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With pedestrian fatalities mounting, regulators propose tougher vehicle design rules
  • that the law only requires vehicles to stop for pedestrians already in the crosswalk

    Where I live it's different. If someone wants to cross at a crosswalk, they have the right of way. If a child want's to cross anywhere, they have the right of way. Not on freeway (Autobahn) or highway (Schnellstraße) of course.

    Also there is the Vertrauensgrundsatz (trust principle?). If yo cannot trust someone to know the laws or follow the law (children, visibly under influence, ...) treat them as such. Keep distance and keep slow, give right of way if necessary.

  • Russian Missile Identified in Kyiv Children’s Hospital Attack - bellingcat
  • In two of three final reports there are bombs worn or placed by the attackers. In two of the reports the final assault was started by government personell (either directly, letting it look like the hostage takers started it, or by killing the guy on a dead man's switch). In one report it was classified as a suicide attack from the start.

    The dead man's switch was confirmed by one of the surviving attackers. He also was the one speaking of a dispute between the attackers concerning the target building (school vs. police station).

  • Locked Removed
    I'm posting this photo because 35 years later, people in China and Hong Kong can't.
  • No, i don't need sources on that. I'd like to hear claims on what happened in and around the square... Why it's called a massacre? How many were killed? On which side were those killed? Were the 'sides' as clear cut as we are told? Why were there protests and why did it escalate?

  • Locked Removed
    I'm posting this photo because 35 years later, people in China and Hong Kong can't.
  • What happened exactly at Tiananmen Square? You have some good sources?

    E: Yeah, i get it. "Look it up! Everyone knows!" I did, and I'd like some sources on the claims everyone thinks that happened. Most media outlets call it massacre but forget to put numbers, reasons and sources in the articles. What do YOU think what happened? What did YOU hear/read? What was the reason for the protest and what was the reason for the escalation?

  • Small modular nuclear reactors get a reality check in new report
  • There was a massive tsunami in the area killing almost 20k people, the power plant was not their first concern.

    The guy died 4 years after the accident from lung cancer, not very common in nuclear power.

  • Small modular nuclear reactors get a reality check in new report
  • I never agreed that its outmoded or old tech.

    At Fukushima Daichii died one worker of radiation poisoning and one in a crane incident. The evacuation killed 51 more. Scientific consense is, that the loss of life and cumulative lifetime would have been lower if there was no evacuation.

  • Small modular nuclear reactors get a reality check in new report
  • Yeah, read it. Also the article with the discussion on the death toll. 31 immediate deaths 60 attributable in the following two decades

    The official WHO estimate with 4000 more cancer deaths until 2050 is based on the disputed LNT model. Even UNSCEAR itself says:

    The Scientific Committee does not recommend multiplying very low doses by large numbers of individuals to estimate numbers of radiation-induced health effects within a population exposed to incremental doses at levels equivalent to or lower than natural background levels.

    Dr. Thomas shares that contrary to popular belief there is a scientific consensus that the Chernobyl accident has resulted in the deaths of less than 55 people as a result of radiation.

    The two airship accidents with the most casualties count together 120 dead (USS Akron and Dixmude).

  • Verso Books is actually putting this out this summer
  • I got an error there. They are built by water sources but 11 of 15 power rely on evaporative cooling via cooling towers. There is the possibility of dry cooling, which doesn't use external water.

    • Geological stability is not relevant with on site storage in spent fuel pools or dry caskets.
    • If you keep risk assessment up to date that is not a problem (tsunami walls, emergency pumps/generators automatic shutdown, ...)
    • Security risks are of a concern not only for nuclear power plants. Think of pumped hydro. The Ukrainian reactors at Zaporizhzhia have very high standards of protection. Thick concrete walls, steel containment. It would be cheaper to start nuclear attacks, than to try to create a nuclear catastrophe by damaginh the reactors. But better save than sorry, hence the warnings by IAEO.
    • Ground stability is a factor in every building. Especially high ones with small ground area and strong forces acting on them... like wind turbines.
  • Verso Books is actually putting this out this summer
  • You do know that you can build nuclear power plants almost anywhere?

    Four of the french ones are not at water sources. The biggest in the US is located in a desert. Katar has nuclear reactors.

    Why would site selection be difficult?

  • Verso Books is actually putting this out this summer
  • What energy source ist fast enough to build? Wind? PV?

    France constructed 56 reactors in 15 years (1974-1989) with about 60GW capacity.

    Germanys nuclear program was faster in constructing capacity than any phase in the Energiewende.

  • Germany: We Need Nuclear Power From France Germany: We Need Nuclear Power From France

    The last three remaining German nuclear plants shut down in April could have provided 25% of the country’s needed household energy.

    Germany: We Need Nuclear Power From France
    Complaining nuclear is not economical viable, when they are by themself responsible for it.

    J. Trittin: "It was clear to us that we couldn't just prevent nuclear power by protesting on the street. As a result, we in the governments in Lower Saxony and later in Hesse tried to make nuclear power plants unprofitable by increasing the safety requirements."

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