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Sweden’s spreading crime epidemic alarms its neighbors
  • actually just lowers taxes for billionaires like a boss

  • Hotel owner: “If you want to join this union that you used to be in I will let you go, just so that is very clear.”
  • I'm not sure why you'd consider it large either, it fits trivially in the palm of your hand.

    Are you maybe imagining that the whole cartridge would be fired? because it's only the very end bit that actually gets shot, the rest of it is just to hold gunpowder and the bullet in place inside the gun.
    The actual bullet itself is about the size of a pea, i think.

  • Facial disfigurement: 'Restaurant asked me to leave over condition'
  • it's so fucking strange how people insist on being polite towards people who have shown them the precise opposite of politeness, like what will it take to make you not be polite? gonna get stabbed in the gut and go "bro! not cool."?

  • Might not even have to change the acronym
  • sit on the photocopier

  • Sweden’s spreading crime epidemic alarms its neighbors
  • what right wing government does to a mf

  • the problem of sex
  • cogito ergo cum

  • Removed
    Your princesses are definitely in this castle.
  • mario needs to get OUT and luigi IN, luigi is an excellent chef who takes it seriously.

  • tumblr(ule) screenshot
  • it's like removing the lower part of ron perlman's face, he just ends up looking like anthony bourdain.

  • And another
  • perchance

  • me when- when tall women
  • tfw she lets you Deep Rock her Galactic

  • (OC) sour cream rule
  • reverb fart

  • the 'tisim also
  • There is also the level of "has a noticable negative impact on your life but can generally mostly get by okay", which is where i feel healthcare systems are currently pissing themselves.

  • Rule
  • wouldn't that just be new vegas

  • The 70s and 80s Were a Lawless Wasteland of Crimes Against the Culinary Arts
  • and germany has the fucking schnitzel, which so good that it has become a staple in japan.

  • The 70s and 80s Were a Lawless Wasteland of Crimes Against the Culinary Arts
  • raw ground meat isn't that out there, steak tartare and mett exist, and at least my family here in sweden have always just had a nibble of the ground pork before cooking with it, it tastes quite nice.

  • Fort rule
  • Boys: "holy shit that's awesome, come on in, we've got mountain dew"

  • Fort rule
  • i feel like that's just doomguy inherently

  • average beveruley hills mansion
  • do they record sitcoms in there?

  • Swedneck Swedneck
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