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Putin issues a nuclear warning to the West over Ukraine
  • This rings true to me. I'm a westerner and I see how geo-politics is being handled and it really is a bunch of kids.

    Not trying to do whataboutism, but its important to note that the insights on how Russian population are controlled with fear is echo'd throughout the world. US and its now inbred hatred for the word "communism", and its forced relation with Russia, etc is dissapointing.

    If we manage to survive the current crisis /and/ manage to de-escelate, it will take generations of peaceful teachings for large powers to actually calm down. I find this scenerio unlikely.

  • Putin issues a nuclear warning to the West over Ukraine
  • It is the next step in a continued escalation of the nuclear threat.

  • Made chicken and waffles for breakfast the other day.
  • Sweet things and meat is very strange to see from the UK perspective

  • Work
  • I guess all people can be assholes so no doubt there are bad royal mail postmen. However my experience is royal mail have been the exception. They knock and wait.

    Amazon however, especially since COVID, dump and run. This hasn't been the norm in the UK but now they do it all the time.

    It won't be long before we get porch pirates like in the US.

  • Interest payments on the national debt top $1 trillion as deficit swells
  • The figures in the article are staggering. Is the US on the road to bankruptcy?

  • Florida school district must restore books with LGBTQ+ content under settlement
  • And also, how has the US got itself into a position where LGBTQ+ needs to be suppressed? Gay or not, why should these homophobic politicians get to decide what the children can be exposed to without involving the parents in the decision.

  • A charity taught children strike drills in a school compound. Days later, Israel attacked it.
  • It gives multiple sources, they are all right wing garbage? What would you suggest they use as a different source?

  • Steam Deck Won’t Survive 2025 Without A Significant Upgrade. - (Original clickbait headline and not my opinion!)
  • It seems like the writing is leaning on being negative.

    "These 2 games don't work, even with FSR"

    Okay, legitimate issue.

    "This game doesn't without FSR"

    That's what FSR is for, and now you don't want to use it. This isn't an issue.

  • Have you had issues with third-party launchers on Android? [from Smart Launcher Devs]
  • Nova regularly stops refreshing the screen. I know it's working in the background as I see small tells like the keyboard appearing when I tap things.

    I have to press the power button to switch the screen off and back on again to fix. Happens several times a day.

    Nova support said it's an android issue not a nova one they can fix.

    I think it's a commonly known bug by now.

  • A charity taught children strike drills in a school compound. Days later, Israel attacked it.
  • Why blame the bot, it links you to the source of its output. It's not like the bot has an opinion of its own.

  • If you don't want EVERYONE to participate in your community, then you should really make it private.
  • Doesn't explain the 20 or so users banned in the past couple of hours for "rule 5" having never posted in the community.

  • Ethernet port being used while PC is turned off?
  • Your PC network card keeps the connection up in order to receive wake on LAN requests.

    Any link activity whilst the PC is shutdown is packets that were broadcasted to the entire network. Other PCs, DHCP requests, etc send traffic to all devices on the network. So seeing some traffic whilst it's off is nothing to worry about.

  • Don't forget that when the big corporations thought that AI would easily replace all the humans, they signed up for it without even a look back.
  • But the transition period will first make a lot of people even poorer. Homes will be just, lives in turmoil as robots replace jobs but any potential socialist structure not yet in place.

  • Massive London March Demands Israeli Arms Embargo After Police Drop Restrictions | Common Dreams
  • Yeah, like I said, opinion is changing. But in relation to main strean media, and more importantly, government, we are close but not entirely there yet and the hesitation has been due to the decades old anti Semite struggle that washes over everything Israel.

  • Massive London March Demands Israeli Arms Embargo After Police Drop Restrictions | Common Dreams
  • General opinion is beginning to shift. But will it be enough to counter the "anything against Israel is anti Semite and will lead to redicule" sentiment?

  • [W] DrunkenSlug or DOGnzb Invite
  • I would avoid Dog. Their API doesn't respond half the time.

  • Todays lesson...
  • Never heard of this one

  • Travelling Europe on this next week

    Can't wait. Super excited. Visiting France, Brussels, Germany, Netherlands.

    They scared now

    I was just thinking. In the UK government every cabinet minister, which are those with specific jobs like head of education, or health, also has an opposite "shadow" person from the other main party whose job is to argue with the other. Imagine you had the job of Shadow head of education. Must be an easy job, you just argue with the other guy. But then your party wins the election and things just got real. You got to do the job for serious now.

    Extra long images are unreadable

    Sync grabs images using an option for max length of 1500px, so the super long images are just a smattering of pixels that barely represent the original image.

    I can't find a way in the app to get a better quality version. I end up opening a web browser to view.

    The cutest thing to ever live (sound on)

    Another from my archive of cat pictures/videos shared with my dauighter over the years.

    Getting requests to delete communities

    Are these legit? We don't host the community that they are referring to, so I don't understand what good it does to request it.

    Latest Steam hardware survey, resolution results seem off?

    3840x1080 at 60%?

    1920x1080 not in the list?

    I'd of expected that to be the most popular.

    Lemmy Support lazynooblet
    How to "purge community"

    I've seen posted elsewhere that instance admins have the ability to remove communities from their instance with a "purge community" button. I can't find this, can someone post a screenshot/guide on where the option is?

    Also, if another instance has died and wont be coming back, is there a way to purge communities from the local instance database? Maybe the same way as above.

    Shops that close early

    I get it, you want to go home. But if you advertise to the community that you are open until 2200, but regularly shut shop at 2145, just change your opening hours.

    Mites infestation! But what type?

    I cleaned the chicken coop last week, and to my horror the next day I found millions of these little buggers crawling around the edge of the bin lid.

    I've disenfected the coop and chickens, and will be doing it again on Friday to capture any survivors. The coop is plastic, so they were living in the wood shavings.

    Unfortunately I got mites all over me, and I have gotten bitten BAD. I have bites all over me :( Makes me feel bad for the chickens, but I'll be doing a better job from this point.

    My question is what are they? I'm from the UK and they don't look like "red mites" that are common in Europe. I can't find any on the chickens themselves but the coop was rampant with them. And they like human flesh, I tell you that now!

    The link of this post is a video of one of the only survivors from my onslaught of the bin today.

    More pictures:





    Gitlab Outage

    Gitlab has been offline for a while (~40 minutes at time of posting) with pretty much every service affected.

    5xx errors accross the board, I expect a lot of frustrated developers right now.

    Recommend a water pick?

    A post over at YSK talked about flossing, and mentioned water picks.

    • Anyone got any recommendations they can share?
    • How much should I be spending?
    • Any reasons for or against?
    Stuck at loading screen this morning :(

    Noticed a brief message about Blizzard being DDoS'd as I signed in?

    lazynooblet lazynooblet
    Posts 22
    Comments 604