🖖USS-Ethernet @ USSEthernet @startrek.website Posts 11Comments 363Joined 2 yr. ago
I wish I didn't need an iPhone for work, (List of every app that is also available on Android).
But sadly I do.
After his call with Trump immediately after the assassination attempt I'm not surprised. They said he straight up asked if he dropped out in support of him, if he could have a cabinet position. The Trump campaign was a little hesitant because of the quid pro quo implication.
I've been listening to Pushing Ice by Alastair Reynolds thanks to a recommendation I saw here on Lemmy. This is one that I'd like to see a movie or series adaptation.
The Bobiverse would be a fun series I think as well.
That's your kids which are in the minority.
These would have to be my top ones.
- Super Mario 3
- Duck hunt (with original guns)
- Zelda a link to the past
- Mega man X
- Chrono trigger
- Super Mario world
- Super Mario kart (with friends)
- Earthworm Jim
- Starfox
GB: Pokémon red, blue, or yellow
GBA: Zelda minish cap
N64: Zelda ocarina of time
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
Was it ever fixed for PC? Last I heard, it was still a stuttery mess and I just decided to avoid it.
We used to have our trampoline secured with the corkscrew type anchors. I wonder if those are strong enough. I know our trampoline never budged with those.
That's why I own neither of those things.
Then I guess they need to start providing the hardware for free, because if I paid for it...it's MINE and I can do what I want with it.
The article is about orcas, but that video at the top is not an orca and just happened to sink a small fishing boat while it was feeding. Pretty sure that incident was an accident and the whale wasn't trying to sink it, it was just breaching and eating.
Rhymes with smunderpaid twerkers and flavory.