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How to create a menu entry for booting into the command line from GRUB.
  • Thanks.

    The link suggests it might be undone after GRUB updates. Maybe I will just edit the line and at the init level at the boot menu.

    Ah, yes. I felt a bit uncomfortable posting here, glad to know linux4noobs exits here; subscribed.

  • How to create a menu entry for booting into the command line from GRUB.

    One can boot into the command from grub by editing kernel parameters.

    Another way is edition the grub configuration and setting GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text". But now it's not possible to boot into a graphical env.

    So is there way to create menu entry just for command line so it will be one of the ways to log into the system?

    How do I tell clangd that I am writing C++20 code?

    I use Helix Editor and by default it uses clangd as LSP server.

    But when I use "newer" C++20 features I get warning messages in the editor that they are only available in "later" C++ versions or I get straight up error messages.

    So how do I tell clangd that I am writing C++20 code? I am guessing passing an argument (-std=c++20) or creating a "project properties" file...

    This is the Helix Editor configuration file, languages.toml:

    [[language]] name = "cpp" language-server = { command = "clangd", args = [] } auto-format = true

    Please let me know the right way to do it.

    What's stopping WebAssembly from effectively replacing JavaScript?
  • My bad. I can't find the actually video but there exits a startup that shutdown because Rust/WASM performance wasn't any better on top of that it's was harder to develop with Rust. But as my edit to my previous comment shows things got better for Rust. It's no longer the case.

  • [C# 10] How to use declaration patterns with a switch statement?

    The documentation uses is in the example for "declaration patterns" but the book I am reading uses a switch statement. But when I try to run the code I run into errors.

    ``` using System;

    public class Program { public static void Main() { var o = 42;

    switch (o) { case string s: Console.WriteLine($"A piece of string is {s.Length} long"); break;

    case int i: Console.WriteLine($"That's numberwang! {i}"); break; } } } ```


    Compilation error (line 7, col 6): An expression of type 'int' cannot be handled by a pattern of type 'string'.


    Changing from

    var o = 42;


    object o = 42;


    Full code:

    True or False: If a match expression doesn't match any case pattern and there's no default case, control falls through a switch statement. if and switch statements - select a code path to execute

    The `if` and `switch` statements provide branching logic in C#. You use `if, `else` and `switch` to choose the path your program follows.

    if and switch statements - select a code path to execute

    What does "control falls through a switch statement" mean in this context? Control just moves on to the next statement?

    I thought if there is no match and a default case doesn't exist it will raise an exception. Is it not true?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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