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I'm getting old
  • I'm saying the ideas were there and the work is its child for sure, but he had a lot of help from great minds of the time. A movie is not just made by the director, and if his/her voice is too strong it will kill the talent around him. That's what I think happened after his success

  • You're not allowed to be lazy on your vacation
  • I mean, I travel for work a lot and have to stay weeks in hotels. And weeks means weekends, so yeah I can relate. There's a lot of people I meet around the world that travel like me and wouldn't be able to afford those same hotels for a vacation... like me lol

  • Coming out.
  • You are free to say whatever you like, and of couse everyone else can agree or disagree with you. But apparently whoever disagrees is a troglodyte, so I guess you are always right. Didn't even notice the watermark till you pointed it out.

  • I'm getting old
  • I mean, George could't even edit his first film right and got way too much help from who was around him. When he got famous and nobody could talk down to him his movies got meh at best... and jar jar at worst

  • Piracy
  • I knew you were italian as soon as I read that lol. Basically my uni life too

  • Elon Musk Laid Off Supercharger Team After Taking $17 Million in Federal Charging Grants
  • I mean, the US EV market. Pretty big sure, but not the "entire"

  • What Is The Difference Between Roguelike And Rogue-lite?
  • Like in every language terms evolve and it's basically outside of personal preferences. Original definitions and where the term came from are basically optional info.

    This are terms that are used for one main purpose: categorize so it's easier to search that term instead of "games like x". And for that purpose, roguelike as in "no progression between runs" and roguelite as in "some unlockable stuff" works wonders.

  • True. Both religions are equally shit.
  • I mean, the post clearly states "was". So even without commenting on the accuracy of your post I can clearly see you missed the point

  • Now we just need one for Cheddar 🧀
  • You are not slow. It's that people don't know what mozzarella looks like so they think it's the dried shredded one they put on the pizza. Like thinking that coffe comes directly as a drink or calamari are ring shaped...

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Exactly, I remember that while studying GDPR an example for legitimate interest was a company that self-advertises to you: I get your email from the purchase you just made because I have legitimate interest in continuing my business and I want to be able to advertise myself to you again to survive in the market. But trust me, I'll just use it for the legitimate interest!

  • If we discover the means to travel faster than light, but researching and developing the technology means that the Earth is destroyed in just a few decades, should the technology still be pursued?
  • Oddly specific... What are you doing OP? Should we be worried? Honestly "faster than light" travel is already too generic: do you mean going actually FTL or breaking the space barrier with wormholes or space displacement shenanigans that "look like" FTL? That said, Earth destroyed in a few decades because of the research or the PRODUCTION of such method? A little bit of context would made answering this question way more interesting...

  • Game drms weren't enough and now mods are getting drm as well
  • Not really. Modding is allowed, but as soon as you start making money over a game you don't own I expect Rocktar is gonna cease an desist him into oblivion. Yeah, it's his code... but without the game is useless. Donations are a thing, selling something you don't own the right to is another. Be aware, I don't want anything to do with that mod and I don't even know whst it is tbh

  • Meta not complying with GDPR
  • It's not the US here, suing is not viable nor easy in the EU. That's why we created that system in the first place. And it kinda works. It may be slow but they are not gonna ignore complaints at random

  • What does Lemmy lack?
  • I'm actually taking my time to get into it. Many of us are. I'm gonna start contributing in my niche community as soon as I feel confortable enough. And just yesterday I actually saw thst community had several new posts: this things take simply time...

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