GraniteM @ GraniteM Posts 73Comments 1,190Joined 2 yr. ago
So does this one.
I can't believe that companies don't have a deal with RedRubble or TeeFury or whatever to make shirts of any achievement for any game on their system. My wife big-time wants a shirt commemorating the fact that she fucked The Emperor in BG3.
There's a handful of movies where it totally works. The kids in Stand By Me were all the right age and Rob Reiner got incredible performances out of them. It might be a little bit harder, but it can be done.
I mean, if it did work he'd have a pretty strong motive to claim that it didn't.
To be clear, I agree with you. However, I've been saying that the Trump Campaign didn't win this election, the Democratic Party lost it. The Trump campaign was a fucking mess. Trump rallies sucked. Their policies sucked, and I don't mean they were evil, I mean when you polled people, objectively, virtually every major policy the Democrats held polled better than anything the Republicans did.
The major difference was that the Democratic Party gave people the impression that they cared about propriety and institutions more than they did about normal people or even winning the election. They tried so hard to seem normal that nobody believed them when they talked about the threat posed by Republicans, and how can you blame people? If you were facing an apocalyptic threat, you would be fighting, not issuing high-minded press releases and carefully-worded and narrowly-defined policy papers.
Harris didn't run a totally garbage campaign, but when Trump and the Republicans were in full rabid dog mode and the Democrats couldn't figure out how to get past the tut-tut stage, it was never going to work.
A man with the same electoral power as his California equivalent, despite representing 1/67th as many people. Truly, democracy made manifest.
He looks like it's taking him significant effort just to raise his hand and give a thumbs up.
It rhymes with "thereof".
Honestly, watching and thinking about the Pixar movie Inside Out helped me understand my anger a lot better. In the movie, Anger is kind of a joke character. But there's a line when he's introduced where Joy says "Anger wants things to be fair."
I think a lot about how when I'm angry, most of the time there's some imbalance that I want balanced, and I'm looking to inflict pain, either physical or emotional, in order to balance it out. The vast majority of times, that's not actually a winning strategy, either in terms of long or short term goals.
It doesn't always work, but trying to think in terms of what I actually want, why I want it, and what impulses and aims are leading to my feelings, has been a lot of help to not feeling so much like I'm being helplessly driven by my anger.
Bowtie, but make it a little bit smaller.
And he was the skeleton in The Last Unicorn!
And Robert Picardo was Meg Mucklebones in Legend!
I personally know a person with a child who was born with profound physical and mental disabilities. She's a dear sweet caring person, and she shared an emotionally devastating story about how she had her first "conversation" with her daughter when said daughter was in her early twenties, which took the form of the daughter being able to indicate, through extraordinary effort, that she preferred to be read one story instead of another.
For her, this was a deeply rewarding moment, the ability to have any kind of deliberate interaction with her daughter, after nearly two decades of struggle and effort. She clearly loves her daughter. I would never try to take anything away from her in that regard.
However. When my wife got pregnant we had very serious conversations about the potential for birth defects and how we were prepared for her to have an abortion if serious defects were found. We talked about the quality of life of a human being we were bringing into existence, and how no one should ever have to feel trapped by their own body, and what our experience of being parents was going to be like.
Our daughter was born without any issues at all. In fact she's bright and friendly and less destructive than we might have expected... and still being a parent is easily the most intense and difficult project of my entire life, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Nobody should ever have any reservations about being a parent for any reason at all, and if there are factors that you can control to make that decision easier one way or the other, then you should absolutely take control of them.
All of which is to say, no there is absolutely no moral issue with choosing not to deliberately create a person with genetic birth defects. The choice to become a parent is the most important and consequential choice anyone can make. Make it in exactly the way that you would want to make it, and in no other way whatsoever.
In a black dress.
Pooping is unconstitutional.
What drives me crazy is that both of these cartoons are by the same guy:
Talk about cognitive dissonance!
Okay, doing this Sudoku-style where I can only draft one from each row and column for my fellowship, here's what I came up with:
I've only ever found one zip-up hoodie with decent insulation and pockets deep enough that my phone won't fall out of them if I'm not careful, and you better believe I'm taking good care of it.