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3 days ago

  • Japanese, Korean and even some Taiwanese products are very good. They also make tat but in general it's still better than the chinesium stuff.

  • Thank you very much, just one little thing, there's some controversy about Dr Martens being made in China, Solovair still makes them in the UK.

  • The OG!

  • Great, I've made myself right at home. As another user said I miss the smaller communities but it can only get better from here.

  • Did he produce a report? Is the couch meeting Jack's needs or does it need improvement?

  • what a plonker, thank you so much for letting me know! I wasn't lying when I said I have no idea what I'm doing :D

  • Fragrances UK

    Welcome fellow sniffers, do stop by and say hello. Tell us what your favourite perfume is!


  • Hello hello what's all this shouting we'll have no trouble here!

  • Kofola

  • Alright, fine! I've given in and ordered some. Thank goodness there are some shops in the UK that stock it.

  • That's a long list I've only skimmed it and I didn't find the theory I like most, the stoned ape theory. That belief that some distant ancestors ate some shrooms and discovered art and a higher state of mind. I've taken a microdose a little too high and my vision was like an impressionist painting for a few moments and it made me so happy because Monet and Van Gogh now made absolute sense.

    It might be a little too convenient but I think it works and it's really sweet.