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I mean, is just one little genocide. Why do they have to make such a big deal.
  • Uggh. They go on about MAGA, but in my eyes, at least you know that Trump'SS a SStupid KKKunt , I mean what the fuck do they mean by "one issue?!?!?!?!?!?!" That "one issue" is Palestine, failure to protect queer and trans lives, failure to protect abortion for women and people who can get pregnant, funding UKKKrainian naziSS, more border KKKontrol, more KKKopSS being funded, more KKKop citieSS, and don't even get me started on the allegations of Biden (how #metoo covered him up, that fucks me off.)

    In other words, there is two predator dictators running for the PreSSident of AmeriKKKa, but good ole' liberalSS only care that there is one predator dictator and not both. Truly, they are hypocrites, and I'll say what I mostly say:

    Death to AmeriKKKa, death to ISSn'trael, cursed be to the liberalSS, and victory to communism. amerikkkaisntraelfucking liberalscommunism-will-win

  • Chaos during floods in brazil
  • I feel for the people of Brazil who are going through this hell. This I believe, will go on because of global warming. Death to KKKapitaliSSm and to it's ghoulSS. May it all surely be damned to hell. porky-scared-flippedstalin-gun-1stalin-gun-2

  • My "It is baseless and disgusting to claim I am a Holocaust denier" shirt is raising a lot of questions already answered by the shirt
  • yeonmi-park In the authoritarian land of Britain, you can be hateful, but when someone calls you out, they can be silenced by threatening them with kangaroo trials. They even force you to apologize at the point of cancelling you and your career.


    Sorry for my poor attempt of a Park Yeonmi style comment.

  • My "It is baseless and disgusting to claim I am a Holocaust denier" shirt is raising a lot of questions already answered by the shirt
  • Jesus, for someone who hates antisemitism, she sure loves to defend holocaust denial and make fucking antisemitic depictions. And this is what the neoliberal media likes in Britain?! She's also a transphobic KKKunt as well as a KKKumSSKKKin. God, she's like fucking ISSn'trael like how she acts bigoted, and when called out, she shouts sexist or KKKancel KKKulture, but will happily use those against her adversaries. She actually needs the Communist treatment for TERFs and actual antisemites.


  • Liberals
  • I mean, Biden has done so done well, with more of the AmeriKKKan-Mexican wall being built, failure to protect abortion, failure to protect queer and trans lives from fascists in RepubliKKKan SStateSS, more damn KKKops in AmeriKKKa, and a fucking genocide in Palestine.

    But sure, do go on to patronize those damn non-voters for not voting blue no matter who.

    At least with KKKonservativeSS, they'll just do it (even though the movements of it are fucking dangerous.) With liberalSS like these, they do it, but pretend to support the oppressed with their fake words to deceive them. This is why I use KKK and SS to replace letters because of these fucking smug KKKunts.

    Death to AmeriKKKa, and to the liberal and fascist movements of it. amerikkka


    This message is not to the poster, thank you very glad for giving this information. I sometimes like to go on my soapbox sometimes, so please feel free to comment.

  • "He was blindfolded and gagged and found dead after Isreali soldiers left the area."
  • Truly a disgusting institution. Protecting nonces, lying about the global south (especially with Iraq,) being a royalist propaganda company, and being transphobic shitstains. I am not surprised that they would cover up someones death like that. I wish eternal suffering to the BritiSSh BrainwaSShing KKKorporation, to the UKKK, and to ISSn'trael. ukkkisntrael


    Oh, I wish there was an emoji against neoliberal media. That'd be great. I am also still trying to get used to typing on here, so I apologize if my comments aren't the best. Thank you very glad for reading.

  • College campus freeze peach slop
  • For gods sake, I hate neoliberal articles. I mean, this article says if you are a literal transphobe, then you apparently defend "women's sports," but anti-zionism is apparently "repugant." No wonder I keep saying death to AmeriKKKa and the FirSSt world. international-community-1international-community-2qin-shi-huangdi-fireball


    I hope that I don't sound too angry sorry.

  • Happy 154th birthday to certified cool guy V. I. Lenin
  • Thank you very glad, I hope that you'll have a nice week too. May you have luck for ten thousand eternities. fidel-salutekim-saluterosa-salutesankara-salutechavez-salutemaduro-salutedeng-salute


    I hope that my comments on Lemmygrad and Hexbear aren't going too far. I think that I am appearing angry at times sorry.

  • [NYT] Government Surveillance Keeps Us Safe
  • The New YorKKK TimeSS is one of my most hated newspapers because of the amount of smug liberalism within it makes my skin crawl. They also are the biggest bootlickers of AmeriKKKan imperialism so of course they'd support surveillance from the government of the Great SSatan.

    Death to AmeriKKKa, and death to the New YorKKK TimeSS. amerikkka


    Thanks very glad for archiving it comrade because I do not want to give a single penny for what would be better as posh toilet paper.

  • UK business and trade minister: ‘UK’s wealth isn’t from white privilege and colonialism’
  • Stupid KKKraKKKer being the lap dog of the racist bourgeoisie. Honestly, I feel for British socialists to have an incompetent government in the UK, as well as a terrible "opposition party". Hopefully, the UKKK will fall.

    Death to the UKKK. Death to the KKKonSServative Party, Death to the New Labour Party, death to TERF ISSland, Victory to Communism. ukkk

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    ejra212 [he/him/his]

    Hiya, I am ejra212 [he/him/his], and I'm generally friendly, but if you're a KKKraKKKer or a KKKumSSKKKin, then prepare for my wrath. I will avoid debate perverts like the plague. Don't like it? Then fuck off. I've got problems in life, okay? Can't deal with faSSciSStSS.

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