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I have a confession to make

I cheesed o’rin of the water, i couldn’t . Beat her regularly and i just ran away and spammed mortal slash. I couldn’t hold it in any longer as this has been weighing on my consciousness

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Can you guess who my favorite character is? (art by me)

Started bloodborne like a month-ish ago and it's swiftly becoming one of my favorite games I've played XD

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Didn't knew they existed IRL.

Yesterday I went to a fruit garden and saw this .

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This game feels lonelier than ever…

I want to start this with Bloodborne was my first Platinumed game on PS4. From what I remember I loved it more than anything and sunk insane amount of hours into it. Then as time went on other games came out including other souls games and I got into them. Eventually I ended up having to sell my PlayStation for financial reasons. So I went back to my Xbox.After years of not owning a PlayStation and playing other Souls games and with Shadow of the Erdtree now released I figured I’d take a little break from Elden Ring and fire up my recently acquired PS5 and play my original copy of Bloodborne.Starting it up felt amazing. A lot of the world started coming back to me and I fell in love almost instantly again (even though the 30fps took a little bit to get used to) after playing all these other games.As I beat the Cleric Beast with little trouble I began to explore every nook and cranny. This was great. I was really feeling like this was my first playthrough again.Eventually I got near Father Gascoigne and remembered I had the Beckoning Bell and thought “let’s play with a random Hunter.” So I rang the bell and waited for a few.Honestly after about 60 seconds of waiting I forgot I rang the bell and ended up exploring a bit more before reaching the boss. Then it happened… a hunter was summoned. A real person just like the old days. Excited waved and proceeded to the boss. They followed and the fight started.Fighting with this random player was a blast, but like all good things… they must come an end and the Hunter had perished. This left me to finish the fight alone to which it was a success.After the fight I started exploring again for a while. Making my way through the maze of a world and collecting items trying to find everything I could. Then I remembered again… I have the bell. Let’s ring it again.The bell echoed across the land and I waited.And waited…Nothing happened. No one answered the call. I figured maybe I’d take a break, and try another day.But that day hasn’t come. I’ve rang the bell and no one has answered. I’ve waited patiently throughout different times of the day and nothing... I’m alone.Now I want to make it known that I don’t need to summon anyone. I know there are subreddits that you can reach out to for help, but I wanted that organic feeling of ringing that bell like I did 8ish years ago. To explore this world with one or two other Hunters. But unfortunately it didn’t happen.I will continue to play through the game, but there is something really somber about actually being alone in this game. There is “no help” if you try to go about it the way I am. No posts. No messages. Just a ringing of a bell echoing to nothingness. I understand NPC summons are an option but it’s not the same.I will continue my journey and ring my bell. Maybe… just maybe someone will hear it and we can explore this beautiful world together like we did once before.…and if you happen to be playing the game and ring yours. I’ll be there to stop the echo. I may be only one lonely Hunter, but i’ll do my best to answer your Bell.A Lonely Hunter

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Is Owl crying before he fights Sekiro?

I noticed Owl seems to be sobbing in the cutscene before he lunges at Wolf in the battle atop Ashina Castle. Given what i know about Owls treatment of Wolf, this has me curious if he truly loved him as opposed to seeing him as a mere tool. Maybe im crazy, Maybe hes laughing? Or hes just old and grunty? Idunno. Sounds like crying to me.

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Found some merch in Tokyo!

I found some merch in Akihabara, Tokyo. Not good for my wallet 😅

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"A deep love for the doll can be surmised by the fine craftsmanship of this article, and the care with which it was kept."

Just wanted to draw a simple yet tender little page of Gehrman making the doll, something about that part of the description made me soft.I always thought of how delicate and dexterous Gehrman would've been to put her together, how much dedication and love was put into her creation, and just overall how the doll, even if made to mourn, was, somehow, the sincerest statement of the love he felt for Maria.

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Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower in Lego form + Slight Tweaks to Gehrman

Well it has been a year so another Bloodborne figure, Lady Maria's Hairpiece took a while but eventually worked pretty wellGehrman had some tweaks as well, now having the wooden leg and a coat, and the Blunderbuss is strapped to the back (i got a bit lazy on that one sorry lol)

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Should ı be scared

My friend who made me start sekiro said that this boss is pretty hard, should ı be scared? Any tips?

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Looking for skin

Can some Yarnahm fashion expert tell me what kind of set this is?

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the reason we won’t get bloodborne remastered is for lore purposes

It’s absolutely necessary to play the game with 15 fps drops. Miyazaki intended this for us to immersively experience the flimsy pocket dimension that Yharnam and its associated areas exist in.As characters increasingly imbibe more of the old blood and gain insight, their save file size increase. The increased load times is mimetic of the good hunter’s cognitive slowing as their brain lacks the computing ability to understand their world. This is why the cut scenes (where we cinematically experience the game outside of controlling the player) generally run at an appropriately cinematic 30fps. The hunter’s madness is also paralleled by the chonky PS4’s overheating when going through extended periods of play.Consequently the only bloodborne port that would be appropriate is one with decreased performance such as a ps3 port or perhaps as a mobile battle royale.

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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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