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Neo-Nazis Are All-In on AI
  • The purpose of the piece is to smear the notion of individual control and development of AI tools. It's known as 'running propaganda'.

  • Neo-Nazis Are All-In on AI
  • I'm happy with outgroup x being able to develop their own AIs, because that means I'm able to develop AIs too.

  • US Record Labels Sue AI Music Generators Suno and Udio for Copyright Infringement
  • Staggeringly naive, tbh. Your profession will be made obsolete as a self-sustaining for-profit enterprise either way. The difference is that the tooling can either be owned exclusively by megacorp, or it can be owned by people.

    It's better to be a bard relying on the charity and small custom of others than a literal sharecropper fueling Universal's proprietary model for next to nothing. At least in the former case you're free.

  • Piracy Shield 2.0 IPTV Blocking Costs Will Be Paid By Italian Taxpayers * TorrentFreak
  • In Italy's case, it will be its long track record of poor governance combined with the close intertwining of media interests and political parties. Live sport is just about all these subscription broadcasters have left, so a vicious defense is to be expected.

  • Am I the only one preferring low quality media over high quality one?
  • When the remux is 30gb and the 1080 encode is 23gb ✈️🏢🏢

  • Pity, really.
  • Then said tools were made a lot simpler with a lot less control over them

    Which needs to be reversed if we're to remain free in Western democracies. Access to and control of computing - general purpose computing in particular - is practically a civil liberty now. I look at legislators in my own country, and I'd wager 50% of them don't understand this, 40% kind of grasp the problems but are apathetic, and 10% are on the enemies' payrolls.

  • The Delusion of Advanced Plastics Recycling
  • I wouldn't be surprised if the average consumer does more for the environment by reducing consumption by 10% and not recycling anything, than maintaining normal consumption and regularly recycling.

  • YouTube is experimenting with Notes, a crowdsourced feature that lets users add context to videos
  • Advertisers working in your native language cannot hijack your attention when foreign language videos are running. Subtitling facilitates that, and encourages site activity that differs from consumption, such as broadening one's horizons and being inquisitive about the real world.

  • [COMPLETE] Photon UI rollout
  • Any way of having the crossposts section minimized by default? The sole setting relating to crossposts is about link inclusion.

  • Hey, so Reddit won't let you browse its site if you're using Proton VPN.
  • 2023 turned web2 platforms into the Thing, and turned us into MacReady.

    (Instagram: I was always the Thing! blargghhhgalzklgrkffz)

  • It's been a hot minute!
  • I started watching TNG. There's so many episodes; I'm only three in and it's already cosy hearing 'captain's log' however

  • Australian Border Force searched phones of 10,000 travellers in past two years, data shows
  • What is the total airport traffic over the same time? I'm interested in getting a sense of the likelihood of a search request.

    In any event I'd buy a post office POS for the purpose and use an inflammatory password. Cuck those funts. Call it part of the cost of travel.

  • 'Safe' Metal Bands and a campaign I'm part of
  • Tackle, reclaim...these are marketing terms. How does the campaign operate? Reading between the lines I guess venues are supposed to feel pressure not to hire certain bands based on SNH paraphernalia being all over the place.

    Can I listen to metal bands with hatred as a theme/inspiration and not 'be' a hater, or does that not fly in these circles?

  • Staples plan is to recycle nearly everything — and pay their customers for it.
  • The cost of paper and plastic recycling is passed on with the co-operation of government. Their interests are aligned with those of industry. The cost is handballed ('externalized' if you want the slime term) first to individuals and ultimately to the environment. With moral hazards like this I wouldn't expect substantial change to be driven by authorities. It's going to take technological breakthroughs.

  • If Biden Isn’t the Democrats’ 2024 Candidate, Harris Will Be
  • Whenever I see Harris, all I can think of is the Backpage . com miscarriage of justice.

  • Of course they did, and of course Reddit caved.
  • In today's screencap: failure to recognize the weapon being deployed against your enemy can easily be deployed against you.

  • SponsorBlock (and DeArrow): "YouTube is currently experimenting with server-si…" - Fosstodon
  • A Boring Dystopia, or the Firefox or Technology communities (any)

  • The Curious Case Of The Underselling Arena Tours
  • HN reckons is where the price collusion happens.

  • [Lemmy] Lazily commenting "paywalled" on news posts should be a bannable offense.
  • With respect OP, blow it out your ass. Think twice before posting paywalled material or at least kindly run it through a cleaner (the source can be gleaned by including the original URL). Alternately you could spend a few moments pasting important sections in the post body.

  • The carving of raw potential (Monos, Alejandro Landes, 2019)

    ! First of all, Monos is a film set in the jungle, so you know it's already good (see Raiders, Jurassic Park, Sorcerer, Predator, Apocalypto, etc.). Secondly, Landes has an eye for scene composition and potent metaphor. Thirdly, it gets awfully good performances out of a mostly amateur cast.

    Tregetour Tregetour
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