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Southwest Ohio Native Fruit Garden
  • I got 2 saplings at the festival. From different vendors so it's incredibly unlikely they're related. They're already planted and doing well, they survived the windstorm from Helene undamaged.

  • In Ohio, drought and shifting weather patterns affect North America's largest native fruit
  • Just planted 2 trees I got at the Pawpaw festival a couple weeks ago. They appear to have survived the wind storm from Helene. Even if my lawn furniture was thrown 30 ft.

  • They say “anyone can become president”, but this will be the first presidential election since 1970s, where there is no Bush, Clinton, or Biden on the ballot.
  • Obama's running mate was Joe Biden, putting him on the ballot. 2016 had a Clinton on the ballot. Reagan's VP was HW Bush.

    The more accurate way to phrase this would be "This is the first election since 1980 to not have a Biden, Bush. or Clinton on the ballot."

  • Squirrel King?
  • I never knew Squirrel Kings were a thing, they appear to mostly happen to siblings

  • Stop drinking bottled water: Experts warn of health and climate impacts
  • Fortunately for me, I live in a city with pretty good tap water and I have newish copper pipes (post 2000).

    The biggest concern we have right now is the potential of PFAS contamination, but its under the EPA and European regulated limits.

    Which given what I know about most bottled water sourcing (generally, it's just tap water from somewhere else) it is really the best I can hope for.

  • Stop drinking bottled water: Experts warn of health and climate impacts
  • I've just done a quick search, and the only articles I'm seeing are reporting on 2 different studies, one about the olfactory bulb and one about brains, nothing about either being disproven.

  • Stop drinking bottled water: Experts warn of health and climate impacts
  • Not sure what makes them think your house is the problem

  • Stop drinking bottled water: Experts warn of health and climate impacts
  • This may be one of the health effects they're talking about.

  • Couch menace
  • I think we should call his office and demand compensation for the couches of ours he fucked.

  • Trump suggests giving Vladimir Putin whatever he wants
  • I could have sworn at one point Russia claimed to have annexed certain parts of Ukraine due to ethnic Russians, very similar to Hitlers Sudetenland claims.

  • Las Vegas staff say MrBeast should be blacklisted, cite OSHA, setting medics for failure
  • Production company Off One’s Base LLC wrote in a synopsis sent to the Nevada Film Office that challenges would involve “brains, brawn, and character.”

    Brains to plan Violence, Brawn to preform violence, and a (lack of) Character to enact violence, seems to be what they meant based on this article.

  • Wisconsin mayor carts away absentee ballot drop box, says he did nothing wrong
  • Correct its not his job and at best case scenario it's introducing an appearance of impropriety.

    Even if he isn't trying to influence national or state elections, he still has plenty of motive to influence local politics.

  • The Signal
  • Same, still loved it. The big reveal completely derailed my brain for a solid minute before I started cackling like a madman.

  • The Signal
  • It's an excellent movie, I would recommend watching it, even if the synopsis is insane.

  • Teach the children.
  • I think that's fair, I do think AP got way better once they started recording after the episode they were for compared to when they used to record them after the season was over.

  • Teach the children.
  • Season 1 is only 5 episodes of actual play, so it's a fairly quick watch.

    Never Stop Blowing Up was a great season, you're in for a great time. I highly recommend watching the Adventuring Party, generally, and especially for NSBU.

  • Locked Removed
    Republicans Have A Nazi Problem
  • "Have" was a decade ago, the correct verb is "are"

  • Teach the children.
  • I'm so excited for season 2 of Misfits and Magic coming out tonight

  • Teach the children.
  • would be my guess

  • Southwest Ohio Native Fruit Garden

    I'm currently hunting down pawpaw trees, Blueberry bushes, black raspberry, and other native fruits for my garden.

    Looking for suggestions.

    I looked into black cherries, but they get too large and too easily wind damaged for the proximity I'd have to plant them to my house.

    InsanePeopleFacebook SlippiHUD
    Dunking on the Insane People on NextDoor

    I've made it my mission to get banned from NextDoor while trolling the MagaHats. They won't stop sending me notifications. I've been stealing memes from the group.

    So far I'm more or less been allowed to run rampant, so here are some of the hits.

    ! ! !

    At this point, Microplastics pollution should probably be included

    The average brain weighs 1300-1400 grams. If 0.5% of that is plastic by weight, your brain contains 6.5 - 7 grams of plastic. The average plastic credit card weighs 5 grams.

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    Hello. I'm Doppler, the mad man behind SlippiHUD.

    I started this smash themed Mastodon during the twitter upheaval, if you're looking to ditch the enshittification of the web in other services you use.

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