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It's one last-minute international business class ticket, Michael. What could it cost, $50?
  • How much should I charge? :)

    This is so fucking funny to me I love it

  • Featured
    Sunday Night is Gaming Night: What Are You Playing Weekly Thread
  • Been watching nl-despair play some of this. Moonfish goes crazy

  • Caption this. Wrong answers only.


  • Ethan Klein is losing it
  • It is in fact Hank Hill as Fidel Castro

  • Ethan Klein is losing it
  • Mmmm yummy fiberglass

  • I went on Reddit (yeah, yeah, I know) on my phone while on an errand today, the device that all that enshittification is ostensibly intended for, and OH WOW it's bad.
  • Want to go to a "controversial" sub that doesn't do front page bootlicking for billionaires and/or "influencer" sociopaths? Too bad, you need to log in. I have nothing left to log in with because fuck that.

    Every porn sub is behind the same wall, which is whatever, I don’t use reddit for porn. BUT this also includes any post that talks about sex in any detail. I could not count the number of times I’ve tried looking for sex toy reviews, only to be blocked by reddit-logo s asinine nsfw policy.

  • Nothing but a bunch of dirtwits here
  • Cumboy is the evolved form of Pissbaby

  • Where is ‘the Midwest’?
  • It was named that in the 1800s, before all the actual western states joined the country

  • Where is ‘the Midwest’?
  • “Ope, let me just squeeze by ya right here”

  • Where is ‘the Midwest’?
  • Western Pennsylvania is a special economic zone

  • I hung out with some Indian Marxists and it was neat
  • When a Sun’s fan and a Dodger’s fan love each other very much in front of a portrait of Stalin…

  • Straw Poll
  • Have not played. Have not played. Have not played. Have not played. Have not played. Have not played. Have not played. Have not played. Have not played. Have not played. Have not played. Have not played. Have not played.

    Yeah I’m a gamer big-cool

  • the struggle
  • Before I can legitimize an e-reader I have to finish the stacks of real books laying in piles on my shelves

  • What do you guys use for pirating books that’s not libgen or sci hub?

    Need an obscure book that’s not on the go-to sites and I’m not paying 60 bucks lol

    What apps do you use for written note taking and reading?

    Just broke my wrist, and it takes me like 10x as long to type anything. I had been looking into written alternatives for a while, and this blew me over the edge. I like the Remarkable 2, but I don't think I can justify that much on a device that can only read and write documents without trying one out first. The other option people keep recommending to me is an ipad. I don't have one of those either, but I've used one with a paper screen so at least I know how that feels. My biggest problem with the ipad is the opposite of the Remarkable, there are too many apps and I have no idea which to use. So what apps do you use, if any, or do you use another thing entirely?

    Death to America

    Mark Twain once said that God invented war so Americans would learn geography. Evidently, God didn’t try hard enough.

    (CW): American foreign policy | Hasan’s subreddit having an absolute meltdown over Hasan saying that the US selling weapons to Taiwan is bad.

    link to whole thread

    Honestly by the end of this their struggle session might give us a run for our money. Currently at 8 upvotes and 110 comments. OP is also a new account who has only posted this and in r/Taiwan. Grab your popcorn folks, this one’s juicy.

    EDIT: The cowards locked it.
