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WIP: Lotara Sarrin

WIP: Lotara Sarrin

I must have knocked her over by accident because at some point her judgemental finger fell off. Time to check the bits for a spare Necron finger to replace it with. I'm pleased with the clothing, need to shade and layer the face and the door she is standing on feels like it could use some rust.

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WIP Wednesday: Deathwing

WIP Wednesday: Deathwing

Need to get back in the habit of taking pictures as I go. Last month's free mini is on the desk currently, along with a Scout Kill Team and some Blood Angels Terminators.

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Blood Angels Need Chaplains

Blood Angels Need Chaplains

I have an arbitrary goal of wanting to hit 52 minis of any given faction I am working on. With the Leviathan ones I ended up at exactly 51 Primaris Blood Angels so I grabbed this guy to hit my goal!

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WIP Wednesday: Dreadnought

WIP Wednesday: Dreadnought

Actually surprised at how quick the highlights and details came together. I need to do some final checks and cleanup then the basing and I'm ready to call this big box finished.

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Apothecary Arrives

Apothecary Arrives

With that, all the Leviathan characters are complete!

Fun to do Blood Angels in another color than red. Maybe I should do some Death Company to keep up the variety. I feel like I neglect the special BA units in favor of a BA themed army of normal Astartes units.

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Feudal Test Paint

Feudal Test Paint

Highlights and details (and decal!) applied on night two. I'm ready to call this experiment a success and start plotting out the rest of a squad.

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WIP Wednesday: Apothecary

WIP Wednesday: Apothecary

Final character from Leviathan is on the table. Trying something experimental and hit all the white armor with blue shade, then tomorrow I will bring it back to a blue-leaning white and hope to leave this as shadows. It worked on Sanguinary Guard wings once, but never tried a whole mini.

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Sternguard Ready to Deploy

Sternguard Ready to Deploy

Last of the Leviathan squads finished up! I tried to get the veterans to a good step between the red and black for the basic guys and the excess of gold that the big characters get.

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WIP Wednesday: Closing in on All Fronts

WIP Wednesday: Closing in on All Fronts

In the place where I can see the final result more clearly. \- Marines need gold, silver, eyes, and details \- Sisters need highlights, gold, silver \- Possessed needs color/highlights \- Apothecary needs creative thoughts on colors to use \- Walls are done and I'm pretty pleased with those!

\#Warhammer #Warhammer40K #PaintingMinis #MiniPainting #MiniaturePainting #SpaceMarine #BloodAngels #AdeptaSororitas #SistersOfBattle #WIP

Weekend WIP: Angels, Sisters, Walls

Weekend WIP: Angels, Sisters, Walls

I'm waiting on some new backdrops to arrive before taking more photos. In the meantime I keep plugging away: \- Last Leviathan squad started, \- Sisters ready for shade/highlight/base, \- #fedipaint possessed needs colors, \- 3 more walls

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Blood Angels Strenguard

Blood Angels Strenguard

Using this month's free guy to test my assumptions for doing veteran Blood Angels. Base colors and shade applied quickly. All the brown will become gold eventually.

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Weekend WIP: All Over the Place

Weekend WIP: All Over the Place

Nitpicking final details on the Infernus, starting the Strenguard, and the sisters I grabbed off the shelf while looking for a particular magenta because I suddenly thought they couldn't need that many colors.

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WIP Wednesday (Give or Take): More Fire!

WIP Wednesday (Give or Take): More Fire!

Wrapped up my Terminators but I haven't sat down to take she photos yet. Picked up the momentum to start the second half of the Infernus and a pile of knives with a lieutenant hidden underneath. Base colors are down, metallics next. NMM or normal metallics on all that knives?

\#Warhammer #WarhamerCommunity #Warhammer40K #PaintingMinis #Miniatures #MiniPainting #MiniaturePainting #spacemarine #adeptusastartes #BloodAngels #WIP

WIP Wednesday: Home Stretch

WIP Wednesday: Home Stretch

Almost at the end for these terminators. Bases need shade, highlight, details, rim, and Tyranid head. Then two faces and two power swords. Some heat damage on the assault cannon. Final touch ups and I'll call everyone here finished.

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Tribute to Minis Past

Tribute to Minis Past

Grabbed these from my random second hand marines when the new versions were announced. I'll keep that color scheme for the new scouts when they drop (c'mon new Kill Team box). Looking forward to better jump pack poses.

Also, check out that scale creep between the old scout and the new captain!

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WIP Wednesday: Leviathan Terminators

WIP Wednesday: Leviathan Terminators

Back to the Blood Angels after my #KingdomDeath diversion. Cracked open a fresh pot of Flesh Tearers Contrast for them. I hadn't realized how much more concentrated the old one had been at the end.

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Votann Kill Team Pt2

Votann Kill Team Pt2

Other half of the team ready for action!

Gallowdark teams completed: Votann Beastmen Arbites Drukhari

Still to do: Kasrkin Necrons Navy Breachers Kroot

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