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Trans megathread for the week of September 23rd to 29th. - How to preform CPR
  • Hell yeah. Between this game and’s dressposting, I can feel the elaborate outfits taking control of my brain

  • Featured
    Trans megathread for the week of September 23rd to 29th. - How to preform CPR
  • programming is really fun yeah! it's like making puzzles for yourself to solve. and then you are done you've got your cool little things you made to use!

  • Featured
    Trans megathread for the week of September 23rd to 29th. - How to preform CPR
  • Wait maybe I just want to be able to pull off his outfit actually.

  • Featured
    Trans megathread for the week of September 23rd to 29th. - How to preform CPR
  • Need the HRT that makes you look like Alucard Symphony of the Night

  • i seriously cannot comprehend why kruschev was ever allowed to fuck the SU up so badly
  • I would also be interested in more sources on this topic. The wikipedia page on Vavilov links this source on the Soviet view of genetics, but it has a very clear anti-communist bias and some obvious nonsense. I only realized this most of the way through typing my comment but apparently the author joined the USSR branch of Amnesty International in 1981, and was the chairman from 1985-1988. My favorites are claiming 10 million peasants were arrested and exiled or shot during collectivization (source: Winston Churchill, The Second World War, vol. 4) and this line:

    Thus, Party leaders began doing what scientists always tried to avoid: turning scientific sessions into forums for resolving political tasks.


    Anyways, the article is interesting even if I'm skeptical of it's accuracy. It seems as though there was a lot of debate around genetics in the Soviet Union at the time, which makes sense to me from a layperson's perspective at least. From what I understand, modern genetics was a relatively new science at the time, and considering the role of eugenics and Social Darwinism in Nazi ideology, I think it's reasonable that some Soviet scientists were skeptical. If I am incorrect here, I'd appreciate it if someone could correct me.

    Vavilov himself certainly spoke highly of Soviet science. Here's a telegram he sent to The New York Times:

    The lie about Soviet science and Soviet scientists conscientiously working for the cause of socialism has become the specialty of certain organs of the foreign press…. On many occasions I gave reports in the press and orally in many cities of the USA about Soviet science, about the exceptional possibilities granted to Soviet scientists, about the role of science in our country, and about the tremendous progress of science during the Soviet period.

    From a small institution during the Tsarist period—the Bureau of Applied Botany—the Institute of Plant Industry that I am in charge of has grown during the Soviet period into a most prestigious scientific institution having few equals in scale in the world. Its staff of about 65 people during the Tsarist period at the present time has reached 1,700 when all its branches in the outlying areas are included. The institute’s budget has gone from 50 thousand rubles to 14 million rubles...

    We argue, discuss existing theories in genetics and in selection [plant breeding—V.S.] methods, we summon each other to Socialist competition, and I have to tell you frankly, this is a great stimulus, which significantly increases the level of work…

    I more than many other people am obliged to the government of the USSR for its great attention to the institute I head and to my personal work.

    As a faithful son of the Soviet country, I consider it my duty and good fortune to work for the good of my native land and give my entire being to science in the USSR.

    Sweeping aside as vile slander of dubious origin your report about me and the fabrications that in the USSR intellectual freedom allegedly does not exist, I insist on the publication of the present telegram in your newspaper.

    Academician N. I. Vavilov (1936).

    As for his imprisonment, it seems like he was arrested for foreign espionage and sabotage? It's pretty difficult for me to find a more concrete answer than this, as this story seems to be an anti-communist favorite and there are tons of articles propagandizing about Stalinism around it. Again if anyone has better sources, or if wants to link a source, I'd appreciate it. I got sucked into this and spent more time on it than I wanted to already.

  • Sunday Was Gaming Day: What Are You Playing Weekly Thread
  • I finished Chrono Trigger recently, fuckin’ awesome game. I haven’t really been able to articulate my thoughts on it yet but I can definitely understand why it’s got its reputation. Now I’m finally playing Disco Elysium, I’m only a few hours in but I’m loving it so far. I also started Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, but I’m kinda garbage at platformers and these sorts of old action games and this one seems pretty hard, so uhh I guess we’ll see if I can keep up with it.

  • Locked
    Merry 9/11 and Happy Holidays - New General Megathread for the 11th-13th of September 2024
  • idk about the other stuff but i had problems with buttons like the next page one not working like you are describing. are you on an iphone? for me it was an issue with safari being out of date, and updating my phone fixed the issue. maybe try as well.

  • Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane?
  • Listen, I'm all for dunking on shitlibs, but if someone's literally asking for reading recs on communism, I think we should at least try and give them something. Maybe I'm just being naive or my sealion detector is bad or something, but this to me seems like a good faith request, even if it's very ignorant.

  • Look at my progressive media, dog
  • The only gang in Aurora is the Aurora PD

  • Sunday Is Gaming Day And Gaming Day Is Labor Day: What Are You Playing Long Weekend Thread
  • Getting close to the end of Chrono Trigger I think, it's my first time playing it and I've been really enjoying it. After I finish that I'm split between whether I want to finally play Disco Elysium (assuming my computer can even run it lol) or give Xenogears a try.

  • Another Day, Another LW Denial of Harris/Biden Genocide Support
  • Yeah I got to that comment tree and blacked out for a bit, knew it was time to close the thread. Just unbelievably vile people

  • Banjo Kazooie just got Decompiled!
  • that’s pretty typical i think, i know the oot and mm pc ports are unaffiliated with the zelda reverse engineering team, and if i remember right the same was true for mario 64 but i’m not sure

  • Maybe I'm an outlier, but I feel like all these games from the golden years, (FF7, RE2, SH2, MGS3) etc. don't need remakes and are fine as is.
  • This may be an even spicier take than the OP but I think most of the time “quality of life” changes are unnecessary and can undermine deliberate game design choices. Adding accessibility features (actual accessibility, as in features that allow disabled people to enjoy games they otherwise would not be able to play, not accessibility in the way Consumers use it) are obviously good changes, but otherwise I don’t think added features in remakes often make for a better experience. Most games that get remade are games that were beloved in their day, and it’s not like those games got worse or anything, people just have different standards that lead them to expect a game from 20-30 years ago to play the same as one that came out today. And tbh, if I wanted to play games that feel like modern games, I would just play modern games…

  • Vitriol about female boxer Imane Khelif fuels concern of backlash against LGBTQ+ and women athletes
  • and yet they definitely have a genetic advantage over the vast majority of women, to the point where certain events could conceivably be dominated by people with their condition

    Do you have a source for this? Here is a study that came to a very different conclusion.

    Key Biomedical Findings

    • Biological data are severely limited, and often methodologically flawed.
    • There is limited evidence regarding the impact of testosterone suppression (through, for example, gender-affirming hormone therapy or surgical gonad removal) on transgender women athletes’ performance.
    • Available evidence indicates trans women who have undergone testosterone suppression have no clear biological advantages over cis women in elite sport.

    The category was literally made to exclude a segment of the population from competing (men).

    Women’s sports weren’t invented to exclude men, they were invented to include women. This may seem like a minor distinction, but I don’t believe it is because of the clear connection between cis women being excluded from sports due to misogyny, and trans women being excluded from sports due to transphobia.

  • Any good books you’ve read lately? Like, anything with even the veil of being politically agnostic
  • I just finished The Murders in the Rue Morgue, and now I'm reading The Mystery of Marie Rogêt. I don't know if you can call stories about crime "politically agnostic", but they're short and not theory at least. I've been getting more in to mystery fiction lately, I've always liked mysteries in other mediums but never really branched out towards them in books before.

    By the way, does anyone here use BookWyrm?

  • You know… the thing!
  • biden deserves worse. i hope every day like this is torturous and that he lives another 50 years like this

  • Do you know any mobile games that don't suck?
  • there’s a really good port of dodonpachi daioujou on the iphone app store, idk about android. sorcery is another good one, based on an old steve jackson gamebook