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Question about donating to open source
  • nlnet is the main one that comes to mind.

  • Question about donating to open source
  • How much money do you donate?

    I am very privileged to have some money left over after fulfilling essential needs. So, I set a fixed amount a while ago, and then whenever I am able to make a saving (e.g. switching to a cheaper phone plan) or get a pay rise (if it ever comes), I'll put some of the gains into donations.

    When do you donate?

    I remember reading somewhere that many organisations prefer regular donations to one-off donations, even if the regular amount is smaller, since it helps them plan better. So I always give regular donations, even if the amount is smaller to compensate.

    I have everything set up as automatic donations in liberapay and OpenCollective. So, it's pretty seamless!

    If anyone ever wants to gift me anything, I'll ask for them to consider a donation to a project instead.

    Do you have a minimum donation amount?

    I try to avoid payments under £5. Below that point, way too much of the money goes to fees. For some projects where I donate a small amount, I donate yearly instead of monthly instead.

    How do you decide what projects to support? Do you forego donations if you’ve contributed in other ways?

    I don't donate to every project I benefit from, but I care a lot about XMPP and Linux on Mobile, so I donate mainly to projects in these areas. I've also contributed code to some of these projects, but I keep donating as I want to support the ongoing maintenance as well as just individual features.

    Do you donate to all equally or do you have some sort of ranking? Is it by amount of use, subjective preference, something else?

    I care about XMPP as a whole succeeding, so I donate to many projects I don't even use myself. I wanted to donate to clients and servers for each major platform, so I split the clients like this:

    • iOS clients: 1 project
    • Android clients: 1 project
    • Linux clients: 4 projects
    • Server software: 1 project

    Then, I donated an equal amount to each platform (so, for example all the Linux clients combined would get the same as the single Android client).

    However, since I was donating so little to each Linux client, I decided to gradually increase the amount I donate to those over time.

    I've also recently started donating to libraries / ancillary projects in the same space. But I don't have much money left to play with for them, so the amount is smaller :(

    Linux on Mobile is simpler as I only donate to two projects, so I just donate equally to both.

    So, long story short, it started with some kind of structure, but has become more subjective since then :)

    What platforms do you prefer using? Liberapay, Opencollective, Patreon, ko-fi, Paypal, Monero, actual post?

    I really like liberapay, especially as it mostly works without Javascript. But Opencollective is pretty nice too. If the developer themselves gives a preference, I'll normally use that platform.

    One thing I'm interesting in knowing is - do people generally prefer donating to fewer projects, but with bigger amounts, or vice versa? One criticism of my approach is that, because I am spread quite thin, I risk not really helping any project that much, whereas if I focused on one or two projects, at least those could benefit a bit more.

  • Telegram will disclose users' IP adresses and phone numbers to authorities, Durov says
  • To be honest, I think the above clients and services like Snikket fit that description.

    Now, I wouldn't say they're all on the same level UX-wise as WhatsApp, Telegram etc. But I do think they are 90%-95% of the way there, and in my experience that's enough to convince friends and family to switch over.

    In my experience, when people haven't wanted to switch, it's normally not been because of the clients, but because they don't want to install yet another app to talk to someone.

  • All Proton Drive apps are now open source
  • Any new open source software is always a net positive.

    But, there are a few small caveats to the way they've done it (depending on how cynical/cautious you are):

    • Because Proton are not accepting contributions, they own all the copyright, so can make the code closed source again if they want to (that wouldn't affect the already released versions, but future versions)
    • They could likely take down any derivative on iOS, since Apple will always take instruction from the copyright holder, for GPL'd code
    • Since the builds are not reproducible, there's no guarantee that the binaries they distribute are built from the source code
  • Telegram will disclose users' IP adresses and phone numbers to authorities, Durov says
  • How do you define modern? I would call these modern clients personally:

  • My debugging experience today: Quantum Debugging
  • Perfect, now you just have to wrap your program inside a debugger in production!

  • Forgejo is now copyleft, just like Git
  • Yep, that's the gist of it. In order to change the license from the GPL, they'd need the permission of all of the copyright holders who've contributed code under the GPL to the project. After a few months have passed, this basically makes it impossible (or at least extremely difficult) since at least one person (and likely many people) will say no.

  • pinephone?
  • Thanks for explaining some of the history, it makes some sense and gives me some things to try. Thanks for all the work you've done on the mobile stack as well. It's made my life a lot better. And maybe one day I'll be able to ditch the backup nokia too :)

  • Best way to attach phone to bike?
  • It was just from cycling. Perhaps he just got unlucky though? From the sounds of things his experience seems like an outlier. Or he was just so fast that the vibration frequency matched that of a motorbike 😁

  • pinephone?
  • I have a PinePhone Pro, and it runs nheko very well. Fractal is a little slower, but still usable. Not sure about Simplex I'm afraid.

  • pinephone?
  • I'm running postmarketOS v24.06. I could easily have messed something up though!

  • pinephone?
  • At least in my case! I ordered this year. It took 2 months, but it did arrive :)

  • Best way to attach phone to bike?
  • One thing to be aware of is that riding around a lot with the phone attached can cause the stabilisation sensor in the camera to go wrong. When this happens your camera feed starts wobbling around all the time. This happened to a friend of mine and let's just say his snapchat stories had a very distinctive look :)

    I'm not sure whether more expensive mounts do a better job with this (I think his was quite cheap) but make sure to do your research if you're planning on using it a lot, and you care about your phone's camera.

  • pinephone?
  • If you can afford it, I think the Librem 5 is the best linux-first phone at the moment. Both it and the PinePhone Pro are roughly as fast as each other, but the Librem 5 has a much more premium feel, and the hardware kill switches are much more accessible, if you're into that kind of thing.

    Back in the day, when the Librem 5 was $1000+, it was a no-brainer for the PinePhone Pro, but I feel it is much more reasonable to recommend the Librem 5 now.

    You can make it work as a daily driver, but I wouldn't want to depend on it for life and death situations. Calling generally doesn't work very well - either one side can't hear the other, or the audio quality is too quiet, or not very good. It's probably possible to fix if you know what you're doing, but I don't know what I'm doing :)

    I carry around a dumbphone and a SIM removal tool, so that I can call someone if I really need to. If you're happy to do that, I feel it gives you the best of both worlds.

    Otherwise, one alternative is to be an Android-first device, that has good support in PostmarketOS, e.g. the Oneplus 6/6T. Mobile Linux has had such an impact on these devices that the price of these on eBay has gone up in some areas over time :D

    Good luck!

  • European Commission cuts funding support for Free Software projects
  • They have also funded a lot of improvements to XMPP clients and servers.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I'd like to second Snikket - it's designed for this use case and is very simple to set up.

    If you'd rather not use Snikket, check out these recommendations for clients and servers.

    Hope it works for you! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

  • Extreme misogyny to be treated as terrorism under UK government plans
  • Now: terrorists are terrorists, right wing rioters are terrorists, climate protestors are terrorists and misogynistic people are terrorists.

    Soon: asylum seekers are terrorists, people who go on strike are terrorists, members of the opposition party are terrorists.

    I support reducing violence against women, but prevent is the wrong tool for this problem. If the government actually want to address this instead of just looking like they are, I feel they should take an approach that actually works. We need:

    • More consistent and holistic sex education, from a younger age
    • Explicitly teaching about sexual violence, the services available and the punishments for doing it
    • Investing in local policing, so that there is bandwidth to look into these cases
    • Giving more funding to charities who support domestic abuse survivors
    • Training for police, so they actually listen to women when they raise concerns at an earlier stage, instead of waiting until it's too late
    • Tougher sentencing for any form of sexual violence

    Prevent is both ineffective and discriminatory. It increases government surveillance, and raises the burden on GPs and teachers. The National Union of Teachers want to get rid of it, the Communities and Local Government Committee found a multitude of problems that haven't been fixed, and human rights orgs like Liberty and Amnesty International want to get rid of it too. It doesn't work and in many cases has made things worse.

  • What are your favourite extensions?
  • Thank you for taking the time to write this, LibRedirect is so much better!

  • What are your favourite extensions?
  • Unfortunately, I think it just picks randomly. I have had times where it has redirected me to an instance that is down. That said, if you have an instance you know is stable, it does give you a drop-down to always redirect to a specific one.

  • What are your favourite extensions?
  • For me, it's many of the ones people have already said, plus:

    • StreetPass (seriously cool - collects the mastodon profile of any website you visit where someone has set up the special link to their profile)
    • Video Speed Controller (gives you fine-grained control over video speed, e.g. watching video at 2.6x speed)
    • Privacy redirect (automatically redirects to various services, e.g. from Twitter to Nitter - can select a random instance each time)
  • What is the experience of running FOSS games on the Steam Deck?

    I'm interested in buying a Steam Deck purely to run FOSS games, e.g. OpenTTD, 0ad, Minetest, Torcs etc.

    What is the experience of playing these games on the Steam Deck? Do they work out of the box with the controllers on the device?

    Additionally - does anyone have any experience running a standard distro (e.g. Debian, Arch) on the Steam Deck, without installing a lot of Steam Deck specific cusomisations?

    I'm guessing there are a lot of patches that have not been upstreamed or not made it into certain distros yet - does anyone know of any resources to show what contributions have been upstreamed and which are still outstanding?

    ambitiousslab ambitiousslab
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