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'A huge win': Judge orders Houston to stop ticketing 'Food Not Bombs' for feeding homeless downtown
  • Mayor Whitmire is committed to working together to resolve differences and agree upon an ordinance that allows expression and provides a safe and healthy environment at the central library and elsewhere for the homeless and their neighbors

    Nothing says "I want to make a healthy and safe environment" like ticketing volunteers giving out food.

  • Deleted
    The Chris Rock $5000 bullet standup bit needs to come to fruition.
  • The fact that everyone here is all talking about needing guns to shoot people (self defense) and seeing that as a rationale statement is absolutely wild. You're all so deep in that hot fucking mess you can't see the forest for the guns.

  • Long COVID Seems to Be a Brain Injury, Scientists Discover
  • I don't believe anywhere in the article they were trying to explain the pathophysiology (aside from ? auto immune).
    I don't think the article is saying the "only" symptom of long Covid is a brain injury.

  • Long COVID Seems to Be a Brain Injury, Scientists Discover
  • But that's not how research works.. research papers will often assess one very specific area.. there's no point in talking about all of the other ailments that are possible with Covid, because the research paper was exploring brain injury biomarkers ?

  • How do conspiracy theorists get all of their coveted secret government information if it's meant to be hidden and the government would never hand it over?
  • One of the important aspects that I haven't seen mentioned yet is a sense of community. I'm currently in a online censorship country so can't link it, but the ABC in Australia had a good podcast around QAnon.
    Effectively there's people who feel a lack of community/companionship locally and seek this out online.

  • Alabama says it’s tough on drug crime. It just perpetuates it.
  • Drug use is often just a symptom of self medication for mental health disorders (obviously not always). Punishing people and then pushing them back out to the community clearly doesn't work.
    So perhaps look at addressing the cause rather than the symptoms.

  • Chairman of the Joint Chiefs says ‘US credibility is at stake’ when asked about Trump’s NATO comments
  • Of course your credibility is impacted. From a non-US citizen I thought it was ridiculous the first time he was elected and had headline after headline of ridiculous changes / events. The fact that he is now the preferred candidate AFTER what he did as president is already enough to tarnish America's credibility

  • Deleted
    People concerned about climate change never suggest to reduce the worldwide pet population but maybe they should.
  • Congratulations on your unpopular opinion. It's an interesting point that clearly has hit a nerve with people. There's a lot of "what-about-ism" in these comments.
    I think the important take out of climate change is individually you don't have to do everything (i.e. compost, put solar on, sell your car, avoid showering) but it is important that you do something that you can adjust in your life. If that's deciding to not buy another pet after your current one passes, good for you. If pets are a fabric of your being, then maybe looking for carbon reduction solutions elsewhere would be beneficial.

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