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2 yr. ago

  • You found a needle screech in a haystack!

    That's bound to be lucky...

  • I have to leave some of the gold for you all! 😜

  • Next year's goal is now clear... 10x as much owl content!

    Not sure if owls count as counterculture, but they definitely don't like people telling them what to do.

  • It knows how to work it for the camera!

  • This just reminded me of this comic from yesterday! 😆

  • superbowl Superbowl

    Long Ear

  • Class would never have been boring!

  • superbowl Superbowl

    Mr Sandman

    superbowl Superbowl

    Having a halo does not always mean one is an angel!

  • I did my best for us to find a neutral space the other day!

    Though most owls and tan eggs have conflicting interests, in a way, owls are only able to carry on thanks to the tan eggs. They would be nothing without them. They even pack up and migrate with them.

    Many do not even focus specifically on the tan eggs. It is nothing personal, just a matter of opportunity. Should the number of tan eggs go too low, the owls will gladly go elsewhere.

    They may not exactly live together in harmony, but their coexistence is crucial to many environments!

  • This great horned owlet is picking up on self-feeding, although not reliably enough for us to stop offering feedings throughout the day. Leaving cut up pieces of mice in their enclosure will help encourage this bird to investigate and start to eat on their own.

  • It's giving school picture day vibes.

  • Fluffy and formidable. Owlets almost always arrive with attitude, which is great for their chances to return to the wild

  • superbowl Superbowl

    The Early Bird

    superbowl Superbowl

    Everyone's Looking for Eggs

  • Republican judges have shut down Trump before and will hopefully continue to do so at least some of the time.

    Republicans have a slim Senate majority, and if any Rs decide to become their party's Manchin or Sinema, things can still be blocked. There's also bound to be infighting among Rs after conflicting things.

    The ACLU and other groups are filing lawsuits. If they win or not will be seen, but they will keep trying.

    One thing I feel I don't see talked about enough on here though, is what we can do as individuals. Are you getting involved anywhere? If not, why?

    Every community has groups looking out for the poor/homeless, discriminated groups, the environment, immigrants, labor unions, etc. If you don't trust your leaders to solve things, that leaves us all to step up to fill those holes.

    I've already applied for one volunteer service, and am looking into others depending how the first one goes. We can't just sit and wait to see what happens. We need to get involved and take personal responsibility.

  • I am still hoping this was unintentional.

    I wonder if we'll ever find out what it actually is.

  • There is method to my madness! 🤪

    Also just works well when putting my phone down random places or near someone else's phone. I can always spot it much faster with a louder color case. Then I have the dark one for when a neon color phone would look too out of place or just draw unwanted attention like an event or nice dinner.

    It just adds a layer of flexibility that I find worth the price of a cheap case.

  • superbowl Superbowl

    More on the Dyed Snowy...

    superbowl Superbowl

    Good Owls are Hard to Find

    superbowl Superbowl

    Be My Valentine

    superbowl Superbowl

    Barred Owl with Heart Shaped Markings

    superbowl Superbowl

    Valentine's Day Festivities

    superbowl Superbowl

    Spotted at the Dollar Tree

    superbowl Superbowl

    Rare reddish-orange snowy owl in Huron County captivates birdwatchers

    superbowl Superbowl

    Long Distance

    superbowl Superbowl

    Musical Chairs and Spring Cleaning

    superbowl Superbowl

    Lonely Nights

    superbowl Superbowl

    Must have been something I ate... 😖

    superbowl Superbowl

    Hawk Owl Getting Ahead of the Weather

    superbowl Superbowl

    Alpenglow (Owlpenglow?)

    superbowl Superbowl

    Grateful for Greys

    superbowl Superbowl

    Bath Time for Newton