jon @ jon Posts 3Comments 48Joined 2 yr. ago
That second sentence could do with a disambiguating comma...
"Nice show Ms Swift, there's a tenner for you, maybe buy something nice with it"
What, the generic Windows driver wasn't good enough...?
Wasn't that obscure, the song had heavy rotation on MTV back in the day.
Try again, you still don't understand the concept.
In mathematical terms it's perfectly acceptable to talk about the limit of an expression as some value tends towards infinity. E.g.:
limit (1/x) = 0 x→∞
NP. Yes ABS is designed to avoid exactly that issue, essentially by implementing in a mechanical way what drivers used to do manually - pumping the brakes etc.
They're "brakes" and it's "braking". Yes, I know the previous commenter got it wrong as well.
The usual problem with slamming on the brakes is that it causes the wheels to lock up and slide instead of slowing the vehicle down.
The way politicians and the political system nakedly serves the needs and interests of corporations and the wealthy, and not the average individual.
The way that the price you're quoted invariably gets bumped up by various taxes.
The insane system that is tipping, including the fact that a lot of workers are so underpaid that they rely on tips to get by.
The incessant adverts on TV for medical products, particularly prescription drugs.
Permanently Deleted
Yep, exactly. We already have exceptions for these dogs now in many cases.
"Let all brave Prussians follow me!"— Field Marshal Kurt Christoph Graf von Schwerin (6 May 1757), at the Battle of Prague, immediately before being struck by a cannonball.
They already told us that their optimisations consist of them telling us to buy better hardware.
Based on how he's been acting since he became a lord, i would guess that his donations to Labour were simply to secure him the life peerage that Labour duly gave him in 2009, and since then we're seeing his true colours, including reposting a photoshopped photo of Corbyn with Hitler, and mocking the Senegal football team, saying they looked like street-side hawkers. Í think he occasionally bleats some sexist crap on xwitter as well.
He was one of the largest donors to the Labour Party, who made him a Lord. A few years later he switched sides to the Conservatives, and had been acting like the archetypal Tory gobshite ever since.
Relativity only applies to local reference frames and not to the recession rates of cosmologically distant objects.
I can't find any reference that says it's moving away from us at twice the speed of light, which would violate Relativity. The fact that it is further away from us in light years than the age of the universe in years, is due to the fact that the space itself is expanding.
It doesn't. Gravity is caused by mass not spin. The planet's rotation about it's own axis will create a centrifugal effect that offsets gravity, but the effect is negligible for anything rotating as slow as planets.
It doesn't take much research to find out she was against wearing masks during COVID, she's pro-Brexit, and she's a climate change denialist.
In short she's a reactionary fuckwit, who should be ignored.