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  • Oh my god, Karen, you can't just ask people why they're a bottom!

  • What is an underrated/forgotten video game that you think deserved a second chance?
  • Marble Blast!!

    It was one of the first PC games I played as a kid. Incredibly simple mechanics: you are a marble and you roll and try to reach the finish line (sometimes you need collectibles first). But the level design was top notch. Perfect blend of challenging and rewarding.

  • What is an underrated/forgotten video game that you think deserved a second chance?
  • pure wonderful button-mashy fun with just a hint of strategy. I always look for it when I visit retro arcades

    also Dr. Veronica is my waifu

  • All the stuf
  • I like the idea of a sandwich cookie but always find them disappointing. I want a gourmet version made by some hipsters

  • What's your clickbait headline that describes your life right now?
  • How Is This Mentally Ill Single Millenial Holding Down Two Jobs and Crunching Through Debt Payments? The Answer Will Shock Most Americans!

    (the answer is I am a lucky bitch whose main employer fucks up just about everything except they provide premium health insurance I can afford to pay for and pay copays for, and this has been drastically improving my life)

  • A cool guide to heat absorption between different colored T-shirts
  • my friends make fun of me for wearing black in the summertime but i am more uncomfortable wearing non-black than i am just sweating it out đź« 

  • A cool guide to heat absorption between different colored T-shirts
  • yup, the aluminum basically acts as a mordant for the natural yellowish stain of sweat and its microbial metabolites

    best to skip antiperspirant when wearing white shirts. aluminum-free deodorant (there is no such thing as aluminum free antiperspirant, btw) can help mask BO but will not stop sweat. but if you like white shirts that's probably a decent trade-off.

    zinc oxide is a decent deodorant ingredient that doesn't prevent sweating but does slow down microbes that eat sweat and release odorous compounds

    avoid baking soda if you have sensitive skin as it can raise your skin pH to uncomfortable levels. ymmv

  • Like something from the PS2 era
  • that's some high dynamic range eye assault a la late 00's–early 10's PC gaming, alright

  • "Theory" of Evolution (SMBC)
  • Both details and fundamentals. And when the fundamentals get questioned things get dramatic. In like, an irritating way that reminds me of religious zealotry, uuuuuuugh

    The "where is 95% of all the mass!?" seems a bit more dramatic in the grand scheme of things though, damn.

    I witnessed grown adults outright bully teenage and young adult interns and grad students for presenting solid evidence that challenges paradigms (you know, like how we advance our understanding of science...?) but I can't imagine it's much better if everyone regardless of experience is just staring into a void of conflicting observations and nobody knows what the fuck any of it means

  • Nostalgic Distros?
  • I respect Bunsenlabs for lacking the chaotic instability that I loved to hate about Crunchbang in high school, and which I hate to wish I could love as a busy adult requiring a stable system...

  • Nostalgic Distros?
  • CrunchBang was my jam in late high school. I couldn't believe how much more lightweight it was compared to Lubuntu, which had been my main for years due to having a potato laptop

  • What industry do you work in and what are the LPT the general public should know about it?
  • I'm currently in the medical field but "IT" is one of my nicknames đź’€ every new place I work I try to hide it but I just impulsively fix shit and then end up being expected to fix shit

  • "Theory" of Evolution (SMBC)
  • energy is what scientists never have enough of and its existence is enabled purely by being able to observe yourself not having enough of it

  • "Theory" of Evolution (SMBC)
  • bacteria and some others, preparing for horizontal gene transfer: "im about to ruin man(kind)'s whole career"

  • "Theory" of Evolution (SMBC)
  • am biologist who used to work in phylogenetics lab

    there is a lot of fucking mystery

  • You have 15$. How would you spend it so that you'll be the happiest you can be for 15$ ?
  • put it towards a train ticket to visit the fam :)

  • Where's my cocaine, doc?
  • Unless you live in certain counties in the southern United States, where technically you need a prescription for a "marital aid." Adult stores have to label everything as "novelty use only." Really dumb.

    Cocaine is also technically available as a prescription dental/oral/nasal anesthetic but I doubt there are any dentists and ENTs who want the headache and DEA spotlight on them when alternatives are available.

  • Give me an example of highly motivated
  • "vaccine Georg is an outlier and should not have been coubted"

  • When was the last time you bought a paper map and why ?
  • a few years ago when i updated my emergency evacuation bag i bought a road atlas of my country

  • Track fire on elevated freight rail next to Penn Medicine SEPTA station

    cross-posted from:

    > Track fire on elevated freight rail next to Penn Medicine SEPTA station > > 02 May 2024

    What music video do you wish was a full movie?

    Ones that come to mind for me are Telephone by Lady Gaga and Money by Cardi B

    What do capitalists get right?

    I think one depressing example is innovation in weapons and other dangerous fields. "If we don't build it, someone else will first" is unfortunately historically been shown to be true, has it not?

    Today's unsavory borderline reactionary doomposting brought to you by: my crippling fear that I'm isolating myself in a political echo-chamber (so naturally I gotta hop online and exclusively ask my fellow leftists)

    TIL about the Sega Channel

    "Sega Channel was a project developed by Sega for the Sega Mega Drive video game console. Completely revolutionary at the time of release (bar a failed attempt with the earlier Intellivision console), it was a method capable of streaming digital content to Mega Drive owners through cable television."

    TIL about the Sega Channel

    "Sega Channel was a project developed by Sega for the Sega Mega Drive video game console. Completely revolutionary at the time of release (bar a failed attempt with the earlier Intellivision console), it was a method capable of streaming digital content to Mega Drive owners through cable television."

    janus2 spicy pancake

    paranoid linux sadgirl with imposter syndrome

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