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Media Claim "Hamas Rejects ..." Deal That's Not Offered

Axios article

>Hamas on Sunday rejected an updated U.S. proposal for a ceasefire and hostage deal in Gaza


>More specifically, Hamas objects to the fact that the proposal doesn't include a permanent ceasefire

b asks: "There is no ceasefire deal. How then could Hamas reject a ceasefire deal?"

I’m getting the new burger xl iPhone 15 tell me why I’m counter revolutionary
  • You're not a counterrevolutionary, just a sucker. There's one born every minute, I hear.

  • My bullying trauma is making me believe my friends hate me
  • I never considered the possibility that they don't actually hate me, so I stop hanging out with them. I got pretty good at burning bridges...

  • Happy Labour Day, comrades!
  • Only holiday I celebrate.

  • Happy Labour Day, comrades!
  • "Worker" in this context doesn't mean "currently employed", it means "working class person".

    A working class person, a proletarian, is anyone who needs to sell their labour power to survive. As opposed to someone doesn't need to work to survive, who can live off of profits from capital they own.

  • I am getting into football/soccer ⚽️
  • St. Pauli is a good team to support. I don't really watch football, only world and euro cup. Euro2024 is this summer, btw.

  • Ukrainian troops and NATO admit that Moscow has taken a qualitative leap to have armed forces superior to the beginning of the invasion
  • And they only did it because of China and North Korea! Otherwise would have Ukraine wiped the floor with those Asiatic hordes!

  • Right wingers everywhere
  • He also believes that people serving a sentence should be used in forced labor

    This already happens.

  • Creature Posting multitotal
    Blood Demon
    The Russians Are Rushing Reinforcements Into Their Ocheretyne Breakthrough. For The Ukrainians, The Situation Is Desperate.

    >The firepower imbalance might prove decisive as the battle rages on. Sensing an opportunity and apparently feeling confident in their chances, Russian commanders have shoved the 15th and 74th Motor Rifle Brigades into the salient along with elements of the 90th Tank Division and some special forces.

    >At least seven Ukrainian brigades and a separate battalion are fighting back: the 23rd, 25th, 47th, 100th and 115th Mechanized Brigades, the 25th Air Assault Brigade, the 3rd Assault Brigade and the 425th Assault Battalion. The brigades typically deploy just one battalion at a time.

    >It’s apparent the Russians have, in all, more than 10,000 troops in or near the salient. Just 3,000 or so Ukrainians oppose them, if the Center for Defense Strategies’ estimate is accurate.

    Civilization vs primitivism:
  • Ignoring the context, the one on the right looks absolutely pathetic. It would have been better to remove the whole thing.

  • DPRK pop music playlist

    2nd one:

    Analysing the source code of Truth Social
  • (surprise surprise, the nazis are supporting each other. If I should name one software that yells “hello, please block me” as a Fediverse moderator, it’d be Pleroma.)

    Why is Pleroma nazi?

  • Do reactionaries have a monopoly on paganism?
  • the Vikings shouldn’t be idolized too much,

    Nobody should be idolised, tbh.

    they were effectively pirates who produced little themselves and mostly just invaded and took from others

    That's mostly media portrayal. Most Vikings were traders and farmers. You also have to consider in what kind of conditions they lived, Scandinavia is harsh and it's very hard to grow things there.


    The word "pirate" doesn't always have negative connotations, like in the golden age of piracy and modern times where pirates are those who download and share digital media and files, so I don't understand your use of pirate as an insult. Invaders, pillagers, plunderers, conquerors, these would all be apt labels.

  • But at what cost!?
  • Oh right. I was misunderstanding everything yesterday. One of those days...

  • The reality of the US two-party system
  • I didn't see the loop.

  • The reality of the US two-party system
  • If you believe that, then the Democrats' propaganda is working. Biden didn't close the ICE centres or stopped family separation at the border. Obama bombed civilians in Muslim countries and didn't close Guantanamo bay.

    The two parties are exactly the same, except the Democrats pretend like they don't do those things.

  • But at what cost!?
  • Are you asking about coherence and reason in the narrative? What are you, a Russian bot?

  • But at what cost!?
  • Where? In the country where they took Jack Ma's company away from him? In the country where a CPC representative has to sit on the board of directors of every company? In the country where the punishment for embezzling millions is death?

    The existence of wealthy people does not mean those wealthy people have control. They have easy lives, riches, opportunities, sure, but they don't have to have influence in how the country is run.

  • Ukraine is heading for defeat
  • Haha yes. Meanwhile Zelenskyy said victory for Ukraine is taking back Crimea, but they will keep changing the victory conditions.

    That's what liberals do, they try to control the narrative to try to control reality, because they are idealists. I'm glad to see most of the world rejecting their narrative, such as African countries. Then the liberals cry how the Chinese and Russians are "bribing" the Africans by building hospitals, schools and infrastructure. Yet they didn't think of "bribing" African countries the same way, but continued trying to exploit them.

  • I have never voted in my life and probably never will

    People tell me that because I don't vote I don't have a right to complain. I think the opposite: those who vote play the game (legitimise the system) and shouldn't be salty that their preferred candidate didn't win; they should say ggwp and vote harder next time.

    Just throwing that out there so people don't feel pressured into becoming voters. "If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal" said someone once.

    If I could vote in a place where invalid votes were counted as invalid and if most votes came in as invalid it would invalidate the election I'd be crossing out the ballot in every election. Unfortunately in most places invalid votes don't count (they're simply a statistic) or they get counted as part of the winning party/candidate's vote (fuck that).

    That said, I like how the DPRK chooses candidates. (Ideally) they're chosen through discussion and then a Yes/No vote is done to confirm there is an overwhelming consensus. Hence the Western propaganda against DPRK saying they have one candidate on the ballot and the candidate gets over 90% of the vote.

    Remember, choice to keep the Soviet Union won the most votes and they dissolved it anyway.

    No one asked me if I want to live in a capitalist system, until they do, I have no reason to go out and vote.

    F-16 fighter jets ‘no longer relevant’, says Ukrainian military official F-16 fighter jets ‘no longer relevant’, says Ukrainian military official

    American-made F-16 fighter jets due to arrive in Ukraine this summer are “no longer relevant”, a senior Ukrainian military official has said.

    F-16 fighter jets ‘no longer relevant’, says Ukrainian military official

    >Before their arrival, the Western warplanes had been held up by some as a potential war-winner that could turn the tide of the conflict in Kyiv’s favour.

    >“Often, we just don’t get the weapons systems at the time we need them – they come when they’re no longer relevant,” a Ukrainian high-ranking officer told the Politico news website.

    >“Every weapon has its own right time. F-16s were needed in 2023; they won’t be right for 2024.”

    L M A O

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