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Put down your hatchets lads!
  • "Well, we were here first; the disease can be the one that changes its name" -- the last CEO of the company that made the Ayds weight loss bar

  • Wake up babe, Forbes made up another new word to describe people hating their job
  • Workhuman found that managers (37%) and C-suite executives (38%) are actually the biggest offenders when it comes to faking work.

    Gee, you don't fucking say.

  • Those of you who get complemented on their scent, what products do you use?
  • Homegrown pot smoke, cocoa and shea butter, plus a really tight sulfate-free leave-in conditioner. That's really about it.

  • The Government asking Gen Z and Millenials to have more kids
  • No. Not as long as there's no family leave, not as long as capitalism demands grist for its wheels, not as long as Selective Service could steal my sons and conscript them to fight a Nazi's war, and ESPECIALLY not as long as Amerika is still a slave state.

    Death to the settlers; worse to their empire.

  • Wow based on what people on Twitter are saying, these "tankies" must be a really powerful voting bloc in the US
  • It's funny how they talk about tankies the same way fascists talk about their enemies as both weak and strong at the same time.

    Because the only thing separating a liberal and a fascist is relative comfort.

  • Thinking the 'unthinkable': NATO wants Canada and allies to gear up for a conventional war
  • Canada rn: "I never thought the face-eating leopards would eat MY face!!"

  • Deleted
    Why doesn't china launch a preemptive nuclear strike against the west?
  • This, hide the pens. I'd swear there was just an argument about nuclear weapons like a week and a half ago.

  • Removed
    Here we go again
  • Are we still fuckin with Overwatch in the wake of the Cosby suite??

  • Removed
    Here we go again
  • I'm forcibly reminded of how they tried it on BG3 only for the power of homoerotic Lestat-expies to basically shut them all up and send them scuttling. (Jokes aside Neil Newbon is a goddamn blessing as far as VAs are concerned.)

  • Removed
    Here we go again
  • God fucking dammit they're really going to make me consider playing a soulslike bc the VA is based as a motherfucker huh

  • Removed
    Anyone else find European libshits a tad bit worse than Y*nkoids at times?
  • Well, that's how I know you're not a yank; we don't box folk no more, we just hole-punch your ass and move on. Don't play with me; play with your playstation.

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Comprador capitalising on Marcellus Williams' state-sanctioned murder
  • If there's anyone I'm aching to watch catch an L at this point, it's that faker-than-bodega-gucci fuckin wind-up toy. There is nobody I hold in higher contempt than the lying hypocrite who tells you that the only way they can change the system is from inside-- but then once they're in, they show their true colors and make themselves comfortable. She was always the same kinds of leech that every other Democrat is; people just bought her fake-ass backstory long enough for it to pay off.

  • Removed
    Anyone else find European libshits a tad bit worse than Y*nkoids at times?
  • Death to global crackery and the dissembling sophistry that they employ.

  • Removed
    Anyone else find European libshits a tad bit worse than Y*nkoids at times?
  • Oh, so the ultimate fascist eurocope in the face of their mounting global irrelevancy, if I'm reading this right. Yeah, that about scans; I've only ever known one out of dozens of european emigrĂ©s who didn't fit this pattern

  • The US regime just executed another innocent black man.
  • I was in the "they must have had a reason" camp (without looking any further into it) for many more years than I had any excuse to be.

    At least you understand why it's fucked up that you were, unlike a couple other settlers and their waterbearing emigré lapdogs in this thread.

  • The US regime just executed another innocent black man.
  • No. You opened with white moderate, frankly blatantly-supremacist bullshit in service of the "legal" system, you can fuck right off, peckerwood. It's super-cute how you settlers keep ignoring my 'no' to try and make me accept supremacist thought, btw. Even more shameful that you're apparently not even white and doing that; do you realize whose shoes you lick?

    Every single possible person from the screw on his prison row all the way up to the FAMILY OF THE VICTIMS were out here saying "well I don't think he did it", the DNA said he didn't do it, and waterbearers like you will still sit there, fixing your face the whole time to play the "well, he was no angel" card why on Allah's green creation would any self-respecting Black person continue listening to your fuckery after an opener like "wellllllll I am not completly convinced that he is innocent, buuuuuuuuuuut..."???

    You. Cape. For. Dead. Black folk. Get the fuck out of my inbox. Get the fuck out of it twice for not even fuckin being from here and thinking you have a right to opine on innocent dead Black men, or run defense for the crackers who murdered them. Piece of shit.

  • [Behind the Bastards] Part One: The Inventor of Those 'Troubled Teen' Wilderness Camps Where They Kill Kids
  • Fuck you Mike, Ernie, Preston, and Mary.

    I pray they already dead for you homie that whole abuse camp industry is so fucked.

  • frauddogg frauddogg [they/them, null/void]

    "Crashout" is my middle name at this point; Fraud "Crashout" Dogg. My camaraderie is earned, not given. || Never surrender, never retreat.

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