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My impression of github since switching to Linux
  • I home brew installed most stuff, yeah. I'm lucky in that I don't need a whole lot of stuff installed. Just a couple of JetBrains IDE's, a couple of browsers, iTerm2 and a handful of popular CLI utilities.

  • anyone who uses Linux on apple silicon or another arm device
  • I did this. Was a ThinkPad Linuxer for years and now I just use an M1 for sysadmin/programming/web/vids. Quite happy to just use Linux on my servers these days. MacOS does the job nicely on laptop. I suppose it depends on how FOSS you want to be.

  • My impression of github since switching to Linux
  • I recently bought a MacBook Air M1 and I came at it from a classic "ThinkPad with Fedora on it" Linux nerd perspective. I got given a Mac at work a couple of years ago, and I warmed to it. I agree that Macs are great tools for DevOps work. I used to think they were just for posers but I've been converted.

  • ICANN approves use of .internal domain for your network
  • Interesting. I've been using "" for a while now, since that's one of the other often used ways.

  • Furi Phone FLX1: Debian smartphone debuts ‱ The Register
  • Just use a $5 USB-C to 3.5mm DAC?

  • beef rule
  • I heard about it when it was mentioned on the Trillbilly podcast, about two years ago. Which is quite an obscure way to hear about a project by Tim and Eric. So, yes, it's not too well known.

  • beef rule
  • I clicked on the thread to mention this excellent Tim & Eric side project. Anyone who likes silliness and hasn't seen it yet needs to crank up a torrent.

  • doot doot
  • thank Mr skeltal

  • Recommended way to run my scripts from a venv?
  • This. I've experimented by using pex before and one or two other means of executable python wrappers and they suck. Just do as lakeeffect says.

  • cryptsetup hanging?
  • Isn't it quite common to have /boot on an unencrypted partition?

  • GNU Coreutils 9.5 Can Yield 10~20% Throughput Boost For cp, mv & cat Commands
  • Wow. I've been using dd for years and I'd consider myself on the more experienced end of the Linux user base. I'll use cp from now on. Great link.

  • What I imagine when I read "Systemd is too big"
  • First time I realised systemd had a logo. And I've been using it for years!

  • Another successful OpenBSD setup
  • Yeah. I've no need to change to anything else. pf/OPNsense 4life.

  • FUSE Passthrough Mode Merged For Linux 6.9
  • How would the update affect stuff like a GoCryptFS volume which I mount and use periodically but not all the time? Would those files be processed much faster than previously?

  • Follow-up: OpenBSD routers on AliExpress mini PCs
  • That's how I've got mine set up, with OPNsense.

    I've been using it a few years and I only know about half the stuff that pfSense/OPNsense can do. So I would advise newbies to just make small changes at a time because there's a whole lot of stuff you can change. It's worth learning, though. I wouldn't use anything else for my main firewall/router nowadays.

  • Another successful OpenBSD setup
  • PfSense and OPNsense are both killer router "out of the box" distros built on BSD. I say this as a Linux user, with little interest in running BSD for my applications, but... Respect to BSD. ✊

  • Software vs Hardware RAID
  • ZFS kicks arse. It's worth learning enough to get a basic array going, with a couple of datasets and encryption. Once you get acquainted with that, you'll be using it for years to come.

  • Automatic backups of inode tables and partition info for easier data recovery
  • This is why I love having luks covering my entire system disk. If I want to upgrade the system with a new drive or move the drive to a different pc or sell it or dispose of it I just dd the first couple of gigs to obliterate the luks header.

    It's obviously essential to have a backup strategy, of course, but full disk encryption is the only way to go for me.

  • question about laptop docks

    Is there an actual graphics processing system inside the dock? For docks with two or three HDMI outputs, shouldn't reviews be focusing on the performance of the internal GPU system? Because it's something I've not noticed in reviews if that's the case.

    [android] clicking on community link doesn't work?

    I've just started using the app today and I like it.

    However, when I tried clicking on a link to go to a community, the exclamation mark doesn't seem to have an effect..


    The above link format should take me to the community, right?
