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AI tool cuts unexpected deaths in hospital by 26%, Canadian study finds
  • Agreed; when an AI is used to bring things to the attention of a qualified human handler; the two working in tandem can be pretty effective.

    AI alone should never make decisions; and humans should always evaluate an AI's findings carefully before acting on them.

  • My dead father is “writing” me notes again
  • We can no longer trust anything that is specifically sent to us via digital means.

    Technologies like the Document Scanner and even the Photocopier will now have to encode secret data to authenticate that a real, functioning machine has digitized the document.

    This can in fact, cause a great amount of trouble for people.

    People will be required to never digitize themselves handwriting all letters of the alphabet; lest their handwriting be vulnerable to an AI learning it.

  • Poll: Americans favor Supreme Court term limits, oppose more justices
  • This. Pull judges directly from the Federal Circuit; run them for 8-10 years; then send them back to the Federal Circuit as a 'Distinguished' judge.

    Supreme Court Judges should resist political pressure; but they should not be appointed for life.

    Info: A 'Distinguished Judge' is a former SCOTUS justice who served their complete term and cannot be re-nominated to the Supreme Court ever again. It is a lifetime title granted when they make it to the SCOTUS and complete one term.

  • Linda Ronstadt roasts the Don and JD
  • Whoof. The burn.

    Glad to see some people understand how much more problematic Trump is than anything that Harris would be doing.

  • Donald Trump claims U.S. schools are offering sex-change surgeries for children
  • [transgirl moment]

    OMGGG jhbendlvckhedjohfvajodfhvaleRDKHFILU I FUCKING WISH THIS WERE TRUE!

    [/transgirl moment]

    But alas, it is not true, and the schools are not providing free surgeries. But Trump sure does like to lie about shit. This is why we should NEVER EVER LET HIM WITHIN 9875093847592798728752347527093847805 MILES OF BEING IN THE OVAL OFFICE

    TL;DR: Never Vote Trump. Anyone who does is foolishly ignoring his lying.

  • Chrome will block one of its biggest ad blockers
  • Firefox is open source. It's not going anywhere; even if Mozilla Co. goes broke and closes down the Mozilla Foundation.

  • Logitech has an idea for a “forever mouse” that requires a subscription
  • Most reasonable consumers won't go for this. it's a greed play.

    Give me mice that I own; not mice to rent.

  • Logitech has an idea for a “forever mouse” that requires a subscription
  • Disgusting. Utterly disgusting. This idea belongs in the garbage bin.

  • beaconDB is an open, and privacy-friendly network location service, replacing Mozilla's defunct location service
  • No.

    It is hard to have both; but not impossible. You can still be privacy friendly without sacrificing necessary functionality.

    It will require that the "provider" of such a dataset constantly scrub, sanitize and remove data that would cause privacy hazards as quickly as reasonably possible however. That in and of itself is a technical challenge; though not impossible.

  • beaconDB is an open, and privacy-friendly network location service, replacing Mozilla's defunct location service
  • Ideally there's not a whole lot of data that needs to be kept.

    Legitimately all that needs to be stored is a few things:

    • Location (GPS)
    • SSIDs (Wifi APs only)
    • Cell ID & MCC/MNC (Cell Towers only)

    and things they MUST NOT STORE OR SHARE like:

    • IPs of contributors for longer than a few days
    • un-hashed BSSIDs (Wifi/BT)
    • MAC addresses (Wifi/BT)
    • IMEI/IMSIs (or other cellular identifiers derived from them)
    • APs that don't exist in a fixed location (Think mobile hotspot SSIDs) for longer than a fixed amount of time.
    • BT devices
    • Non-unique SSIDs or IDs that may indicate no user config took place and manufacturer did not differentiate device ID. (Things like "SETUP" with no unique number (SSIDs like"SETUP-be3fd34d" would be valid) or "[ISP]@HOME" or "[ISP]Wifi" which provide no meaningful discriminators)
  • 98% compatibility
  • Linux must achieve 100% compatibility. Otherwise the doubters will not shut up.

  • Alternative YouTube clients having issues loading videos

    Looks like there's several causes.

    I don't know how soon Tubular or NewPipe can fix their app; but it seems like a few simple changes will do.

  • Alternative YouTube clients having issues loading videos
  • I should point out that this isn't always "Google is trying to block adblockers" again!

    Google can, will, and does simply change how the YouTube watch pages look, feel and operate behind the scenes quite regularly.

    Thankfully we have people like those at the FreeTube, NewPipe and yt-dlp projects to sift through those changes and update the code to cope with the new output.

  • Alternative YouTube clients having issues loading videos
  • Freetube does work; it simply requires you switch to the Invidious API or have "Fallback to non-preferred API on Failure" enabled. (which honestly you always should have this setting ON).

    Personally; I refuse to change my preferred API; so the "Fallback to non-preferred API on Failure" just works.

    also yt-dlp does work but you need to upgrade to latest nightly/build.

    yt-dlp version nightly@2024.07.09.232843 from yt-dlp/yt-dlp-nightly-builds [d2189d3d3]

  • Alternative YouTube clients having issues loading videos
  • YT-DLP fixed already; I use it locally in conjunction with MPC-HC.

    yt-dlp -U or yt-dlp -U nightly

    Or download latest nightly.

    yt-dlp version nightly@2024.07.09.232843 from yt-dlp/yt-dlp-nightly-builds [d2189d3d3]

  • Android Dialer App Recommendations?
  • In general; I strongly don't recommend anything on the Google Play Store except the Google Dialer.

    If the Google Dialer is not to your liking; I strongly recommend only trying Dialers you will find on

  • Unexpected Gender Affirmation at McDonald's
  • It's nice to know that, at least for places with reasonably civil societies, it's becoming more and more normal to key your pronoun and gendered speaking choices on modifiable cues like clothing, makeup, hair or appearance in general.

    That said; lots of women sound pretty deep too. Maybe more are just openly nonbinary about their expression and have taken steps to deepen it; or it's just how it's always been and I'm too derpy to notice because I am recently learning that you don't focus on someone's vocal range as I've only been openly trans and in a civilized place for a few years total now.

    At any rate it's nice to know that even in a service setting they realize how cheap, easy and good for their reputation it is to just simply respect someone's communicated preference by double-checking their appearance(s) first before locking in on a pronoun and possibly having to awkwardly correct...when possible.

    At a drive through speaker it isn't; so you were probably expecting them to drone on as if they didn't bother to even take 2 seconds to see at the window what little, if any makeup you wore, or the color of your nail polish or quality of your self-grooming, regardless of it's deteriorated state, to affirm that you actually were living as female.

  • Redefining the scientific method: as the use of sophisticated scientific methods that extend our mind
  • Junk science article.

    All discoveries use some element(s) of the scientific method.

    The entire method in and of itself isn't required to be 100% rigorously applied 100% of the time. However, the method is a starting point and does lead to discovery over time.

    While it helps to apply the method to ensure clean and proper discoveries which can, hopefully, be reproduced and investigated, the fact that not all sciences or discoveries apply it rigorously is largely insignificant.

  • What is the right way to get help with a Lemmy argument that has turned into harassment?
  • Just a general rule that I always personally follow; Block first, ask later.

    This isn't to say that bringing the harassment to the attention of the mods is a bad thing to do; but it does prevent me from seeing/feeding a possible troll or misanthrope their daily dribble of causing misery.

    To echo Gaywallet; "Do report this behavior!"; especially if someone is making it a point to follow you around and harass you in other threads; which is totally not okay on any well regulated or moderator maintained instance.

  • Linus Torvalds Throws Down The Hammer: Extensible Scheduler "sched_ext" In Linux 6.11
  • I like that he is being decisive about it. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the feature was only being delayed because of internal project politics or quirky policies that normally make sense, but don't in this specific scenario.

  • fwygon Melody Fwygon

    Beehaw alt of

    @fwygon on discord

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