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Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser
  • ported to the Nintendo Switch

  • Added Bugs to Keep my job
  • "various changes"

  • AMD confirms Radeon GPU sales have nosedived
  • Its called oligopoly

  • Samba vs NFS vs SSHFS ?
  • In my personal experience and for my personal needs smb has worked best for me even though it feels kinda "bad" because of the windows background. However that also makes it useful, too, as it is compatible with most os'es...

    Security setup is easy. Performance good (in my experience better than sshfs but i am sure sshfs transfers are more secure than smb).

  • You can ask one question from a person from the year 3024. What are you asking?
  • It would show me the direction. Also, how can you question whats relevant to me? I would just be curious...believe it or not..

  • What are developers in different languages known as?
  • Personal Home Pagers ™

  • Suyu, a potential replacement for Yuzu
  • And its lil cousin fork fuyu

  • What is something you wanted as a kid and bought now that you're an adult with disposable income?
  • By the time you can afford it, the car ain't important..

  • Nach Tod von Natenom: Ăśberholende Fahrzeuge Stress fĂĽr Radfahrer
  • Du klingst als ob du trolltest. Dennoch: Ich fahre auch oft Auto, hatte aber noch nie jemanden "auf der Haube", geschweige denn auch nur jemanden verletzt. Nur weil du Vorfahrt hast, heiĂźt das nicht, dass du stumpf ohne Blick fĂĽr deine Umwelt durch die Gegend ballern solltest. Denk mal drĂĽber nach, ob vielleicht du das Problem sein könntest.

  • Wordpress: Everything about it
  • True Story™

  • Wordpress: Everything about it
  • A good theme does not store any code in the db imho

  • Self hosted Wetransfer?
  • This comes closest to what i am looking for..thanks..

  • Self hosted Wetransfer?
  • Looks like it does not have user registration, does it?

  • Self hosted Wetransfer?
  • You mean I prefer open source..

  • Self hosted Wetransfer?
  • Does it offer user registration?

  • Self hosted Wetransfer?
  • This is a bit overkill for my purposes...i just need the filesharing part...

  • Self hosted Wetransfer?

    Hello, i am looking for a self hosted application for sharing files like with wetransfer. I have tried the discontinued Firefox Send which has nice features like link expiry and works great in general but lacks authentication (only offers simple password protection). I also want the option to share with registered users. Is there anything similar out there? Thanks

    flei eggbert1234
    Posts 2
    Comments 58