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2 yr. ago

  • Victim was his wife.

    Woowa is marital rape still legal is some parts of the USA?

  • If something like this had been about I'd have had it done at 21 rather than my wife fucking up her hormones with the pill for a few years before we ended up getting the permanent snip.

  • £500 well spent. Though I'm still annoyed that my local NHS trust wouldn't fund it.

  • No, but if the sale goes through and you don't declare it to the tax man then that's probably illegal.

  • Is that Paris or Janeway?

  • Five-bed home looks gorgeous on the outside - but inside there's a horrifying amount of BS 1363 receptacles.


  • Tell me you're a Scouser without telling me you're a Scouser.

  • I'll care when I can replace Google Assistant with Google Now.

  • This is mainly true for cats.

    Expensive toy = zero interest

    The box the expensive toy came in = hours of fun.

  • Though Lidl value beans are no where near as good as their standard ones.

  • I got one this year and just can't love it. It's fine, but I definitely miss my pixel 5.

  • The Scottish, coat it in batter and put it in the deep fryer. Drink a bottle of Buckfast to accompany.

  • That doesn't sound like it'll be legal in a lot of countries.

  • Yeah Morrisons, but you have to be a prime member.