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“just open sourced someone else’s code ama” - a case study in fucking around and finding out
  • People have been modifying the code to copy housing designs without permission from the original designer. As such, it is in the housing community's best interest for updates to the code to no longer be published. The MakePlace community agrees with this approach too.

    I might not respect the terms of free software licenses, but MMO interior designer IP rights are sacrosanct!

  • i guess sneerclub must just hate understanding things. yes, that must be it.
  • I think Sneer Club understands the Less Wrong worldview well enough. They just happen to reject it.

    Wow, someone gets it.

  • Movies are sexless because 20 year olds are dating promiscuously instead of marrying tradwives

    500+ comment thread on whether late marriage and young adult promiscuity causes de-emphasis on movie fanservice. Ongoing record lows of sexual activity among young adults do not seem to factor into the analysis.

    Lisp on Atari 2600 LISP Programming (homebrew WIP)

    UPDATE 2023-07-16: Play the game on, and check out the latest code on GitHub! I've been on a bit of a side quest with this WIP... This is the first public alpha, very interested in feedback. I have tested on Stella and Javatari - there are definitely graphical glitches... This WIP is...

    LISP Programming (homebrew WIP)

    Since there seem to be some fellow1 Lisp weirdoes around here, thought I might take the chance to submit the inaugural post of NotAwfulTech. Also I figured this is cute. Hope it's not offtopic.

    1 I'm just a noob though, barely managed to implement my first Lisp today.

    bitofhope bitofhope

    Bistable multivibrator Non-state actor Tabs for AI indentation, spaces for AI alignment 410,757,864,530 DEAD COMPUTERS

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