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  • where linux app

  • Anon has a lucid dream
  • This would've gone a lot better if anon simply apologised and explained that he was half-asleep. But no, they just had to make it more akward.

  • You'd know instantly...
  • There's a famous quote in sociolinguistics: "A language is a dialect with an army and navy." I think the same thing applies here. A religion is just a cult with an army and a navy, because then they can enforce it onto others.

  • CERN cuts ties with Russia, will expel hundreds of scientists by December
  • Terrorizing non-whites doesn't count. Only terrorism against white people does.

  • gentlerule
  • Asobi Asobase

  • gentlerule
  • Asobi Asobase

  • 14 September 2024
  • which half found it funny?

  • shaved rule
  • If you are gonna go that route, you have- to go more extreme. You need to make it longer, like way longer.

  • The cycle
  • So just lick your cat back and assert dominance. Got it.

  • meow_irl
  • Cats don't give a flying fuck about laws of physics, why would they care about human made drinking laws.

  • Pets take after their masters
  • hell yeah 😺

  • tierlist of all pieces
  • IDK man, I think it belongs in F tier right by the side of the French (🤮) flag

  • Anon offers a harsh truth
  • Define "own"

  • Rule
  • some people like watching animals, including pigs, grazing on their natural habitat.

  • Nothing beats that sobering taste
  • [aɪ̯ pʰiː eɪ̯]

  • Anon owns a pair of cursed jeans
  • I get really upset stomach when I travel. And I have a 6 hour train journey just today. Is the universe trying to tell me something?

  • me_irl
  • I wish. I would be cute at least. But I only get to be antisocial :(

  • Enable/Disable KWin Scripts depending on current activity?

    So, I like working with tiled WMs sometimes though not always. And Polonium is working great for that in Plasma 6. But as I said, I don't want it enabled 24/7. And rather than open settings and toggling it on and off every time, it'd be wonderful if I could harness the power of KDE activities and automatically toggle it on in a particular activity and off on any other. Is it possible?

    real subtitle rule

    anime is Hanada Shōnen Shi btw

    TxzK TxzK

    Nothing interesting to put here

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