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2 yr. ago

  • Yeah, that one was new to me as well.

    The Paul Pope art is as gorgeous as one would expect, though.

  • Assuming that actually is Eric J. Robbins in the comments on that article, he's the co-writer on the episode, and he's claiming the librarian is an Efrosian.

    I want her book pendant.

  • I considered suggesting "The Last Outpost".

  • I don't disagree, but I do believe that when we think about what Star Trek is, what it boils down to is an episodic procedural, despite how serialized it can be at times.

  • My first thought whenever the topic of what episode a person should to introduce Trek to someone comes up is "The Measure of a Man". Though perhaps a courtroom drama, while certainly something Trek dabbles with on multiple occasions, is not typical enough to fall under the umbrella of conventional.

    Maybe something like "Children of the Comet" from season one of SNW. There's a strange mystery that's going to spell disaster for a pre-warp civilization, an alien of the week antagonist whom the Enterprise crew needs to figure out how to deal with without getting into a fight, and everything's neatly wrapped up by the end. The biggest mark against it would be the subplot where Pike's dealing with the knowledge that he's going to end up in a beep chair.

  • it….
    It’s beautiful!

  • Well, I double dumbass on me, I guess.

  • Humpback whales got that Hapsburg jaw.

  • Writer Carlos Cisco has indicated that they conceptualized the Breen’s solid form as an adaptation that they developed over time


    It's completely unrelated to the current Disco story arc, but that does make me wonder if the Vorta and other Dominion species would have been aware of the Breen's goo form. The Changelings evolved the ability to shapeshift over time, but were originally solids. having the Breen start out as the soundtrack producers for the "Spider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage" video game, and later develop a solid form might seem anathema to the Founders and their worshipers.

  • I like the idea that the Breen bodies loose consistency upon death, especially if they're more gelatinous in their natural form, as these episodes of DIS appear to be presenting them.

    However, I do not envy Kira and Dukat having to scoop a bunch of Breen jello out those helmets before putting them on.

  • I like the idea of Kirk pulling out his wallet to try and chip in for beer and pizza in 1986 with a couple strips of latinum, some Klingon darseks left behind on the Bounty, and whatever Federation credits he has, which I assume are a digital currency.

  • They do 100% use money in the 23rd century! 24th century is a bit more debatable, but I'm still on the side of they use money.

  • That was my assumption.

  • Apologies that this one's going up even later than usual. Time kinda got away from me this past week.

  • Pretty sure it was alcoholic beverages specifically.

  • The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a time bug is a good guy with a temporal Cold War.

  • Looks like Modiphius has a new website set up for the game as well:

    I haven’t had a chance to look at the QuickStart yet, but I’m very interested to see how the game’s different, especially how the lack of challenge dice effects things.

    I imagine my group and I will probably give it look over before our game this evening.

  • I am probably not going to be adding series names or episode numbers to the citations. I could potentially start doing the recommended viewing again.

  • Risa

    Discount Vulcanoids


    It was like being in an episode

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    At a certain point they've got to start asking questions, right?