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What's a handy terminal command you use often?
  • It sounds similar to one of my favorite commands! vidir 🙂

  • Recommendations on casual GB/GBA games?
  • Hi! I'm a Game Boy collector / enthusiast / reviewer. And this question has an easy answer in my opinion...


    • It's relaxing. It's a turn based, pure puzzle game. Like, there's literally no action. The enemies don't even move!
    • It's big. 100 puzzles that slowly increase in difficulty. I was able to beat them all, over time.
    • It's non-punishing. No time limits. No lives.
    • No stress. Catrap was the first(?) game to feature an undo button. Try something out. Didn't work? Just hold B to undo. You can undo all the way back to the start of the stage, as many time as you want.
    • It's simple. Up, down, left, and right to move. B to undo. I think A is introduced later to swap between characters?
    • IT'S FUN. It looks good, plays good, and just feels good to jump around the stage. And completing a stage is so satisfying.

    I hope you like it! 🙂

  • GameStop Launches New Retro GameStops Across North America | Retro Gaming News 24/7
  • higher prices

    I'm heavily into Game Boy collecting. I just checked their online prices. They might be the cheapest I've seen, in general. For example Pokémon Blue is lower than the common price I've seen online (especially considering usual shipping and fees), but not low enough people will buy them up and re-sell them. Boy|Game Boy Advance|Game Boy Color

    No promises it'll stay that way, but they're very competitive for now.

  • What's the worst video game you've ever played?
  • What a great article!!

    So, I'm a huge Game Boy fan. I'd heard about how good Puyo Puyo is, so I got a Japanese copy of Puyo Puyo Tsu. From what I can tell it's a great port. But I struggled so much getting into it! And then I read your comment...

    Puyo Puyo Tsu is hard. It’s really damn hard. I’ve witnessed many new players struggle with even basic 3- and 4-chains, nevermind making the real big chains the game mode demands of you. And unlike Tetris where casual players do not need to know fancy T-Spin setups just to get started and play, you really can’t get far at all in Puyo Puyo Tsu without at least some understanding of chaining fundamentals.

    ...and I feel justified. 😅 What do you recommend is a good way for a new player to get into the game? Something to read, a video, or something else?

  • What's the worst video game you've ever played?
  • 😄 The phone call was just to get some simple bonus tips, nothing really necessary.

    What killed me was, to swap items, you hold Select and use the arrow keys. It's soooo unintuitive!

  • A Complete History of Birdo’s Gender
  • That was an outstanding write-up!

  • What are your favorite spooky (but not scary) retro games?
  • the difficult game of Fester's Quest on NES

    Fun fact, the European release is vastly easier due to the simple fact that you can shoot through walls!

    All enemies and bosses take less hits for them to be killed. The projectiles fired from the gun can go through walls and obstacles.'s_Quest

    It still makes me angry for what we got in the US! 😤😅

  • Games like punch out?
  • On the Game Boy Advance, there's Punch King...

    ...and Wade Hixton's Counter Punch.

    I haven't played either of them, so no promises that they're good!

  • Repaired and repainted a curbside CRT to match my NES.
  • It looks great! 🙂

    OMG I just came home with a Sanyo DS13320 from the side of the road and I am ECSTATIC!!! It couldn't be more perfect for an NES, and it looks in great condition externally.

    I haven't plugged it in yet. It doesn't appear to be wet anywhere outside or inside, so hopefully it was put outside after it rained this morning.

    Should I do or check anything before plugging it in and trying to power it on?

  • How does DNA decide the shape of the body?
  • Richard Dawkins has an entire chapter on this exact topic in his book "The Greatest Show on Earth". I highly recommend reading it, even just that one chapter! It doesn't feel like a text book, and his writing is very easy to follow in my opinion.

    It's chapter 8, "You did it yourself in 9 months". To summarize, many people mistakenly think of genes as a "blueprint", but he suggests it's better to think of genes as instructions for origami paper folding. Genes don't know the whole creature, they just know what to fold next, what to duplicate, what to bend, and so on, kind of like that. It's been a while since I read it. 😅

    But I do remember, humans are so complex, we may never fully understand the complete embryo-to-adult growth process, BUT the author points out that there IS a creature, a very small worm, that we are able to understand everything.

    That may not seem like a big deal at first, but think about it. Scientists understand the complete growth process of a living creature, from a single cell, every gene, every cell, everything, up to when it's fully formed. So cool.

  • Let's discuss: Metroid
  • Metroid II is my all-time favorite game in the series. It introduces her ship, introduces her iconic look, and is the last game in the series to not include the "break this with this item" blocks. I just love everything about that game.

  • Let's discuss: Metroid
  • Justin Bailey Samus >>> Zero Suit Samus 👀

  • Got a Switch today, need some recommendations.
  • Pokémon: Let's Go Pikachu

    FYI we got this game when we we got our Switch and it sat, untouched, for YEARS, until I finally picked it up a few months ago. Honestly, I REALLY enjoyed it! BUT... the first 30 minutes to an hour are very poorly done, and are soooo boring. After that it hooked me.

    As someone who's favorite game in the series is the original Pokémon Red, I think this remake was quite well done. It looks great (much better than Sword / Shield in my opinion), and really trims out a lot of the fluff and grind of the classic games.

    Also if he's playing, you can use the second controller to join him and casually help him catch and battle Pokémon. It's cute. :)

    Let me know if you want any more in depth review or info.

  • Play GB games
  • Pokemon Blue

    FYI the internal cartridge battery that's used to save your game is probably either dead or nearly dead!

    A multimeter should show the battery at 3.25v. Anything less and it could die any day. Changing the battery isn't too difficult, but it requires soldering.

    This is my favorite tool set used to take the one screw out to open the cartridge, to check the battery.

  • What is an interesting fact that you recently discovered?
  • I honestly don't really use it, but I am excited about it in the future. :)

    I installed it because of OSNews, my favorite tech news website. But the Gemini page seems to be down?

  • What is an interesting fact that you recently discovered?
  • Yes! I use the Buran app (open source on Android) to browse it. :)

  • In movies a strong woman is manly. (big muscles, aggressive, punches people, etc.) Is that really the way it is?
  • Big willpower. Driven. Uncompromising. That kind of thing.

    I think that is the answer. :)

    I'm trying to think of examples from famous recent movies with women who have that description...

    From Disney:

    • Moana from Moana
    • Joy from Inside Out
    • Anna and Elsa from Frozen and the sequel
    • Mirabel from Encanto

    Have you seen any of those movies? If not, what movies have you seen?

  • What do you think are the beliefs, sayings, mindsets, or whatever of this generation that will make YOUR kids embarrassed or exasperated or say "Oh Mom/Dad!"
  • Ohhhhh I thought you meant the phrase was "growing up r*****". Took me five minutes to figure out what you meant. It's just the one word, not the whole phrase. 😆

    For anyone else confused like me, it's the pejorative word for a person with a mental disability.

  • What is your favourite Open-Source game?
  • Doom, or, gzdoom! You can use it to play the original Doom 1 and 2 games with modern mouse and keyboard controls on HD displays. And there's an endless number of fan made level packs to try.

    As for open source AND free / open resources, there's Freedoom 1 and 2. I occasionally play them, they're fun, but a little lacking in stage design.

  • Does the rest of the English speaking world generally understand what an American means when they say "soccer", or does it help to clarify by adding "football"?

    If I'm talking to an English speaker from outside of the US, is there any confusion if I say "soccer"?

    For example, when I was in college a friend asked for a "torch". I was confused for quite some time, because I didn't know it was another word for "flashlight". Does the same thing happen with the word "soccer"? Should I clarify by saying, "...or football"?

    Thank you!

    What Game Boy game do you love that you never hear anyone talk about?

    The more rare, obscure, or just a guilty pleasure, the better. Maybe you grew up with it, maybe it's just the nostalgia talking, any reason is fine.

    I'm looking for a new game to play, but I'm running out of games to collect!

    My favorite is games for original DMG, but you're welcome to include Color it'll advance games too!

    I just started playing The Guardian Legend for NES and OMG I am hooked

    I'd never even seen this game before! Zelda 2 is my very favorite Zelda game to re-play, and I saw this mentioned in a list of games similar to it.

    The game bounces back and forth between a Zelda style top down action exploration game and an auto scrolling shoot 'em up. Both are great and a lot of fun. The music is good, the graphics are great, the game is hard but fair (so far), the main character is flippin awesome, a cyborg who transforms into a spaceship. There's tons of weapons and rooms to explore.

    The biggest drawback is the password system is atrocious, but hey, we have save states nowadays.

    Did anyone here play this a lot growing up? Can you beat it?

    drcouzelis drcouzelis
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