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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago

  • That channel kicked off my interests in disasters of all kinds. I think it’s a good hobby to have these days, I don’t see the number of disasters decreasing as time progresses.

  • Our repair functions stop doing their job well as part of senescence. Increasing the chance and speeding up the development of tumors.

    Those repair functions working better than normal is one of the hallmark signs of cancer, specifically telomerase being reactivated. Senescence is anti cancer, not pro cancer. You know those HeLa cells that are immortal? Cancer cells. Having a time limit or replication limit on cells through senescence is a great way of limiting tumors.

    The two barriers to proliferation—senescence and crisis/apoptosis—have been rationalized as crucial anticancer defenses that are hard-wired into our cells, being deployed to impede the outgrowth of clones of preneoplastic and frankly neoplastic cells. According to this thinking, most incipient neoplasias exhaust their endowment of replicative doublings and are stopped in their tracks by one or the other of these barriers. The eventual immortalization of rare variant cells that proceed to form tumors has been attributed to their ability to maintain telomeric DNA at lengths sufficient to avoid triggering senescence or apoptosis, achieved most commonly by upregulating expression of telomerase or, less frequently, via an alternative recombination-based telomere maintenance mechanism. Hence, telomere shortening has come to be viewed as a clocking device that determines the limited replicative potential of normal cells and thus one that must be overcome by cancer cells.

  • Mammals can’t de-differentiate cells back to progenitor stem cells, so their ability to heal is limited.

    Cells turning back into stem cells sounds great until you realize this is a major pathway for tumor formation and not good with our relatively long lifespans.

  • I don’t disagree, but I’m not going to do the fall back asleep thing in 9 minute intervals. I’ll just set a second alarm for 15-60 minutes later, or just forgo the second alarm entirely and pass in and out of consciousness for however long I want. I hate the sound of alarms, so hearing that every 9 minutes isn’t going to improve anything.

    I never hear anyone talking about how much they enjoy spamming snooze, only complaints. At least for me, quitting snooze buttons fairly early on seems to be a wise decision.

  • Stop hitting snooze and just change your alarm to later. Own that shit. If you’re going to be lazy then go all the way lazy.

    I don’t understand how lying there in a semi conscious state, dreading the start of your daily existence, is better than sleeping for that same amount of time.

  • Running 600W for 12 hours a day at $0.10 per kWh costs $0.72 a day or $21.60 a month. Heat pumps can move 3 times as much heat as the electricity they consume, so roughly another $7.20 for cooling.

    All electronics double as space heaters, there’s only a minuscule amount of electricity that’s not converted to heat.

  • Yeah, that’s why faster wireless broadband is a good thing. Some people do need 1Gbps wireless in town because they can cut the cord on the overpriced cable. Faster wireless means it’ll hold up under congestion better as well.

  • I don’t understand the point being made here. The fact we don’t have SSTs sucks, and if they did exist anyone traveling on them would benefit. Who wouldn’t look forward to a significant shorter trip overseas? Faster traveling wouldn’t only benefit executives and world leaders.

    Consider a very brief history of airspeed in commercial air travel. Passenger aircraft today fly at around 900 kilometers per hour—and have continued to traverse the skies at the same airspeed range for the past five decades. Although supersonic passenger aircraft found a niche from the 1970s through the early 2000s with the Concorde, commercial supersonic transport is no longer available for the mainstream consumer marketplace today.

    To be clear, there may still be niche use cases for many gigabits per second of wireless bandwidth—just as there may still be executives or world leaders who continue to look forward to spanning the globe at supersonic speeds.

  • I don’t need wireless 1Gbps around town.

    Lots of us live in areas with no broadband competition, more options is a good thing. I personally wouldn’t use wireless broadband but if they can bring prices down through competition I’m all for it.

  • Through Team82’s analysis, we have come to the conclusion that this alert is not a hidden backdoor as suggested by CISA and the FDA, but instead an insecure design issue, creating potential security risks to patient data. The CONTEC Operator Manual specifically mentions this “hard-coded” IP address as the Central Management System (CMS) IP address that organizations should use, so it is not hidden functionally as stated by CISA.

    Absent additional threat intelligence, this nuance is important because it demonstrates a lack of malicious intent, and therefore changes the prioritization of remediation activities. Said differently, this is not likely to be a campaign to harvest patient data and more likely to be an inadvertent exposure that could be leveraged to collect information or perform insecure firmware updates. Regardless, because an exposure exists that is likely leaking PHI randomly or could be used in some scenarios for malicious updates, the exposure should be remediated as a priority (see recommendations below).

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