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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago

  • It's not an entirely faulty line of thinking in that environment. Those bastard kids really did do that kind of thing all the time and they found it hilarious. When all your experiences up until that point made such an unexpected scenario seem unlikely, the chances of it being a cruel prank instead probably really are higher or even higher still someone recognising your plight and trying to be charitable whilst not quite realising that that hurts almost as much.

    As you probably guessed I didn't enjoy school a whole lot either. I hope she was sincere though dude. God knows school fucks with your mind.

  • Yes, indeed. Hence the earlier, "HOW GET MONEY?" someone so eloquently asked in relation to this dead drop method. You could arrange your own dead drop for the dealer's payment I guess, or stuff the money in to the same tree. It's all a bit fraught, and requires you both to trust each other even more than a deal normally would. The system seems to be pretty flawed. Guess it works of you're happy to leave an indelible record of you transacting with this person and if you trust them to actually put the goods there rather than just take the money since you'll never see them and have no recourse.

  • Hey so you know, "condone" is to allow or accept a practice otherwise considered bad or unacceptable which I think is not what you meant here. It sounds like you want to say something like "condemn anti-houseless architecture/city planning" unless I've misinterpreted your meaning.

  • Well I must admit I've only really seen bits of various Star Wars films save for being taken to see Episode 1 as a kid so I don't really know much about it, besides what you can pick up from pop culture, I was just following what seemed a logical inference. Are "protocol droids" one and the same as whatever C3P0 is? I guess I figured a "kit build" in my mind is something like an amateur, enthusiast's project for kids or something so the fun and silly "personality" would be part and parcel with that design while ubiquitous robots made for more serious utilitarian reasons would I guess be less inclined have such features as they'd not be of great use to anyone.

  • I remember around 2005ish, maybe earlier, there was a company that started selling Duff beer here in Australia with the same font as from the Simpsons and a complete clone of the cartoon can design. Everyone thought it was cool and it became very popular very quickly. People were surprised that The Simpsons name would attach itself to a real life beer given it was a family show and this would be ripe for controversy. It came to light after only a couple of months that The Simpsons brand had nothing to do with it and the company had somehow managed to go through all the steps of bringing this to market and just presumably hoped they wouldn't get in to trouble. They were very quickly made to stop distributing those beers. Weird situation.

  • I really don't think giving the head of state the power to pardon is a very good idea. I used to be totally baffled how it was a thing at all but the rationale has since been explained to me. While I sorta get it, the theoretical benefit is far outweighed by the inevitable grimy reality. Like others, probably mostly because of my own biases, I find it hard to summon a great deal of outrage about this understandable if blatantly hypocritical move after so much prior abuse of the lower had already occurred, but frankly if the option weren't even there then nobody would even need to talk about this. If the justice system of the nation is supposedly well designed and theoretically trustworthy then there isn't the need to have the ability for it to be arbitrarily overrulled in a manner that operates very much like the monarchical tyrants the United States was supposedly foundationally opposed to.

  • I guess the implication is that given it's a kit build, anyone else building to such schematics would get a droid with the same derpy friendly nature since that's presumably what it's designed to be like.

  • ugh i wish

  • Better that than confused people watching videos of Joe Rogan or Trump or something, maybe there's a natural deterrant against disinformation in the name by just getting people to watch cows all day long. Then again I'm sure people would start taking cow dewormer eventually.

  • My parents have a well worn story of the time they were students and very poor and they saw a homeless guy outside the kebab shop and asked if he'd like a kebab to which he agreed. They brought it out to him and he examined it and threw it on the ground and yelled at them about something they now don't remember exactly but they think was something to do with not wanting chilli sauce. Guessing that guy wasn't in the best state of mind at the time, bit of a bummer for them though because they scraped together the last of their cash to pay for that and it would have been better if they could at least have eaten it themselves.

  • I really can't see a downside. If they seem to be obviously homeless or they're actively asking for help, they probably need it. Though it's extremely unlikely that your meager contribution will be the change that suddenly allows them to magically overcome poverty and become middle class home owners with well paying jobs, that doesn't really make them need it any less. Whatever they use the money on, it's going to be what they need in the immediate term, be it drugs or food or anything really and unlike others this is the only way they can really get that money so they do need people to occasionally part with it. You'd only give it to them because you had it spare anyway and it's not going to make them more homeless than they already were. If the concern is that it's not addressing the root personal problems that put them individually on the street or the root social problems that put many on the streets, that's completely true but if you're serious about doing that you're going to need more than the couple of bucks in your pocket anyway. That's going to be concerted massive political will and financial effort and several people's lifetimes worth of work all at the same time, besides you can always involve yourself in some way in such efforts and hand over spare change. The only times I can really think of where it makes sense not to give directly are: you can't afford to do it, the physical circumstances of handing it over are dangerous/impractical, you don't care about homeless people or other people in general or you subscribe to some nasty Malthusian ideas and think yourself somehow benevolent for condemning people to destitution as some kind of "cruel to be kind" doctrine in which case you're unlikely to have given this a lot of thought anyway and don't really face much of a dilemma.

  • I thought hipster was essentially supposed to be someone vapid and style obsessed at any given time. Dandies would have been hipsters by my understanding. It's a focus on appearance and also whatever is a current trend of the times so they might also include interests or hobbies as well, the point is the term is used pejoratively because the interests or the style adopted by these people is considered surface level and inauthentic because it is primarily based upon the recency of widespread adoption of whatever it is.

  • Shit was crazy, random conservative shock jocks and mainstream conservative politicians all over the world were losing their minds over this kid it was hilarious. It was so funny watching them just fucking PR faceplant over and over again when all they ever needed to do was just shut the fuck up about it and wait for her to disappear from the news cycle in time as she herself said she fully expected would happen. I'm pretty sure her continuing relevance is at least in part because of the Streisand effect generated from a whole international cabal of right-wing old men desperately trying to destroy this child and fucking losing hahaha.

  • Good old klapaucius:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:! I wish there was some use to me still remembering that word today.