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  • See I get that but I also feel like Lemmy in some ways has more hostile discourse. Too many people with incredibly entrenched opinions about something incredibly niche who then proceed to shout down anyone who doesn't partake in that niche.

    Like at least on Reddit the aggressive circlejerks tend to align with mainstream thought. Like you don't have to point out things like Linux isn't actually perfect and there are reasons Windows may be better in some circumstances or that invading a foreign country because of something they might hypothetically do is not a nice thing to do.

  • Just say 'No' to TERFs and tankies!
  • There is an argument that tankies aren't exactly ownership by the people.

    Like you don't look at the USSR and think "oh yeah the people really had ownership over their means of production*.

    Ownership by the people implies the people have a say.

  • "This is fine"
  • Actually thinking about it, my one anecdote is that my interviewer for a job application was Swiss. Didn't offer any pleasantries to make me feel less nervous just dove straight into the technical task straight away. I didn't get the job

  • iFixit Tears Down McDonald's McFlurry Machine, Petitions Government for Right to Hack Them
  • I suspect it's a case of they thought they were getting a good deal out of this when they signed the contract but didn't realise how much Taylor was going to take the piss until it was too late. Likely when the contract expires it probably won't be renewed.

  • Lemmyshitpost community closed until further notice
  • And not just the instance admins would be at risk as well. Any time you view an image your device is making a local copy of it. Meaning every person who viewed the image even accidentally is at risk as well.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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