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31 Democrats vote to keep Santos in Congress []
  • I think the Democrat strategy this cycle is pretty much this on even a larger scale. The right wing says they're timing trump's trials to interfere with the election, but the thing is I think they're right in the exact opposite way of what they expect.

    Trump caught the US by surprise and now people are sick of him, so suddenly he and every other scumbag in his party are the best ammunition the dems could ask for. The dems want to keep them all around and actively give them more chances to be obnoxious in order to scare more voters toward voting blue while splitting the GOP's votes.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Got it boss

    (Quietly implements a modulo check but only for a range between the current endpoint of the if branches and the highest value I expect the product to ever encounter)

  • Removed
    U.S. economy grows at blockbuster pace in third quarter
  • It's all the same problem though, isnt it?

    Same people squeezing the economy dry are the ones ultimately responsible for fucking up efforts to unfuck the climate.

    Keeping lenses on multiple issues maintains clarity on what's at the root of them.

  • "...And MTG threw a tantrum on the way out. Win-win"
  • Could you elaborate a bit on that? I'm not really sure how a business that "actually grows" would be functional ina fixed economy without becoming confusing graphs or entering some other major problem.

  • fair share?
  • I imagine a realistic implementation would involve a system of progressive brackets and minimums/deductibles, modeled after the way income tax is. Ideally, things are modeled such that the tax is only full percents among those absurdly high brackets that can afford them

    Constitutionality is another matter though, and yeah it seems like it would be awful hard to get that through the current court

  • The Hollywood writers strike is over after guild leaders approve contract with studios
  • You ask me, it's like the great quarantine to try and slow down covid

    The idealists were hoping to stamp it out entirely but the reality was that covid was everywhere, and would inevitably become part of life. Quarantining served to make sure hospitals weren't overwhelmed (or rather, weren't MORE overwhelmed) until a vaccine could be made to try and get things under control

    In the same vein, it makes sense to me to try and stifle AI stuff hopefully long enough to push for UBI and other social safety nets, so that when the lid comes completely off pandora's box, the damage to people's lives is mitigated and the benefits from the tech can be enjoyed in better conscience

  • sToP pOsTiNg pOliTicAl mEmEs!!!
  • Almost all the memes I have saved are pretty much void of any real statement or opinion, except maybe "this is humorously absurd". Unfortunately they're all images and I don't want to go to the trouble of transcribing them

    In general if something appears to he trying to sway or convince me toward something, it isn't a meme, it's a political cartoon or an advertisement, even if it's trying to be humorous.

  • Most unintuitive deck/synergy you've brewed?

    I've been looking for inspirations on ways to use cards that feels like it's working outside those cards' expected parameters/use-cases. Things that feel like they hit strategies that WotC might not have thought about when printing the cards.

    For instance, one of the most popular expressions of this is the open secret that Tivit, Seller of Secrets actually functions better as an artifact-combo commander than as a voting commander - every ETB or combat hit makes 5 artifacts, guaranteed, which makes Time Sieve combos easy.

    Or, in terms of decks I've brewed/been brewing, Zevlor Elturel Exile as a poison-proliferate deck. Doesn't work great, but the idea is to try and spike the board with multiplied proliferate triggers, so I can tick people up by 3 poison per "single target spell plus proliferate as an upside" spell. Turns out that people just focus you and your commander out of the game pretty much immediately if you try that, but I digress.

    Or, using Mutate as a mechanic not to try and actually proc on-mutate effects, but just to strip "legendary" off cards that are balanced around it as a mechanic, like Kiki-Jiki. Mutate him into a nonlegendary, and you can infinitely multiply him during your prior opponent's end step, and overrun the board during your turn.

    It's effects like these that I really enjoy exploring, the cases that make people stop and say, "Wait, it works like that?" or, "Wait, you did all that just to do this?" It scoops a lot into the art form that is jank deckbuilding, and I'm curious to know what little corners of the MTG design-space you all have found funny little interactions in.

    Is humanity accidentally selecting for vaccine-resistant traits in viruses?

    I was thinking about vaccines and their usefulness, when it occurred to me that, in using vaccines, we've sort of pigeonholed viruses into behaving the way covid does. Haven't we?

    If a virus is slow-mutating or distinct enough, then it goes the way of polio or smallpox - that is, nearly or completely eradicated from the world, especially in countries wealthy enough to vaccinate en masse.

    So the only kind of viruses that are capable of thriving for very long are those that spread fast, and therefore mutate fast enough that vaccines can "miss" like they do sometimes with the flu. And if a virus maintains lethality above some socially-determined threshold, people take it seriously enough to isolate and kill it off. So it kinda feels like humanity "made" covid, not in a lab, but sort of by default, by killing all the other behaviors of treatable/preventable plagues that could have existed.

    Are we setting ourselves up for more fast-moving covid-like viruses in the future, by vaccinating the way that we do?

    I guess for this to be any evidence toward changing our practices, it would have to be the case that there's a viral "ecosystem" in which vaccinating against one virus makes more room for others, and I don't know if that's true.

    Are covid-like viruses simply an inevitability, or could a change in practice have reduced the likelihood of such a thing happening?

    Falco Spara Counters Matter - Seeking Advice on Combo deckbuilding

    I'm looking to make a $50 budget deck which you can see here.

    The deck feels generally well-balanced for normal play, but seems to have the issue that it can't really win until it draws one of its combos, those combos being:

    Ivy Lane Denizen + Herd Baloth/Scurry Oak Vigean Graftmage + Faeburrow Elder/Kami of Whispered Hopes/Incubation Druid Devoted Druid + Swift Reconfiguration

    The Ivy Lane combos produce infinite creatures, the other combos produce infinite mana, with Devoted Druid also letting grab infinite nonland topdeck-casts from Falco by spending the -1/-1 counters. Once I hit any of them, I can crank out enough resources to make a play toward winning the game.

    However, the game feels awfully slow and inconsistent when it revolves around drawing at least one of three specific cards, plus one of the 1-3 matching combo pieces, and then having both on the field, uncountered, long enough to win the game. Feels fragile, more than a lot of combo decks I see others go for.

    Am I doing this right? I currently have Threats Undetected and Shared Summons in the deck to try and help set myself up for this a bit better, and I figure that my draw/scry options, with Falco's help, can dig pretty far for cards like these, but I want to know if maybe I'm going about this totally wrong.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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