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7 mo. ago

  • tbh right now I'm more afraid of weight loss because I'm hungry and I didn't eat well yesterday and now I'm so hungry

  • An extra way to get more data , this time from people who doesn't download the app for whatever reasons ( like low storage for example )

  • One of the few blessings of living here is that there is no ads shown on YouTube and Meta apps

  • Possible too , but I wrote the standard way because Arabs understand it no matter what their dialect is

  • I don't think piracy would end soon though , but it's more likely that it will be more active in countries that don't have hardened kind of copyright laws compared to the countries who have it

    • So far this is the only discussion about its privacy ...
    • I'm currently using it as a daily driver on PC ( switched from Mercury browser ) and even though it's still in Alpha , it works fine and I didn't face any problems with it
  • The fact that all of these softwares are owned by one company is creepy , regardless of Israel

  • Instead of memorizing different phrases in different languages , a good advice would be to change your number if posible , or use a blocker to block strange numbers

  • Uzran , laqad ittasalta birragami alkhata>

    It means " sorry , you had the wrong number " in standard Arabic...

    Ana atahaddathu al-injliziata faqat >

    It means " I only speak English "

  • Some paid apps actually prevents the user from using it if it's not paid from Google play

  • Thank you, I deleted the comment because I searched and found out