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1 yr. ago

  • I actually do have WPE… it was in a bundle one time, so I got it for free. Tried it once, but I’m conceptually not a fan of running extra software on my gaming PC to run fancy wallpapers.

    Supposedly it’s not TOO power hungry and can turn itself off when gaming. How’s your experience been with that?

  • I don’t have a cat. I’m always amazed at people who just let theirs roam free about the neighbourhood. I feel like that’s a good way to let your cat get hurt, abducted or worse.

    Just yesterday evening, I was coming back from work on my bike. And there’s this lovely orange cat just walking in the middle of the street. No collar or anything, but looked healthy and well kept as far as I could tell. I’ve seen him around once before in the next street over.

    If I was so inclined, there’s basically nothing stopping me from picking him up and taking him home. That should be somewhat concerning to his actual owners, no?

  • I still have PTSD from the era of the ‘polyphonic ringtone’ hype. Those were the ‘fancier’ ringtones that weren’t just your usual beep or bell.

    Usually you’d buy them by sending a text message to some expensive number and it would be sent to your phone. If you were dumb, you could get basically scammed into a ‘subscription’ so you’d get sent these expensive ringtones frequently. Many a teen got yelled at for that mistake in the late 90’s.

    If you were a tech savvy lad, you could hook your phone up to your Windows PC and upload shitty ringtones yourself as well as wallpapers and such.

    These days, who gives a shit? My iPhone ringtone is still the default ring. I honestly don’t care what it is, as it’s usually just annoying anyway.

  • A Gaza Sausage sounds like a terrible warcrime euphemism, like ‘Bigeard's shrimp‘.

  • Paying for ANY wallpaper is just silly, much less a subscription model.

    The only time you should pay for one if it’s an artist you want to actively support and/or thank for that specific work.

  • Back in the Trump days I saw a documentary on YouTube about the rise in LGBTQ+ gun culture.

    Basically, most of the interviewed folks reasoned: I’d rather not need or use a gun, but the people who want me dead all have them, so I want to protect myself. Obviously, there’s also just people in that community who enjoy guns regardless. Both are perfectly valid reasons.

  • Oxygen

  • After it gets dark, they refill it with lighter fluid. Every morning they light it fresh with a big ‘ole Zippo.

  • Geez, you’d think Gemini would be better than it is if they spent that much on it…

  • He was (but not always, as I’ve learned). He first appeared in 1963 and had his own comic, Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.,_Agent_of_S.H.I.E.L.D.

    And yes, agreed on Simmons and Jackman. Also, we obviously can’t forget RDJ as Tony Stark. An actor so perfectly cast, he basically launched the entire MCU. If it had been anyone else in that role, I feel confident in saying that it would’ve fizzled out long before we’d ever get to an Endgame.

  • And Jedi is actually recognised as an official religion in the US. And there’s plenty of people who identify as Jedi in the UK as well. So one could certainly argue that it’s violating someone’s religious beliefs by not allowing that name. At least Luke Skywalker has some evidence of existing…

  • TIL; thank you! I was aware enough of the comics to know of white Fury, but didn’t know there is, in fact, a black Fury.

    Your boss is an idiot. I’m white as printer paper and would gladly let SLJ play me in a biopic. Because he’s awesome in every role he’s played. Good actors are good actors.

  • Correct. Nobody was bothered by Nick Fury’s change for example, even though he went from white to black. That was a wholly unknown character for most Marvel moviegoers. And Samuel L. Jackson is awesome in that role.

  • I forgot LEGO; that’s also one of them :D

    You should buy a Lamy Safari fountain pen and a Casio GW-M5610U if you’re ever inclined to try those hobbies ;-)

  • As a candidate, you should be ready to debate any place, any time and with zero notice. Because real life is hardly fair and never works on a timeline of your choosing.

    Heck, we should be forcing random debates much like random drug tests. Wake them up early morning on a random wednesday and force them to do a debate. Let’s see who can really be coherent under pressure.

  • So happy I managed to dodge model trains as a hobby, even while frequently visiting a hobby shop that sold them. I have waaaay too many expensive, nerdy hobbies as it is. Between gaming, watches, knives, camera gear and fountain pens, life’s expensive enough as it is :D

  • I’ve been following the USCG hearings that are being held now. You can follow them live on YouTube. They give some really interesting insights into this whole affair. It’s much, much worse than just the fabled Logitech controller.

    There were voids, delaminating and literal holes in the carbon fiber hull, it was sprayed with truckbed liner and at one time, a CO scrubber was made by using a Home Depot plastic container and a PC fan… They also rigged a buoyancy device with basically a vacuum cleaner bag and rope. It was a complete death trap through and through.

    You’ll be shocked that Stockton Rush would risk his life like that to dive with it, much less have the audacity to take paying others with him.

  • Well hello there!

  • Heck, between the media, The Donald on Reddit and the whole pandemic, people were rightfully getting burned out on everything. I don’t really have any active memories between march 2020 and early 2023. That whole time period feels like a big blur. And that’s just me as a European. I can imagine it’s way worse for people in the US…

  • This is definitely one of the most interesting attacks that’s ever happened. It certainly doesn’t look like an accident. If it was indeed Mossad: take a bow, you’ve earned it. That was a pretty slick move. That was probably a difficult op to pull off. Gotta respect the craft, even if you disagree on the method.

  • Fun fact about that scene: Gary Oldman wasn’t really supposed to shout it that loud, he improvised it as a joke. Which is also why you can see the other actor in the scene jump back a bit.