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Video: The constant gaslighting that autistic people experience
  • Okay I really hate to be 'that guy' but I wouldn't say that across the board, autistic people who didn't get diagnosed in childhood have privilege over those that did. It's a lot more convoluted and messy than that...undiagnosed autistic people didn't get the support and acknowledgement that diagnosed autistic people did. Often, a lot of people who have had a diagnosis in childhood still don't tell their employers anyways, because they will discriminate against you in a way you can't definitively prove.

    You'll still get discriminated against though anyways, diagnosis or not, disclosed or not, unless you are really really good at masking your traits which also takes a toll on your mental health. Basically, work as an autistic person is a nightmare regardless of whether you disclose or not unless you get extremely lucky.

    Plus, a lot of people who didn't get diagnosed in childhood either didn't get diagnosed because their family literally couldn't afford the diagnostic process, or because their family just 'didn't believe' in neurodivergence or that poor mental health was a thing at all, and instead just berated and/or abused their children for being different while actively denying them the words to explain why they were the way they were even as other people were clearly noticing. But then a lot of autistic people who did get a childhood diagnosis had to go through ABA and did get further ostracized from their peers.'s....messy.

  • Does anyone else hyperfocus on a friendship?
  • Yes and unfortunately I've come on too strong multiple times in spite of my best efforts to try and mitigate it.... I wish I knew what to do differently. I've also just tried to stay detached but then people lose interest! It feels kind of random when people even have any interest in me in the first place. Like...I can't discern what I did correctly.

  • 5 home appliances that will change your life and allow you to cook tons of gourmet food extremely easily and at a low cost.
  • Honestly, I just use the instant pot to make rice. 5 minutes on manual with 1:1 rice:water ratio is all you need. A rice cooker feels redundant unless you eat rice every day in which case, maybe.

  • Is anyone else having trouble giving up Reddit due to content?
  • There are a few subreddits that I still find myself lurking that don't have an equivalent on the fediverse. But I'm definitely spending a lot less time there. What's weird though, is I find myself going to the front page and comparing it with how the front page of reddit looked before the API announcements and it's a lot worse. The posts feel way.....faker? There's a lot of stuff that looks made up and I don't have to scroll nearly as far before I see flagrant examples of bigotry, which is disappointing. But I don't know if I can quit reddit entirely, just because I like the idea of being just one voice among many and being on a less populated platform inherently puts more visibility on those who are posting on it.

  • habanero habanero

    adult, any pronouns

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