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curved it is
  • Hey, have you seen those Japanese? They have curved swords. Curved... Swords...!

  • Putin issues a nuclear warning to the West over Ukraine
  • Another one? Another one...

  • Women in STEM
  • Considering how this graph... Hmm... Shall we say... Takes a number of creative liberties with actual history surrounding these great women, doesn't this graph undermine its own message?

  • Women in STEM
  • Don't. Because this graph takes more than just a few liberties with history, specifically for the sake of creating some kind of outrage.

  • stacked
  • Of course! Because otherwise it would mean all the mystique is gone! And if the mistique is gone, people can't imagine they're supposed to be starship landing pads!

    Or lay-line powered aura cleansing structures.

    Or part of an ancient technology global warning system.

    Or a physical star chart pointing to the origins of the Egyptians.

    Or hydrogen fusion power generators.

    Or piezoelectric resonance generators.

    Or... Some... Other things I probably forgot about. But it's certainly, beyond a shadow of a doubt, NOT a tomb of some egotistical man that believed himself a god on the Earth!

  • Let me at 'em!!
  • No, that knife isn't made of atoms, that knife is made of pure solid quarks. That's why it can cut atomic nuclei.

  • Top 5 Features Coming to GIMP 3.0
  • "Please make Gimp relevant" would be a pretty interesting pull request.

  • Top 5 Features Coming to GIMP 3.0
  • Ah. So gimp is going to stop being 15 years out of date and instead going to be just 10 years out of date. Cool.

  • Thailand legalizes same-sex marriage in a first for Southeast Asia
  • Nice to see some good news for once.

  • What do your work clothes/uniform look like?
  • White bicycle helmet with the company logo in bright orange on the front.

    Bright orange rain jacket with reflective strips and the company logo in white on the front and back.

    For days that aren't rainy; a mostly featureless zippable bright orange hoody with the company logo in white on the chest.

    For sunny days; a mostly featureless bright orange t-shirt, two of cotton, two of polyester, with the company logo in white on the chest.

    A black rain pants with reflectors and the company name in white written on its side along the legs.

    A large, cubic, expandable bright orange thermally insulated back-pack with reflectors and the company logo in white on the sides.

  • Frontline report: Six months’ worth of ammo wiped out in recent Ukraine strikes
  • Huh...

    This news article is just a transcript of this YouTube video:

  • Just paint the old prop grey and turn it on its side. No one will notice.
  • From these screenshots it's very easy to tell which one is Star Trek and which one is NuTrek.

  • Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen calls for an end to all restrictions on Ukraine striking Russian territory.
  • Just because Russia is doing it doesn't mean it's fine for Ukraine to do it too. Bad guys target civilians.

  • I think Sims is a dead franchise now
  • Isn't Sims 2 still the most robust and fleshed out Sims out there?

  • Some things never change
  • Ah, so your average Caitian.

  • Birds & Bees by PBF
  • Now that is something that needs a whole lot more attention.

  • Birds & Bees by PBF
  • Yeah, but when people get dramatic about bees dying they're almost exclusively talking about the honey bee. A lot of people don't understand there are other kinds of bee.

    When I look up metrics for bee populations dying I've not found anything that talks about bees outside of the honey making industry.

  • Birds & Bees by PBF
  • Only because you know so little.

  • Birds & Bees by PBF
  • Yeah, there's that too. Honey bees are native here in Europe, but they're foreign to America. America has their own bee populations, but they don't produce honey. Or at least, none of the native species are the kind of bee the industry used for honey production.

  • How could a disruptor weapon feasibly work?

    First a definition for this question, because there are many kinds of sci-fi out there and they sometimes liberally use cool sounding words without explaining them:

    A disruptor is a kind of weapon that weakens, or "disrupts", either material bonds (breaking a material into molecules), molecular bonds (breaking a molecule into atoms), or atomic bonds (breaking an atomic nucleus into protons, netrons, and free electrons. Almost like instantly turning into plasma).

    Temperature can do these things, but the idea behind a disruptor, specifically, is that it happens through some kind of catalyst, rather than brute-forcing with insane amounts of heat.

    Would such a weapon physically be possible (even if we don't know how to make them just yet)?

    How would a target realistically behave when hit by a disruptor?

    Is it possible to access hardware RGB controls of connected USB devices?

    So, I have a Steelseries M800 keyboard and a Corsair mouse. Unfortunately neither of them are supported by Open RGB, and so I'm stuck with my RGB making rainbows.

    Well, sort of. My keyboard still has the configuration it had from when I still used Windows over 2 years ago. But my mouse does not.

    I use an XP Pen tablet for making art, and the official driver from XP Pen doesn't come with any options to adjust and calibrate the screen's colours, but I managed to figure out how to access these hardware settings through command line. Now this has me wondering if it's possible to do the same for my keyboard and mouse.

    Is there a Linux drawing tablet, or a tablet Linux can be installed on?

    I have a 2nd generation XP Pen Artist 13. It's a great tablet and I've managed to make it work with my Steam Deck too.


    It's basically an external monitor with pressure sensitive surface, so still less portable than an actual stand alone table. So I'm wondering if there is a tablet with a pressure sensitive screen and battery free pen that either comes with Linux or can install Linux on.

    The programs I use for making art are Krita, Gimp, and Blender 3D.

    Why are honeybee stingers barbed?

    There are many other bee species that can sting Humans and survive, but the European honeybee has a barbed stinger, so it cannot remove the stinger once it's stung. In attempting to remove the stinger the bee will rupture its lower abdomen and then die.

    Why? What is the evolutionary advantage to that?

    New Flashcard for Nintendo Switch. Team Xecuter might be behind it.

    I apologize if this video has already been posted here. I did a rudimentary look through the posts of the past few days and couldn't see it.

    Looking for music similar to the album Dreaming by The Art of Noise

    Recently discovered The Art of Noise by looking up Max Headroom. Found a bunch of tracks I like that fit well with my already existing Spotify playlists.

    However, I want to find more music like three of the dance tracks on the album Dreaming. specifically like the tracks "Colour Red", "Colour Maroon", and "Colour White".

    Any recommended tracks/albums/artists?

    E-Books, best places to get them?

    I want to get back into reading, so I'm thinking of getting a Paperwhite. But I have no idea if it's possible to transfer files to it from a computer, and I have no experience with pirating books.

    Do I go to the same places I torrent movies and games or are there special places dedicated to E-Books?

    EDIT: So many awesome answers on here! You guys have been very helpful. Thanks a lot!

    Tattorack Tattorack
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    Comments 684