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2024 elections are ripe targets for foes of democracy
  • It was LAST year not exactly ancient history

  • One of the Most Controversial US Spy Programs Just Got Quietly Renewed
  • I didn't expect them to shoot this down at all, especially with everyone focused on the wars

  • 2024 elections are ripe targets for foes of democracy
  • Definitely but don't downplay that democrats play dirty too, Bernie got screwed twice or how about the green party. Might be the way the game is played but not very democratic IMHO

  • Chicken rule
  • Looks too spicy for me

  • Good luck web devs
  • Jambi is GNU

  • Plain cheesecake is the only good cheesecake
  • Yeah, come on. Just fill out cheesecake form 44-1A and remit it to Lemmy's cheesecake department

  • Removed
    U.S. Faces Second-Worst Year On Record For Mass Shootings—Nearly 650 Incidents
  • Do you feel the same way about war?

  • What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?
  • I miss physical buttons on everything. We're a tactile species living in a digital purgatory

  • Edge rule
  • Definitely not monopolistic at all. Not worthy of an anti-trust investigation, NOPE!

  • rule of cool
  • I want this to be true so bad

  • Possible Future of Social Media
  • You should put this into a time capsule and see if you were right

  • Removed
    At Harvard and beyond, thermodynamics (yes, that’s right) can ease the political divide
  • Wait, doesn't Harvard make sure everyone is surrounded by people just like them? Practice what you preach, bud

  • catbaba catbaba
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