leverage @ leverage @lemdro.id Posts 0Comments 83Joined 2 yr. ago
Psychology is doing their best, it's just that their best isn't great compared to most other modern medicine. At this point, autism is still held by many in the same way it was in the 90s, only the negative traits, as some developmental disorder, etc. Some of the best tests compare the average answers to questions like that from previously diagnosed autistic people and non-autistic people. The way we think is so different, I'd wager studies would find this sort of difference with anything they asked, assuming they asked the question in a certain way and the autistic person gave the first answer that came to mind instead of the answer they'd give when masking. That doesn't make the test invalid, it just proves how profoundly different the neurotypes are.
Autism wouldn't be a disorder if everyone had the neurotype. The label is still strongly attached to the diagnosis given to people with this neurotype who also have severe mental disabilities. People still resist giving the diagnosis to high functioning adults, which muddies the field's ability to study the neurotype and throws off all the statistics.
I am a rhythm game enjoyer, I've genuinely played Cytus. At this point I'd consider the best mobile rhythm game, but I don't play it often as I'm not stuck playing only on a phone that often. Like, only play it on airplanes sometimes. I did fiend it for a bit when I first discovered it (10 years ago already?). Much easier to master than any other rhythm game I've played, might be part of why I don't play it more.
For forests to be a meaningful part of a carbon capture discussion we'd need to be intentionally cutting down and regrowing some trees (which with current technology isn't not something I'm actually suggesting). Once cut down, the tree matter would need to be stuck somewhere that wouldn't return to the carbon lifecycle. All the oil we ever burned into the atmosphere over the last century had been firmly removed from the carbon cycle for hundreds of millions of years. Essentially all living plant matter draws carbon from the atmosphere/oceans, but most of that carbon goes back to the atmosphere eventually due to all the things that eat plants, the things that eat those things, the things that eat their waste, etc. Most of the chain after plants weren't around when the organic deposits that eventually turned into oil were first laid. Heck, I'd bet none of the exact species that gorged on the carbon rich atmosphere are around now either, they've probably been outcompeted by organisms that adapted to lower carbon environments. Plants didn't even decompose initially, because nothing had evolved to do that.
Basic carbon cycle science aside, in my opinion, bringing up forests when discussing carbon capture is exactly like talking about consumer recycling. It's an easily digestible distraction away from the dozens of solutions that corporations don't want you thinking about. Wikipedia says if we covered all available land in forests we'd sequester 20 years carbon at the current rate of consumption. Bear in mind, humans are using that land for food and housing, and we're making every effort to grow the population even more.
Totally agree. My best trip to date was only planned as far as the hotel of the city we landed in. Even with an unexpected traumatic injury, my partner still agrees it was our best trip. We could stay longer in cities when we wanted to, and leave cities as soon as we felt bored. Compared to other trips where we'd already have hotels booked and felt obligated to leave and stay on those schedules. The worst case was a city hub approach, where we were anchored to an expensive AirBnB. Two day trips in different directions both left me wanting to stay at those destinations.
It's probably a bit more expensive but even if it was 50% more, it was worth it to me at that stage of my life. Probably more like 10% more. Just need to be mindful for some things, there are absolutely places where some days/weeks have no vacancies across a region. Also seems like way more places post COVID require booking in advance, haven't traveled since then but I've heard it makes this approach much less feasible.
Unless you're power starved, just place your first pump near the output, don't waste time trying to save a few meters. After that, the next pump will snap to place where the last pumps headlift runs out. I read somewhere that the indicator won't show if it's more than 100m away horizontally, didn't have to test that situation myself though.
Great to hear you challenged conventional wisdom and found improvement. I'm someone with zero experience doing any serious running, but get paid to challenge conventions. The idea that there's some universal pace sounds absurd. Bodies are so different, if there is some magic number it would at least be ratio based. Sports medicine is full of charlatans, and conventional wisdom in sports is constantly being upset by someone that tries something new and succeeds by shocking margins.
Just remember that there are still people alive today that believed in their 20's that it was unsafe for women to run in marathons because it would damage their reproductive organs (early 1970s before women were allowed to compete at all). That people holding an opinion as incorrect as that had a hand in writing the phys ed textbooks that were used over the next 50 years.
Remember the history of world records for the fastest mile, that it was thought impossible to go faster than 4 minutes for more than 50 years until suddenly someone did, and then two more people did the same within a year. We are so prone to believing bullshit, don't let anything set your limits.
Look at reverse proxy instead. While you can do what you're after with DNS, a bunch of the reverse proxy systems will automatically deal with SSL certificate, and there are even a couple that eliminate essentially all configuration outside of your docker file. Like, add a new docker and it automatically configures appName.domain.tld with SSL assigned. And if you ever decide to expose that address to the Internet, reverse proxy makes that simple and provides some security options as well.
I use Caddy for my reverse proxy running from my OPNsense firewall, but if you want the automation with docker there are better options.
Unbound on my OPNsense firewall. I don't have advice for you, do you have some specific goals besides just having a DNS?
That scene in episode two certainly felt unnecessary, maybe a service to the horny viewers. They manage to keep it somewhat believable, where most other shows typically fail to do so. I think the overly interested in the younger characters' romance teachers is weirder than that scene, though I've met people like that and they aren't even exaggerations.
Maybe I just relate to the MC. There's a reluctance to romance that takes me back. Most other anime I've seen way over exaggerate it, or don't play on it at all.
I appreciate your explanation.
I really enjoyed I Parry Everything, weird to see it so low or not even ranked in categories it makes sense for. I also watched No Longer Allowed in Another World and it's way weirder to see it at the top of so many lists. Maybe some of the charm is lost in translation or I just don't appreciate the play on tropes as much.
Makeine is great so far, half way through about to binge the other half. Lovely art, generally avoiding the gross tropes that turn me off with these types of anime. When those tropes are visited it still manages to frame things in a believable way. I need to get my wife to watch it for her take, but it feels like the girls are represented respectfully as their own relatable characters and not strictly some object for the male viewers to desire. Probably still not totally there, but feels nice to see some growth in that direction.
Curious if anyone can compare Makeine to Days with my Stepsister, and Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian. Both of those shows have some face value ick that's keeping me from starting them.
Toxic positivity is just like woke, it can be anything you want it to be!
For real though, not allowing down votes is not toxic positivity. You don't go to an orgy and start yucking everyone's yums. You're not being told you can't dislike things, you just aren't allowed to vocalize it at no cost. And if you do decide to vocalize it in a comment, you may* be kicked out of the orgy because it's a fucking orgy and that's the rules. There's literally no point to it except to shit on others, which you wouldn't do at an IRL orgy**.
*There might be a room for sexual degradation **There might be a room for scat
Toxic positivity is telling someone their negative feelings (not opinions) are invalid. The existence of this term still doesn't make people at an orgy assholes if they tell someone who's bringing down the mood to go away. It's literally a fucking party, don't go there trying to make everyone worse. I could play devil's advocate and say that the act of throwing a feel good only party is toxic positivity as it's just as likely to enable escapism (from bad feelings) as it is to be totally neutral, but fuck that. Sometimes the cure to a bad mood is acknowledging it, and then escaping it.
For some kids here it's the only good meal they eat. No one is mandating people's kids eat the school food.
What finally pushed you to get it addressed?
Narcoleptic here as well. I've recently started considering it an unhealthy coping mechanism for boredom. I've never fallen asleep while doing something truly stimulating. Boring to me tv show or movie while comfy, sleep at 10pm, TV show that has me gripped, binge until 2am. I have a memory from my teens of watching a good movie in the theaters, no issue, but a friend dragged me to see it a second time and I passed out. I finally realized I had an issue because I was falling asleep while driving my daily commute, the same boring stretch of road. I finally did something about it when I fell asleep with my future wife in the car, in the afternoon after a full night's sleep, very nearly getting us into an accident on that same stretch of road.
It was crazy to see the EEG showing me hitting REM with 15 minutes. Sometimes I feel like I'm conscious and experience REM.
Modafinil is a wonder drug. I feel like it does absolutely nothing to me other than fixing undesirable sleep.
Apparently autism and sleep disorders are comorbidities. I didn't realize I was autistic until 10 years after my narcolepsy diagnosis. More to do with the field not considering low support needs autistic people as worthy of the distinction. Not saying that's you, just saying the questionnaires only take a few minutes, and the world makes way more sense to me post realization.
Obviously absolute speculation on my part, but if they were truly doing what I suggested intentionally, part of the plan would need to be plausible deniability to avoid anti-monopoly issues, and also public sentiment nightmare. Killing your favorite shop out of incompetence doesn't win good will, but you will still go there. Doing it out of malicious intent could have people in other states joining a boycott.
I'm in management, participated in the acquisition process of the company I'm at being acquired. At least at the 150mm/year revenue level there's no one doing the shit I'm suggesting, no one is so competent. Cash on hand is bad , acquisition is an obvious way to deal with that. You're spot on about skills though, 95% of management at every level is totally incompetent at the work required to actually do management shit. All the competent people leave as soon as they can because the work just got way harder and the money doesn't follow.
Perhaps they realized it would be cheaper to stop the growth of a superior product. Especially when that superior product would likely require more types of costs that would eat corporate level profit. More higher paid employees that can't be mechanized.
Status quo is incredibly profitable, assuming nothing threatens it. That's why big business does everything they can to increase the barrier of entry, and happily overpays to buy out successful competitors, with the leadership of the competitors having enforceable noncompetes for the model.
Eventually the science will show ADHD and a slew of other ND psychoclassifications are entirely genetic. It's very likely one of your parents are driving the same brain around as you, with all its faults and strengths. In their childhood psych didn't have the labels and treatments, you didn't really want to mess with those abusers. Society also found it ok to beat children that didn't behave. The parent with the ND brain was probably beat by their parent until they figured out how to wear the right mask. And not just beaten by their parents, but every single authority figure, teachers, pastors, etc. The cycle of physical abuse was only recently broken. We still haven't broken the cycle of emotional abuse this society forces on ND people. The majority of psych pseudoscience still ongoing considers ND to be subhuman, excluding us from studies, using derogatory language that only serves to dehumanize and not empathize, recognize, and accommodate. They fail to recognize the positive aspects that are unique and common amongst ND, so we end up not even realizing in ourselves. In your parent's generation they'd treat perfectly capable ND people with a lobotomy. There are probably more psych professionals practicing today that were taught by books written by the same folks who practiced lobotomies, than those that learned the still incorrect (but at least more correct than a fucking lobotomy fixes everything) science from 10 years ago.
Sorry for the rant.
Neat thing is, you can just join another instance, or even setup your own. Instance admins can and already do defederate entirely from other instances, you won't ever be able to see that content without leaving the site. Hiding on the other hand means you can still see it if you subscribe to it, they just aren't having it show up on the default feed. This should result in less severe action, like defederation, it's a great improvement. Downside exists, but it comes with more upside. Join an instance that appears to align with your ideals and you will get the benefit of a feed that allows for content discovery. NSFW content discovery is probably better done on an NSFW centric instance anyway.
If you are trying to compare this system to something like Reddit, lamenting the added effort of picking an instance and needing to move around sometimes, this is just one of those things people need to accept and start pushing for changes that make the process easier. The alternative is going back to big tech and eating whatever shit they decide to serve.
Anecdote, his people didn't even watch the debate. If they did watch it, they watched some edited version the next day that only had his answers, basically an edited speech. Then they watched some talking go over all the worst bits of what Harris said and did. Then they read about how the moderators were unfair to Trump, and how Harris must have been given the questions ahead of time. I know multiple people that did exactly this, it's all quite insufferable. Based on the way they talk, it wouldn't surprise me if some people watched it live and just muted the TV when Harris was talking, because they can't stand hearing her.
Yeah, upgrading the platform means Motherboard, RAM, and CPU. You'd be upgrading your GPU before then though. Don't sweat it.
That's a great deal with all those accessories. You can price all the other stuff new. None of these things degrade really, so functionality will be identical to new.
Only downside if you're looking for one is the AM4 platform is done. Basically that's a computer anyone would have recommended you buy 3 years ago new for what you're budgeting, minus a few hundred for a mid range GPU. If the keyboard, mouse, and headphones are quality you're getting a steal for someone in your position.