covered by organic rich sediment.

    Lapis Lazuli can be placed in high naked mountain valleys along plate boundaries and is somewhat rare. formed when underground magma contacts limestone.

    Obsidian is formed when water flows over volcanic lava to cool it rapidly. Placed near volcanic plate boundaries that no longer have large amounts of water. Water breaks down obsidian over time.

    Onyx is formed in the same way as Agates and can be placed in the same manner.

    Opals are placed near or in sandstone deposits.

    Pearls can form in any mollusk like creature in any body of water.

    Peridot/Olivine is normally found around active lava flows near tectonic hot spots or where lava has fallen during a pyroclastic blast around an erupted volcano and cooled quickly.

    Rubies are placed near convergent plates that has no iron but has trace amounts of Aluminium and Chromium. They are extremely rare. They should be placed in stream beds or watersheds leading away from the creation site.

    Sapphire is the same as Rubies but has trace amounts of Titanium instead of Chromium.

    Shells are found in tropical coastal areas with shallow tide pools.

    Topaz can be placed near volcanic convergent plate boundaries.

    Tourmaline can be placed similar to Granite. Can also be found in stream bed long distances from the source deposit.

    Turquoise is is formed when copper deposits are transported through a watershed that contains aluminium deposits in arid environments.


    There is a large amount of wood and it would take much longer than I want to discuss all the types of wood. You should keep in mind at least the following historic common uses for wood but its up to you:

    Dyes - Brazilwood

    Paper - Mulberry, Bamboo, Beech bark was also used as a writing tablet

    Glassworks - Beechwood

    Shipbuilding - Elm for capstans and mastheads. Larch and fir for internal planking, masts, and spars. Oak for hulls. Walnut for rudders.

    Weapons - Ash for spear shafts. Hickory for weapon hafts. Osage, Bamboo, Ash, Black Locust, Oak, Maple, Yew, Elm, or any flexible hardwood or animal horns for bows. Pine and Cedar is common for Arrows. Walnut for gun stocks.

    Bridge Pilons - Alder

    Construction - Sycamore, Oak, Bamboo, Poplar, Hickory

    Forges for Iron and Bronze - Charcoal, Coal, Coke, Any abundant wood will do


    Olive Oil


    Pitch, Tar, Bitumen, Asphalt, Resin - Pine, Petroleum, Coal Tar, or Plants. Can be collected from Charcoal production, Tar pits where Oil Seeps occur. Resin is made from plants. Bitumen and Asphalt is Petroleum (crude Oil).

      Whales   Furs   Spices   Salts

    can be placed along low-lying ocean beaches or inland in deserts that formed from evaporated inland seas


    Most of the information was gathered from these sources: by Artifexian,hardens%20and%20forms%20a%20seal.,magma%20which%20forms%20the%20gemstone.&text=Almost%20all%20aquamarines%20are%20formed,world%20where%20there%20are%20mountains.,miarolitic%20cavities%20of%20the%20rhyolite.,in%20Florida%20and%20southern%20Japan.,and%20cause%20minerals%20to%20recrystallise.&text=Garnets%20can%20also%20be%20found,such%20as%20granite%20and%20basalt.,degraded%2C%20and%20heated%20in%20isolation.

    How Many RPG's Are Being Made Because of the WotC OGL Debacle?

    I just discovered Kobold Press's Black Flag Role Playing system and Tales of the Valorant game being made. I had no idea that was a thing.

    Added with the ones I did know about:

    • Critical Role's Daggerheart
    • MCDM's new RPG (Matt Colville's company)
    • And we can count the Pathfinder 2's updates if we want

    I wonder how many other RPG's are being made as a result of that debacle.

    It does seem like a lot. WotC really shot themselves in the foot spawning all this new competition, didn't they?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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