Treczoks @ Treczoks Posts 5Comments 4,318Joined 2 yr. ago
Two random groups of primitive brawlers fight over a ball that is not even round. All while serving ads, ads, and more ads. The perfect American sport.
Although you could make it even more American by handing those players some guns.
Nice that they finally noticed that they are now opposition and finally have to do something.
Well deserved losses.
Auto beschlagnahmt? Find ich gut. Egal obs sein eigenes war, oder gemietet oder geliehen.
Was ist so schwer daran zu verstehen, dass es sowohl kreuzdämliche Erwachsene gibt als auch Kinder, die man nicht unbeaufsichtigt am Handy rumspielen lassen sollte?
With all due respect
Which is about Zero.
Well, he is a primadonna. Maybe he just wants to fulfill a lifelong dream to dance on stage dressed in a tutu...
while being a conservative is about everything staying the same.
Or "while being a conservative is about not discovering new things, as it might challenge their status quo"
Warum lassen die Eltern ihre Kinder dann TikTok schauen ganz ohne Hilfestellung?
Dann sollte man sie von TikTok fernhalten.
They must have been bonked in the heads repeatedly before. Or why would they vote for Trump in the first place?
Which would end with a renitent biker blocking an emergency vehicle from passing. Yes, that is a common thing in Asia, where people priorize their own movement over that of any others.
Don't worry, Americans. JFK will protect you, won't he?
Also English: Random pronunciation without working rules.
Probier mal Hersheys. Als ich das erste Mal das Zeug im Mund hatte, musste ich fast kotzen. Ich dachte zuerst, das Zeug wäre schlecht geworden. Nein. Das schmeckt standardmäßig irgendwo zwischen ranzigem Fett und Erbrochenem. Und nennt sich trotzdem Schokolade.
They are more like "Mouth of Putin".
Don't forget obeying Putin.
Especially as they call them "illegal aliens". Does this imply that the little green men are "legal aliens"?
Frag einfach mal Hershey, wie sie Amerikanische "Schokolade" machen.