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OpenBudgeteer: a selfhosted budgeting app made for Bucket Budgeting
  • Try clicking either of those links.

    Regardless, this is a thread about self-hosted open-source budgeting, which is why I linked to Actual Budget. I have updated the first post to be the Github link instead to prevent confusion.

  • OpenBudgeteer: a selfhosted budgeting app made for Bucket Budgeting
  • all I saw was pricing [...] can you really blame me?

    I mean I really can. They don't have any paid option so you definitely didn't see any pricing. They only have a big open source message:

  • OpenBudgeteer: a selfhosted budgeting app made for Bucket Budgeting
  • You're replying to my comment about Actual Budget, the very open source budgeting solution?

  • OpenBudgeteer: a selfhosted budgeting app made for Bucket Budgeting
  • Net worth and investment tracking goes in my spreadsheets, budgeting in Actual Budget.

  • OpenBudgeteer: a selfhosted budgeting app made for Bucket Budgeting
  • Imagine if the same amount of developer resources were put towards a single solution instead of 5 nearly identical ones 🤷

  • OpenBudgeteer: a selfhosted budgeting app made for Bucket Budgeting
  • Why not Actual Budget, which is also self-hosted, open-source bucket budgeting based off YNAB, however it appears to be a lot more mature.

    They also transparently run the project on Open Collective which I like:

  • Flatpak Help Needed
  • It'll be easier to run the LLM in Podman on Bazzite.

  • Yazi - Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O
  • As someone new to Linux, what would be a few reasons that you prefer this to using the built-in GUI file browser?

  • Cloud storage/backup
  • Any cloud is a secure backup on Linux if you use rclone crypt :)

    It works with Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive, and countless others to create an encrypted cloud storage, where the cloud provider can never view your file contents.

  • What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • I do it that way for my kid as she prefers it, and the "normal" way for me, and it is identically easy.

    I cannot understand the claim that it's easier the seed end, it's just not true.

    It's definitely cleaner doing it the normal way from the bunch end as you never get bits of banana on you if it's a particularly squishy one.

    Bunch end wins for me. Just as easy if not easier and no mess.

  • Goldilocks distro?
  • I'm not sure how it works with PIA, but on Proton I can export multiple configs, let's say 6 different ones with a combination of countries and other options.

    Then I add them all into KDE and I can switch between them at will.

    It's a slight extra cost of time at the start, but after that it's smooth and easy.

  • Goldilocks distro?
  • Private Internet Access

    Can't you simply get the OpenVPN or Wireguard details from in PIA, and then put them into Gnome/KDE's built-in VPN app?

    Like this:

    Will be something similar for Wireguard.

  • Proton Wallet Review: Is Proton Losing Touch? - Privacy Guides
  • Oh I agree with you. I am a daily crypto user and I have no use for this wallet. I was just offering some things it adds which might be useful.

    Lightning is a big missed opportunity. Phoenix is the only wallet I know that has solved this in a user-friendly way.

    (I did also mention that it only works between Proton accounts.)

  • Proton Wallet Review: Is Proton Losing Touch? - Privacy Guides
  • The wallet doesn’t add anything directly useful.

    It adds a couple of things which can be useful:

    1. You have a single receive email, but it's associated with a full HD wallet, so every receive will generate a brand new unused address for the sender. As the email is static, you could for example post it for donations and not have to worry about people being able to track anything you've received. Of course this only works with other Proton users which is kind of pointless, but perhaps it's the start of some sort of interoperability standard?

    2. They have support which you can contact, which while almost certainly isn't important for you, for your aunty it might be useful.

  • Proton Wallet Review: Is Proton Losing Touch? - Privacy Guides
  • who is maintaining custody of the Bitcoin

    It's self-custody.

  • Proton Wallet Review: Is Proton Losing Touch? - Privacy Guides
  • You neglected to quote the most relevant part of the article which answers your own question regarding Monero:

    Proton Wallet is in a strange position. I've spoken to a few sources who suggest that privacy features like CoinJoin, which can mix Bitcoin in order to better anonymize transactions, were intended to be included at launch. The crackdown on the ill-fated Samouri Wallet project by U.S. authorities last April certainly put a damper on privacy in the Bitcoin space, and likely made Proton wary of introducing such features to the public.

    Proton suggests this themselves, stating on their website:

    "Coinjoin is considered the best solution for improving blockchain privacy. It works by mixing your BTC with other users’ BTC in a collaborative self-custodial transaction where you get back the same amount of BTC that you put in but on a different address that cannot be easily linked to your previous address. However, in 2024, in what many consider to be a regulatory overreach and attack on privacy, some of these Coinjoin services have been declared illegal in the US and EU. The future of financial privacy may therefore be decided by ongoing litigation in the next decade and privacy advocates should support these efforts."

    This situation likely soured Proton on other privacy-friendly cryptocurrencies like Monero as well. I get it, financial privacy is an extremely challenging task for any company to take on. We can't expect Proton to take on the risk of offering a completely anonymous payment service in the current legal climate, but it begs the question: why enter the financial space at all?

    While not particularly revolutionary, the fact that they provide a unique HD wallet address every time you receive funds through your same email address does provide additional privacy as no one can see your previous transactions. Even when those are rolled up together later it does make it harder to associate an exact total balance with you. If you used your wallet for smaller spending rather than making a single large send from it, that makes it harder still.

    Sure, I would have liked them to add Monero too, but it gets thorny when you're a regulated company dealing with that.

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  • Harris and Trump are getting ready for Tuesday’s debate in sharply different ways
  • I would enjoy it if she brought out a large 2 minute countdown timer to start every time he starts talking.

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  • Bazzite. Idiot proof Nvidia gaming. I've installed it for a few Windows-using friends and they've had no complaints.

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