jonne @ jonne Posts 1Comments 3,894Joined 2 yr. ago
His own lawyers don't even know where he is. He might already be out of the country.
They always have, that's what the riots at the 1968 DNC convention were about. The Democratic elite didn't want to run the anti war candidate and instead the country got Nixon.
It's like they wanted to make history rhyme by having the incumbent President drop out way too late again and having the convention in Chicago.
If it stops them from coal rolling...
The one thing that made conservatives suddenly love electric cars is the CEO doing a Nazi salute.
Is that really how he's decided to pinpoint the source? This guy really doesn't know shit about shit.
Typically when you buy debt, you get a spreadsheet with contact details, so they'll just send a letter. Even if they don't receive the letter (because they moved or whatever), they'll eventually find out because they don't get calls from debt collectors and it gets removed from the credit report.
Churches commonly do this in the US with medical debt. I think there's also a website where you can donate towards that.
And of course the freedom of speech warriors Bari Weiss, Elon Musk and Bill Maher were the first to criticise Trump for this, right?
Everyone that matters to Trump, yes.
Yeah, can't see it ending well for her.
Yeah, it depends entirely on how many things you're tracking and how many people need to access it. It's probably not the right tool here, but sometimes it just is.
He's talking about his grandparents ending up at 0 or below as well. Whatever we manage to save before retirement isn't adequate to pay for elder care (unless you're lucky enough to drop dead randomly), and most of us can't build generational wealth to pass on. Basically the wealthy will end up buying whatever assets you have accrued over your lifetime.
Yeah, true about the libertarians, they wouldn't be the group that would be talking about that.
And even if someone makes a fortune abroad, they'll still generally invest their profits in Wall Street.
And even if they don't, their country will buy US dollars to keep in their reserves and buy oil.
Trump is the only person I've ever heard complain about the trade deficit. I don't think even the crazy libertarians ever talked about it. It's just such a weird obsession of his.
You should listen to the Masterplan podcast as well. This has been in the works since the 70s. And I guess there was the business plot in the 30s before that. You always have to be vigilant or the elites will take the opportunity to install their own dictator.
They'd rather be completely in charge of a country that's devolved into slums than to share any power or money with anyone else. They want to keep accumulating personal wealth at the same 5-10% rate even if the overall economy shrinks.
At least that's what they're proposing. Not nearly enough, but none of the crazy stuff you see from right wing nationalists (criminalising abortion, banning divorce, removing access to contraception, etc).
While I'm sure Putin loves this candidate as well, he was supported by another party within the country. And by deliver for the people, I mean end austerity. If people all have housing, food, jobs, etc, they're not going to fall for the far right playbook.
They can apply for a different identifying number that the IRS provides. Which is why Trump wants that data. So when you see Trump talking about the deficit, debt, etc, remember that he is fine with foregoing $75 billion in yearly revenue just to kick people out of the country who did nothing wrong (besides overstaying a visa or whatever).