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But at what cost?
  • I wonder whether this money will be held in French banks. Seeing as China has made it policy to not have any funds linger in Western banks longer than absolutely necessary.

  • Why are so many books utterly and totally lacking in physical descriptions of characters?
  • It's not necessarily the main reason, but it's a reason. Tons of stories, I'd even argue that it's most, don't even venture into someone's sexuality, race and neurotypicality. Readers generally don't care, as long as it isn't shoehorned in just for the sake of ticking boxes because you want to have a vibrant cast.

    All these characteristics bring their own baggage with them, and thus conflict. If you're focusing on a story about a parent choosing to move on from losing their partner and having to remarry to make ends meet, sacrifice their own desire for love for the well-being and future prospects of their children, just as an example for conflict. Then giving the character autism, or an ethnicity that's being discriminated against in that society, or any other characteristics; then it might take away from, diminish or even undermine the story you want to tell.

    In longer stories you can have different character arcs that allow for more nuanced characters and sub-plots. Weaving all of that together in a cohesive whole is a skill not many writers possess. Heck, if you've ever frequented fiction aggregate websites you'd know that the top user created lists are collections of stories that lack any and all romance.

  • Why are so many books utterly and totally lacking in physical descriptions of characters?
  • And I was just commenting an absurd example of a character description, that might make people hot and bothered for their characters, to bring some levity

  • You guys ever find out how psycho the height people are on reddit?
  • My toilet adventures take nowhere long enough to go down that Reddit rabbit hole.

  • Why are so many books utterly and totally lacking in physical descriptions of characters?
  • I don't care for a person's biological appearance, but care a lot about how they dress and their idiosyncrasies.

    Some of it, at least when it's about the protagonist, is that it's easier for readers to imagine themselves in their shoes. Which is why, even with drawn fiction, the protagonist has a generic/formulaic appearance.

  • You guys ever find out how psycho the height people are on reddit?
  • What communities do you even frequent..? May I suggest that you don't?

    As a Dutch guy in China, my height is brought up a lot, and I know Westerners who moved to Asia because they fetishize the feeling of being taller. I just make jokes that I'm taller in the morning than the evening, or joke that I used to be taller when I was still wearing high heels (for the times that I was able to stand up right and not with my ass on the ground).

    Your title might as well say: What's up with terminally online people and hyper-focusing on minute issues to distract themselves from their bad personalities or lousy socio-economic backgrounds?

  • Julian Assange is free
  • Sure, but will they stay there? If they do, I hope he can life his remaining life with his family in relative peace.

  • Julian Assange is free
  • So, anyone want to place bets on where they're going? Russia? China? Back home?

  • Paradox Interactive completely cancelled Life by You
  • inZOI is probably the only real competition left that is worth rooting for. But then again, it's Korean and likely always online, so imagine to be charged hand over fist.

  • Bernie isn't going to save your genocidal ass.
  • You guys are giving Bernie way too much credit, because just like other Western Socdems he is bad on foreign affairs/policy.

  • Lmao coming back to the us from China...
  • TIL. Apart from being cool dude, are there any of his ideas that really stand out to you?

  • Lmao coming back to the us from China...
  • Camus

    Going by the political section of his Wikipedia entry, he doesn't seem too much of a leftist. Then again, I know only of the name, not his content.

  • Nominative determinism at The Atlantic
  • Unless it's done by Tibetan fundamentalists, I guess?

  • Lmao coming back to the us from China...
  • As a Westerner that attends public events I attract these people indoctrinated by Western propaganda like flies. IF China was an dystopian authoritarian police state they would've hired me by now to supply them with names.

  • Lmao coming back to the us from China...
  • There are tons of anti-CPC arguments one can make, especially by looking at past mistakes and ignoring the subsequent work that has gone into rectifying those mistakes. Heck there are various one issue movements in China that push back against some of what the CPC does.

    But, seeing as HK protestors cling onto Pooh memes: it's 100% obvious that it's a foreign op.

  • Lmao coming back to the us from China...
  • Here I was thinking that you were talking about books, and wanted to talk about how Chinese bookstores with dedicated English non-fiction sections shelve the same alt-right tech-bro fiction you find in the US.

    But, no. It's just Pooh and Tank man memes, and thus I'm kind of disappointed.

  • Why are leftist Reddit/Discord moderators such toddlers?

    Link to link.

    Posted into the wrong Lemmy community. Might need to delete+repost.

    I seriously don't get it. Why do they try and get people from China-related subreddits/communities to join them if they're going to ban them once they're too vocal? Do they just want to spread a wide net and catch whichever stragglers so they can promote their own form of socialism?

    Or are these people actively creating these communities and banning anyone who's even half-serious about socialism as to impede the organization of grassroots movements?

    Weyland Weyland
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